S&W 500 S&W Magnum

Recoil is not bad at all--at least to me. I'm 5'4" and a little on the chubby side :) plus I'm 54 years old with small hands. Get a nice firm grip and let the recoil rock you back a little. It does come up some but not so bad that I can't knock a bowling pin off a table at 25 yards. :D
In response to Asredhawk44- the tank is vertical and goes from our lab (2nd floor) down to the first floor of the building. The tank is made of steel. It's about 13 foot of water and has stopped everything we've put in it at this point. I don't think it takes 13 foot to stop either, even the high powered rifles. Most HP rounds come apart upon inpact to the water. The Black Talons don't but when they open it slows them down, just like in a body.

We recover the spent rounds by a grated metal basket that we lower into the tank with a hoists. The set up was put in the building when it was built, which was around 40-50 years ago. Most examiners in newer buildings are using horizontal tanks (that I've seen). The horizontal tanks are not that long 6 or 7 feet I think. At least they never seem very big when I'm looking at them. We do also have dry fire boxes when we need to, like when you don't want the HP to open so you can do a comparison with it.

Someone recently mentioned a show those 2 guys do "Myth Busters"- yah that's it. They did one on water stoping a bullet with different rounds and such. I have to catch that some time when they re-run it. Maybe it's one of those on demand. I would like to see how they set it up and their results. Anyway, the person who watched it said it didn't take very much water at all.

I'm guessing it takes more for the high power rifle rounds, especially if they are fmj.

less than 18" in most cases, and the special cases were low-velocity bullets. High-vels tended to open and stop or simply come apart.
sorry for bringing back an old thread.

1st of all the 500 is not that big of a deal recoil wise. I shot 2 boxes of shells (12 275 gr and 20 350gr) out of it in one day with no problem. Basically the next day (and a couple days after that) it felt like I had played catch with nolan ryan and used a 1st baseman's mitt. As for the gun coming up and smacking people in the forehead or jumping out of your hand, I highly doubt it unless you are shooting 450gr ammo or you're really small. The gun's recoil is more straight back than it is up.

2nd, azredhawk, you're watching too many movies. hahaha.

3rd HMcClellan thanks for clearing up how they stop the HP rounds. I always wondered about that. What is in the dry fire boxes to stop the bullet? as for that mythbusters show, it was on again this past weekend. basically the faster the bullet the more it breaks apart when it hits the water. as expected. the 9mm handgun made it like 8 feet, a shotgun slug destroyed their tanks. but when they went to the HP guns, including a .50 round, the bullets would only make it about 2 or 3 ft tops. the .50 round actualyl had it's copper jacket pealed away.