S & W Performance Center 357 Magnums

Herb Leventhal

New member
I am considering purchase of either a S & W Performance Center Model 627-5 " 8 round N -Round Butt in 357 versus the S & W Performance Center 627 "Jerry Miculek" Model 8 shot Competition . I would appreciate any suggestions or recommendations from anyone owning either one of these beauties.
Herb Leventhal :)
Um, does the word "boycott" mean anything to you? I mean, when you buy a gun from S&W, you're really buying it from the "man behind the curtain".....

William Jefferson Clinton-Cuomo.

I wouldn't buy a used car from that bum.

Have the Jerry Miculek gun. It's awesome! Got mine about two years ago and have not had any problems what so ever. Gun is high quality. Very accurate too! Prompted me to get a couple more Performance Center guns this past year and a Scandium gun which was delivered to me a week ago. Don't know which other gun you are referring to, but one of the other guns that I have is another eight shot .357 Magnum. No name, even though it also came from the Performance Center.

Very pleased with all my purchases. If you have any detailed questions, feel free to email me.

Before buying a new Smith & Wesson you really need to read the agreement made by them with HUD and the Clinton administration. If you can find it no where else you need simply to look at the signature line in all of Mike Irwins post. After you have read it ask yourself if you would like to see all manufactures adopt it and place it into affect. If not look for used. The boycott is probably the only thing that saved gun owners from all manufactures from following S&W's lead.
S&W Performance Center

I appreciate your sentiments re S&W past mistakes but lets not forget the following: (1) the company still employs fellow Americans (2) they make the best revolvers in the World (3) the last time I looked there was a Republican President George Bush ( who I helped elect) sitting in the White House.
I am not looking for philosophy but information on S&W Performance Center 357 the Jerry Miculek special target piece. Maybe I can buy it used!
Both great guns

I have the 627-8 Performance Center 5". Handsome gun, very accurate with a nice trigger. Only gripe is that the standard round butt wood grip doesn't fit my hand well.

The Miculek has larger grips and has a removable comp/barrel weight.

Between the two, I'd take the non-comp'd model if you fire mostly moderate loads, single-action, and occassionally use the gun for carry or self-defense.

The Miculek model would be better for hot loads or if you do rapid-fire pistol competition. Keep in mind, however, that comps are verbotten in some types of competition, such as IDPA. Also, in some revolver-class competitions, you are limited to 6 rounds, so you have to underload the pistol and keep track of your rounds. Not a problem with the first 6 shots, but if you speed load with moon clips, you have to fuss a little to get round #1 to fire on the first pull (since you have two empties).

They both have similar accuracy and can be loaded with moon clips or without.
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The quota for *&* agreement discussion has been reached. No more in this thread please.

A reminder to all, this forum is for discussion of the handguns not the handgun manufacturer's policies. Those discussions go in the General Discussion or Legal & Political forum.
In this thread Thor confesses that had he known more about the reasons for the boycott he would not have purchases a Smith & Wesson.

I bought a S&W 342PD. I didn't fully realize at the time what all the brouhaha was about. I only knew that all these new guns of other companies that I might have considered buying were banned in MA and at the time I didn't see how the adopted safety measures were such a bad thing anyway! Well, I have been learning a lot since I discovered this post!

I was not aware that there were only certain arenas in which it is acceptable for one to express their desire to educate and protect their second amendment rights and there were quotas on those expressions.
*&* Performance Center 357

Many thanks "ViLLain" and "Yo" for the information. I hope to receive additional posts before I make a decision. The 627-8 5" is now 8 rounds in N frame but I have seen only a picture of it. How is the balance on the gun?
There is a member here who's very handle is '627PC'. You can use the search function for him, and send him and e-mail. My guess is, he'll read this thread and respond soon.:) BTW, I can turn you on to a used one, if you like.:D
I have the S & W Performance Center 627 "Jerry Miculek" Model 8 shot Competition. One note on the comp. You can use it with or without the comp. It is removed with a allen head screw in the end and a "blank" is installed in it's place.
I have to be honest with you. I was not impressed with this gun. It is a solid pistol, but IMO it is, in no way, worth twice the money of a stock .357. In fact, I wouldn't pay anything extra for it. If I wanted a .357, I would be perfectly happy with the standard model 27. Actually I would buy the Ruger GP-100 but.......
The eight shot is nice. The moon clips are nice. I don't notice that the comp does anything but I may not be using the most effective loads for use with the comp. It is accurate but no more than any of my other .357s. I don't feel that the trigger or aciton are any smoother than my other .357s.
I have a 5 inch 627 PC V-Comp. Fit, finish and trigger are outstanding and it's unbelievably accurate. This isn't just a handgun, it's a functional work of art.
Herb, I've got one of the 627 PC's...the "Miculek" V-Comp version...like it very well...in fact, I did a post comparing/contrasting it and a '51 production "pre-27" back on 3/5/01...piece was entitled "A Tale of TWO .357's..."- it's still in the archives, FWIW....mikey357
J.B. Hickok -
I was not aware that there were only certain arenas in which it is acceptable for one to express their desire to educate and protect their second amendment rights and there were quotas on those expressions.

Since you are fairly new to TFL, I will simply explain that yes there are certain arenas here on TFL where it is acceptable to do what you desire. Since those arenas are also on TFL, I don't see that we are impeding any discussion of the *&* agreement or boycott. And yes there are quotas on those expressions here in the handgun forums.

Please see: http://www.thefiringline.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=86825 to see how this discussion can get out of hand when the originator of the thread simply wanted to discuss the handgun. Handguns and only handguns (along with ammo, sights, holsters, etc.) are the topics of discussion, questions and debate here in Hogan's Alley.
If you are determined to buy a new S&W, suggest you insure that you have inspection priviledges. Have it checked by a COMPETANT gunsmith for timing, proper cone, finished star, chamber mouth diameters etc etc. QC has been as iffy as their politics lately.

Sam....ex S&W dealer.
Mal, noted and acknowledged. I shall bear this in mind not only here but also when over hearing someone lambaste gun owners and our collective rights in the check out at the local book store, Wal-Marts or purveyor of food staples I will also remember that, not being in a gun shop, I am not in the suitable nor acceptable area to defend our rights.
I most eagerly await the reaction of those whom ignore the boycott and our rights when they are limited to the number of post in a thread extolling the accolades of the products from the treasonous company.
Sorry you feel that way, J.B. You obviously have completely missed the point and the intention of the "quota". You are carrying one small rule, a rule that does allow for the uninformed to learn about the egregious agreement, far afield and using a far fetched example to defend your position. But it would appear no further explanation on my part will do any good. Case closed.
S&W Performance Center

This forum is designed for gun information and not politics. For those of you who dislike S&W please go to the Political forum and rant and rave. I'm trying to learn something about S&W Performance Center 627's. Give me a break!
Not sure what you consider hot loads. Last couple of batches have been 158gr Sellier & Bellot and 142gr Fiocchi both of which are suppossedly hotter than ammo made in the states. No problems at all with either and I find them both to be very accurate. The Fiocchi, I might add, is surprisingly clean. All things considered I'd look into purchasing a used one if I could because, as Sam said, there has been talk of quality control issues at S&W lately. Best of luck in whatever you decide.