sabot rounds

the tanks blow up when it by a penetrator because the hig temperature generate by the shot blow the ammo storage in the tank,the ammo are generally stowed around the tank's turret...because this the modern west tank are tha ammo storage in the rear compartement of the turret ,so in case of hit the ammo blow up off the turret and not in the turret...nobody rest in a tank hit died by suffocating,simple because is died before by the fire...
"ferrea mole di ferreo cuore"-" steel body of steel heart"
so you say if a m829 DU round hits the tank or it's armor anywhere, the tank will be destroyed and everyone inside too?
and is there any other explosive in a DU round?
The DU penetrator is a solid chunk of metal (35.2 mm diameter) with 6 non-DU fins (96.5 mm tip to tip and 101.5 mm tall at body) and a phosphorous 'tail light' so it can be observed going down range night or day.
There are set back grooves circumferentially around the body for most of the portion in the sabot and a hardened tip about 18mm long (handling protection more than anything else).
The dimensions are off the one on my desk.
It does not need any explosive. The DU enters the interior of the target as a spray if molten burning metal. It can set off explosives in the immediate vicinity and cause the powder in shells to cook off. In the confined volume of a tank the pressure/flame/blast kill very nicely.
Aberdeen proving grounds has foreign equipment that has been captured after battle. On many of the units the only indication on the exterior is the small hole the DU penetrator made. I have seen some of the interiors (most are closed off from the general public) and the interior destruction can be pretty devastating even though the outside of the unit looks normal (except that small hole).
so you say if a m829 DU round hits the tank or it's armor anywhere, the tank will be destroyed and everyone inside too?
Well it has to go INTO the tank's open compartments somewhere, but yeah, basically. The things are pretty fierce...why do you think tank crews lived in fear of, say, the A-10 Warthog? (Hint: the Warthog's gun fired a mix which included, among other things, lots of depleted uranium penetrator rounds.)
so no explosive is required because when the DU enter the tank it will cause high temperature and sprays molten metal inside the tank, right?
And one last thing about tungsten(rifle caliber). If it hits a human body (with or w/o body armor) it goes through the target and not deforms or just a litte. Am I right?

lol, he asked if a tungsten penetrator would deform on hitting a human, lol...


(Or very little)

If it tumbles at all, it might not actually overpenetrate, but otherwise it'll go right through a Bunch™ of stuff before stopping.

There's a reason tungsten and DU aren't used for anti-personnel use.

so no explosive is required because when the DU enter the tank it will cause high temperature and sprays molten metal inside the tank, right?
Correct. The friction of tearing through the tank's armor will cause chunks of DU to separate from the penetrator, and in the process of breaking off (self sharpening), they get heated up to incandescent temperatures, vaporize, and then ignite. So then other stuff inside the tank starts to ignite/melt.

The most common DU round is a high kinetic energy projectile. The projectile can pierce all forms of heavy armor. Contact temperature between the projectile and the armor is 1132 degrees C.1 DU also easily burns, just like magnesium, upon penetration, adding to the effectiveness of the ammo as an armor piercing device.14c When the projectile cuts through the armor, the DU penetrator and parts of the tank get so hot that it literally vaporizes. Anywhere from 18-70% of the DU usually oxidizes (depending on type of impact).14c For example, direct impact yields 99% oxidization. A Uranium oxide (which consists of insoluble UO2 and soluble UO3) aerosol forms, where 50-96% of the particles are less than 10 microns and hence can be inhaled easily.2
thanks Stiletto
are there other (120mm)ammunition in the M1 Abrams?
Is that Barett M82A1 thing true? Are there DU using Baretts?
Saw that picture of the T-72 what was destroyed by a 120mm shell? that's serious, now I know what can it do.
The Abrams’ gun is pretty optimized for the penetrator. It is a smoothbore, and really needs a fin guided projectile for best accuracy. You cannot spin the penetrator or the fins will not function for stabilization. It is about the heaviest dart you will see around. Over 8 pounds.
I always joke that it is a model rocke bult to military specifications, and then invite them to pick it up. Everyone is astounded at the weight.
HEAT means High Explosive Anti Tanks, is a round that make use of the hollow charge effects to penetrate made by the german because theirs shortage of tungsten during II° GM..
aganst the wall tha tank use HE shell ..


Only having one ammo type would be kinda silly. We don't even do it for handguns, you think we would with a multi-million dollar tank? :D

Anyway, the four principal ammunition types seem to be...
KE (depleted uranium penetrator)
HEAT (high explosive anti tank, but it seems to be lined so that it can still be effective against infantry and aircraft)
Canister (shotgun. Bear in mind, the main gun IS smoothbore :D)
HE (plain high explosive)
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DU rounds are pyrophoric and when fired at high enough speed have a near-explosive effect. That is, they burn so fast as to create an increase in pressure independant of the shock wave from the round's kinetic energy. Add fire and massive overpressure with only a small entry hole to relieve said pressure and you can imagine the damage imparted to targets unlucky enough to be so hit. Most Warsaw Pact vehicles so hit tended to blow their turrets off due to unfortunate placement of fuel and ammunition inside the vehicle. What is not so well known is that many such vehicles were vulnerable to weapons as small as a .50 BMG loaded with API/API-T from the right angles. Since this just killed the vehicle or crew and didn't make it catastrophically explode it didn't get the press that 120mm smoothbore or Hellfire kills did.

As for 120mm rounds, there are quite a few. There's the M829A2 (service sabot), the M865 (practice sabot), the M830 (service HEAT), M831A1 (practice HEAT) the M830A1 MPAT (HEAT with proximity fuse), XM903 STAFF (never seen one in person), M908 (modified MPAT fielded to Korea and now in Iraq) and the XM1028 (canister).
Is the cannister ammo in active service? (Just wondering 'cause the XM designation...) Or is it some experiment of theirs? Anyone have a muzzle velocity/loadout for those rounds? Just imagine what a 120mm shotgun could do... O.O

*Very curious.*
The term I have seen used to describe the occupants of a tank hit with DU is "crispy critters." Seems to describe the happenings pretty well.