S.B. 234 Florida

Let's break this down - And everyone give me their take !!!

I have taken the text from the new law, and extrapolated what I could, directly from the dictionary, as to intent and meaning, and this is the best that I could come up with, based on those definitions...

Point 1.
It is not a violation...for a person licensed...as provided in s. 790.06(1),
Point 2.
who is lawfully carrying a firearm...concealed...
Point 3.
to briefly and openly display the firearm to the ordinary sight of another person...
Point 4.
unless the firearm is intentionally displayed in an angry or threatening manner...

Point 1 - An individual with a valid Florida (or recipricating state's) Concealed Weapon Permit, is NOT breaking the law,
Point 2 - if while carrying a concealed pistol, in a legal manner,
Point 3 - decides to, for an undetermined amount of time, reveal, disclose, exhibit, make evident, or even showcase, said weapon, in a manner which is easily recognizable or distinguishable to another individual,
Point 4 - as long as the presentation is not perceived as hostile or menacing.

Does that about sum it up?
What say you?
Reply to What say You -

quote .......
Point 1 - An individual with a valid Florida (or recipricating state's) Concealed Weapon Permit, is NOT breaking the law,
Point 2 - if while carrying a concealed pistol, in a legal manner,
Point 3 - decides to, for an undetermined amount of time, reveal, disclose, exhibit, make evident, or even showcase, said weapon, in a manner which is easily recognizable or distinguishable to another individual,
Point 4 - as long as the presentation is not perceived as hostile or menacing.

Does that about sum it up?
What say you?

Here are two potential situations to be considered by a Law Enforcement Officer and/or Judge involving Mister A and Mister B (B is authorized Concealed carry):

#1. Individual A says to Individual B.
At what angle does the barrel point when you use Appendix carry ?
Individual B briefly displays holstered firearm.

#2. Individual A says to Individual B.
Are you threatening me ?
Individual B briefly displays holstered firearm.
Don writes: machiasmort, according to the web site Handgunlaw your N.Y. permit is good in 15 states not 40. Check here if you like, www.handgunlaw.us

Don, 16, you forgot MI!!! Thanks for looking out, but I am licensed as a non-resident in other States that give further privileges on top of NY’s. They have made this subject so as you need a Lawyer.

I don’t want to derail the thread, but I never understood how one State could reject another States permit while they are all being subject to the same Federal background check. What part of “Shall not be Infringed”, do they not understand?

Paying credence to this topic, I want to very quickly mention for benefit of our members that there is a “PEACEABLE JOURNEY CLAUSE” written into Federal law that allows travel through stricter States, so long as you are law abiding in the State where you are coming from and legally allowed to have the firearm where you are going. Google and research for details!

I worked along side of James Fotis of L.E.A.A. (great man and great organization) to legalize 50 State free carry Laws for LEO’s. I served upon their Legislative action Committee. My views are not always theirs.

As for OC and CC, I may have expressed myself the wrong way. It should be the right of the permit holder to decide how he enacts his rights. I would just choose CC because it eliminates a lot of variables by default. I.E. George threatened me with his gun, Sir (talking to the Cop). If the complainant never seen George’s gun, they’d never know he had one, and further, would be unable to describe it. This would immediately prove George’s innocence.
Steven Wright joke about 7-11s in AK...

A few of these posts remind me of stand-up comic(and USAF veteran) Steven Wright's bit about how stressful it would be to work in a 7-11 in Alaska. Cause everyone who walks in the door has a ski-mask. ;)

The new FL 2A/gun law is a step forward for gun owners.
Does it mean you wander about the Walmart looking like a old west gunfighter? NO!
But(to me) it's saying if a wind or breeze blows your garment(coat, vest, jacket, suit, parka, bathrobe, etc) open and your LEGAL firearm is exposed, you won't face criminal charges.

Now some citizens may ignore you or say; "so what", but I have heard & read of a few documented cases of a "concealed" firearm being shown or exposed then a bystander/citizen wigs out!

I'll close by saying to me it's an issue of common sense & good judgement.