As to S&W "backpeddling", of whatever it might be that they are doing, I believe that the following comes into play, though I cannot substantiate it.
S & W/Tompkins PLC were pulled up short by the sharpness of the reaction to their political stunt. Obviously, the reaction was and has been adverse, and it must remain exactly that way. Tompkins was desirous of selling S&W, for whatever reason, but they weren't getting any takers, what with the threat of law suits handing over the sale item. It appears that the wreck their gambit may well have made of the company, including the fact that the stunt has not gotten them free of suits, may well have done it, leading to what is now described as "backpeddling" by S&W.
So far as I'm concerned, S&W/Tompkins PLC have made their deal with the devil, and they can rot in hell. I do have sympathy for S&W employees, who may be without employment, should S&W "die". They are not at fault, but in the game of big business, geo and power politics, and political pandering, it's the civilian that gets it in the neck. Same thing here too.