S & W Performance Center 629 V Comp 44 mag

"If this doesn't make you need a cigarette, nothing will!!"

There you go...the exact level of "maturity" it takes to buy a post-sellout S&W.

Joe K,

As a matter of fact I am off this weekend and had sort of planned to hit AB on Saturday, depending on the weather. Maybe I'll see you there. :)


While the "agreement" imposed a few restrictions, it didn't do near the damage to *your* rights as your self imposed "ban" of new S&W guns. Do whatever you like but I'm gonna enjoy my new S&W and exercise my right to purchase, own and carry it.

I guess it takes more maturity to deprive yourself of something they don't want you to have in the first place? I mean, putting one of the major gun makers out of business is a striking blow to the anti-gunners! If we would go ahead and boycott all gun makers we could really show those gun grabbers who is the smartest, huh? :rolleyes:<smirk>

S&W Performance Center 629 V Comp

Rainbow 6
Thanks for the photos. Smart looking piece. I would agree that it looks best with the Comp. I would like to read your comments on how she handles. Keep me posted. I would also agree that boycotting S&W plays right into the hands of the anti-Americans (anti-gunners) . Also S&W recently was bought out by an American company so why punish the new owners?
I luv 44 magnums!

Unless something comes up I am going to try to meet Joe Klug at the range Saturday and run some rounds through it. I'll be sure to post my impressions as soon as I get to shoot it. :)

Rainbow Six,

Zander doesn't want to boycott and put out of business all gun manufactures. Only those that cowardly sold our rights out by trying to stab the entire industry and the gun owners in the back.
But then you already knew that.
Yeah, I knew that already... But what happens when the others do eventually cave? ... and they will, it's just a matter of time, I'm afraid. That was my point.

Robert, if enough people decide the "mission" is over as you seem to believe then we may as well all turn our guns in and join the million moms. I am not ready for that.
Evidently you do not understand the term "from my cold dead hands" and do not care enough about the RKBA to continue the fight against those that would steal it from us and our nation.
If you or others lack the intestinal fortitude to continue the struggle I understand. But I do wish you would refrain from criticizing the rest of us whom are still dedicated to that fight.
This thread has gone way off topic for the revolver forum anyway. Let's keep revolver talk in this forum and "The Agreement Wars" in the "General" forums please. I come to this forum to talk about revolvers, not politics.

If you don't like my choices or politics you can e-mail me privately or argue it in the appropriate forum. Don't ruin the enjoyment of discussing my new gun here among others with like interests by posting comments and remarks that have no place in this area of the board.

Thanks in advance... :)

By the way, I mean no disrespect to any of you, I just think that this matter shouldn't inhibit my enjoyment of this area of the forum. As they say, there's a time and place for everything. :D

The problem with taking it to another forum is that some of you members that like to gush about the new Performance Center you have your eye on never discuss it in the General Forum, or the Political Forum.

Why would that be?

And yet you are happy to tell any member with 15 posts to run out and buy one.

I hope you enjoy the new revolvers you've discussed in this thread. I really do. I also hope you are not swaying others to ignore the agreement as you have. I think that you are. And that is bad for all of us.
"...never discuss it in the General Forum, or the Political Forum...Why would that be?"

I can only speak for myself. Here's my $.02... and my last reply in this forum to this off topic swing...

As evidenced by this thread, this is a no-win discussion and it is going NOWHERE fast. Personally, I don't have as much time as I'd like to cruise the forums now days so when I do get on here I like to try to spend my time reading, sharing, and learning about guns, not hearing about someone else's personal convictions and how they relate to my personal purchases. I get enough negativity at work, thank you. :)


Since this thread is so grossly off topic anyway(maybe it'll be put out of it's misery soon), and to save myself the hassle of trying to keep up with a political slamfest in another forum I'll post my final reply on this issue here...

It's easy for you to sit at your computers and pass judgement on me and others for not following your convictions and not "fighting the battle" with you but when was the last time a new, post-ban S&W was sold by, or on The Firing Line? It's odd that given the supposed number of noble "soldiers" in this battle and the serious threat that looms over our rights if we don't win, I haven't seen or heard of anyone standing outside the local gun shops "fighting for the cause" and warning would be "sellouts" about the dangers of their uninformed actions and passing out flyers that would educate the truly uninformed public.

I guess it's just more convenient to "fight" from home, huh? I mean, would it be worth all the hassle of going to the point of sale and really putting forth some effort to further the cause? If you can honestly say that you've done this, then my hat is off to you, no sarcasm, no joking. If you don't think it's worth the effort then don't ride my back about not being committed to the cause.

Lastly, I ask for your forgiveness...

Honorably, some are truly following convictions. Sadly, some are just jumping on the proverbial bandwagon. Only you know where you stand. This is aimed at nobody in particular, it's just a fact regardless of what cause is being fought for. Please forgive me for not jumping on a bandwagon that I am not convinced is going anywhere.

As AR-10 wished me well with my gun, I wish you all well with your cause, honestly. If you are right and your actions save my a** I will never be able to repay you. Until I see enough to convince myself that I should be fighting for this cause, no amount of arguing it to me is going to change a thing.

There you have it. My side of the issue put into cyberspace for all to see. I have nothing further to hide, prove or argue about with anyone here. I am done with this issue. Now, for the love of God, can we please get back to talking guns and give the politics a rest in this area of the forum?

Nope, not yet but I'm off today and tomorrow. I intend to get to the range before I go back to work on Friday though. I'll be sure and post after I get to shoot it.
