S&W Governor? Gimmick or Good Idea?

With the new and abundant self defense 410 ammo and 45 Colt ammo the 410 revolver is a certified close quarter self defense option .. Having said that, I lean toward the smaller Taurus PD's .. Easier to carry ...thus more apt to carry ..

With the subcompact 45 acp pistols that are in production.. XDS45 , XD45 SC, Glock 30 ,30S , 36 S&W Sheild in 45acp &Taurus P145. The need for large frame big bore snubbies have deminished ..
Tom Givens - one of the most respected firearms trainer out there today, tested and had little use for the Judge as a SD weapon as compared to being trained and competent with a standard semi.

His write up was in SWAT a few years ago.

I note that NONE of the top ranked trainers (whom I know) recommend the 410/45 revolvers as primary SD guns for the beginner/untrained. Once you are up to speed there are so many better choices.

Yes, it's a gun and will shoot somebody. That doesn't mean it's the best choice.

They were pushed as ultimate room filling stoppers - a ploy to avoid competence for hardware. Thus people bought into it as they wouldn't put in the time to get good.

The Thunderfive was a giant horror of a gun that looked like it was made in a shop class in North Korea.

If you want one as a fun gun - have it. Don't push them as good solutions for Grandma, the wife or your untrained self.
I note that NONE of the top ranked trainers (whom I know) recommend the 410/45 revolvers as primary SD guns for the beginner/untrained. Once you are up to speed there are so many better choices.

If you want one as a fun gun - have it. Don't push them as good solutions for Grandma, the wife or your untrained self.

Well said. :cool:

In other words, these Judge and Governor guns are overrated and gimmicky, ... as was said. :rolleyes:
considering how many are sold they are more popular than some would think, gun experts might not like them but most of the buying public are not gun experts.
considering how many are sold they are more popular than some would think, gun experts might not like them but most of the buying public are not gun experts.

True, that.

And suckers are born in multiples every minute. :eek:

But most guys at the gun counter, buying a gun for the 'little lady' think they are experts.

Learned that lesson. I let my wife pick her own guns. She likes revolvers. She has a S&W 66-1 2.5" that shoots like a dream. I bought her a S&W 642 for a lighter carry option. She was not interested*. When I took her to the gun store to shop for herself, the only gun she wanted the salesman to show her was a Ruger Alaskan .44 Mag.

Not really on topic for this thread, but - let your ladies pick their own gun. They know what they want.

*I love the 642. I had never liked J-frames since I owned a Model 60 back in the early 80s, but the 642 changed my mind. She didn't want it, but I like it. So win-win.
I did a little googling.

It looks like Federal's 5 pellet 000 buckshot load is actually pretty impressive, and is probably the most suitable defense load. Seems like everything else patterns poorly and/or doesn't offer enough penetration. Some of it shockingly so.

But for the size, weight, and $700+ the Governor costs, you really have a lot of options.
It looks like Federal's 5 pellet 000 buckshot load is actually pretty impressive, and is probably the most suitable defense load. Seems like everything else patterns poorly and/or doesn't offer enough penetration. Some of it shockingly so.
As someone in this thread already mentioned......that's not just true of the .410. It holds true for all of them, 28,20,16,12 and 10.
All the larger bores bring to the table are higher pellet counts.
Both the Taurus and S&W may be well made, but I can't think of any practical use for either gun. As a snake gun, if you see a snake it is simple enough to walk around it. No need to kill it, it's not like a predator that will attack. It is the snakes you don't see that get you.

A 410 shotgun with an 18" or longer barrel is a poor choice for SD. I can't imagine how poor the performance is from a 3-4" barrel.

The 45 colt chambering is a legit SD round. But who in the world would choose a 5 shot handgun as large and heavy as a brick. There are dozens of better options that hold more rounds of better loads in more accurate smaller packages.

Both are pure gimmick!
If I lived in a area where I was worried about carjackings, I could something like these could make a bad guy wet himself, otherwise the concept seems to be a waste of money.
jmr40 said:
A 410 shotgun with an 18" or longer barrel is a poor choice for SD.

As far as hauling around any long gun, I agree.

jmr40 said:
I can't imagine how poor the performance is from a 3-4" barrel.

Within 10 yards or so, you'd probably be as dead with a .410 round of OOO Buckshot round hit whether it came from a revolver or long gun.
I've thought about this since this thread first came up and I think it boils down to the acceptance of the premise that guns can either be very focussed in purpose, excelling at that but falling short elsewhere, or having broader capabilities.

The broader that range of capabilities the weaker the competencies along it.

In this respect, I'd say that a gun like the Governor stretches that range a little too far for any of it's abilities to shine at all. Apart from being fun to shoot, I suppose.
I already responded on the judge/governor. Another though that has been on my mind for a long while. I would love to see a similar loop hole, where we could purchase 600 special pistols and (I guess) revolvers, that were really intended for 20 gauge shells.

I would love to own a 20 gauge Encore pistol with 12 inch barrel. That is a real field gun. And if you think the Judge/nor is a gimmick imagine a 4 shot 20 gauge revolver! And, Legal, Howdahs or ball and shot doubles.
The loophole isn't so much that it can also fire some .45 rounds as much as that it's under .50 cal and has a rifled barrel, which keeps it from being a DD or AOW.

You know, for SHOT 2011, Taurus actually had a Raging Judge in 28 gauge.

28 gauge is .55 cal, which presented some legal and technical difficulties.

It was never seen again, so I think it was just a ploy to distract from the introduction of the Governor.