S&W Revolver vs 1911 - Sand and Swamp Use

James Yeager videos Outdoor Revolver vs Semi vs dirt & sand

I own a S&W 649 and a S&W 438 J-frame. I'm partial to revolvers, but there is no doubt of the benefits of the semi. However, the whole issue of revolvers handling neglect better than semis, and that semis handle abuse better than revos is them subject of this forum.
Youtuber James Yeager was for years always touting the supremacy of the semi, particularly the Glock 19. However, in the past couple of years, he have embraced revolvers somewhat and has made numerous videos on them.
He has a series of outdoor torture-test videos comparing Revolvers to Semis. The outcomes aren't as obvious as you'd think...

if that link somehow can't load, search YT for "yeager revolver vs auto. There are 3 to 5 vids in this series by james, and it's interesting. Hint = the wheelgun does VERY well against dirt and grime.
I find these tests somewhat amusing, and since I operate on the idea that if I jam my pistol into the mud its not going to work right, until I clean it, I don't really see the point.

Even the "jam proof" 1911 and the AK 47 DO jam, and even if you bury the thing 100 times, and it works every time you dig it up without cleaning it, #101 might be the time it does not.
Sand and swamp, keep it clean whichever it is. In the military we found that the M14 rifle as well as the M16 get stopped right away if you allow sand and mud in them. The 1911 would have stopped also if fouled with mud/sand. I suspect even your trusty Glock would stop. I would not treat any of my guns that bad or I'd test the G19 for you.
I’m died in wool S&W revolver guy here in the world. I would have to go with 1911 if I had to clean it in a puddle. The gun would rust in holster over night and that’s not a joke. As far as I’m concerned the GI 1911 and S&W revolvers are the most dependable handguns made. I don’t include new S&Ws in this. But even a Victory 38 is made to closer tolerances than a 1911. Not the best in dirty combat situations.
1911’s have been through the mud, grit, and grime of 2 major wars. A time and war tested design. I’d trust it over any revolver I can think of.
My sediments (sentiments) exactly!!! I trust my 1911, period. If it ever does get all gunkered up with sand, dirt, or mud, I can field strip it and clean it very quickly and easily ... not so with a revolver.
Even if a revolver were more reliable while full of junk, the ability to easily strip and clean the 1911 would make it my choice, if I had to make an extended stay.

I read an interesting article about wrapping a pistol in plastic sheet, using a low-tack tape, to keep junk out of the holstered gun. If necessary, the gun could be shot without first "unwrapping" it, the weak tape allowing the plastic to be easily dislodged or blown off by the firing and cycling of the gun.

I've also read that SAS cleaned their Hi-Powers in gin in the desert, as the alcohol served as a solvent, and the juniper berries left an oily residue that served as a lube without attracting a lot of dust.
If you're in a swamp, you can probably find alternate uses for the gin.