Rust Prevention Test

We thank you !!!

By my measure, you have already gone above and beyond and it's appreciated. Not a big deal but in future evaluation, you might consider a product called Strong-Arm. If you'd like, I can mail you a sample. ...;)

Once again, I thank you.
Be Safe !!!
Froglube arrived today. I plan to do about 3 different tests with it.

Test one is complete. I put froglube on bare metal. I let it sink in about an hour and then put a drop of water on it. Within 4 hrs rust started to form on the edges. Very similar to how the coconut oil reacted. The eezox spot that i was using in the other experiments still has yet to rust after tons of drops.

Here are the tests i am going to do over the next week:

1. Coconut oil and froglube put on with 24hrs to absorb then i will put water on - Doing this test now. Will post results later.
2. Heat the metal and then put the froglube and coconut oil on - should be able to do this one monday.
3. Put coconut oil and froglube on and immediately put water on - Done. They were basically the same. The coconut oil paste was the same. The fractionated was way more rusty.

I plan to ise both the fractionated and paste coconut oil for these experiments. Look for the results throughout the week
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Results of 24 hr test. for this test I put the oils on the metal and let it soak/absorb for 24hrs before putting a drop of salt water on it. This would mimic cleaning the gun and letting it sit overnight before carrying it/touching it the next day and many oils take time to dry/set.

fractionated coconut oil: Fail. Fully rusted.
Regular paste coconut oil: Perfect
Frog lube: Perfect.

The coco paste and froglube are the exact same texture. Even look the same going on and feel the same in my hands. Drop # 2 has been applied. I will keep putting drops on until I see rust.

Also, when I am done with all of my tests I will put all of the results from these posts into one large post and an organized format.
Final results of the 24hr test:

Both the coconut oil and frog lube started to rust on drop #2. They both look the same. Is frog lube coconut oil? I am beginning to think it is. So far it has the same reaction in both tests. Now time for the heat test.
Final test started. I cleaned my piece of metal and took the heat gun to it. I then applied the coconut oil and the frog lube. Its probably cooled off by now so I will check on it soon and apply the first drop of salt water. Results of drop one should be done this evening.

Just a few notes - as they went on, they melted exactly the same way and the drop spreads exactly the same.
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Experiment 1:

For this test I used salt spray. I think this test is not reliable and the one drop tests are much better.
24 hour results (and total 4 salt sprays):

Control - some rust specs all over.
Turtle wax - some rust specs all over. almost worse than control.
olive oil - one small spot of rust
fractionated coconut oil - one small spot of rust
regular coconut oil (the white paste stuff) - perfect
WD40 - perfect
Breakfree CLP - perfect
Hoppes 9 – perfect

48 hour results:

Control - Tons of rust
Turtle wax - Tons of rust. Looks worse than control.
olive oil - Number of specs now
fractionated coconut oil - Number of specs now
regular coconut oil (the white paste stuff) - Very few tiny specs starting to form
WD40 - Good but looks like there may be some specs starting
Breakfree CLP - Perfect
Hoppes 9 – Perfect

72 hrs and overall from test #1:

Control - Tons of rust
Turtle wax - Tons of rust. Looks worse than control.
olive oil - Tons of rust
fractionated coconut oil - Tons of rust
regular coconut oil (the white paste stuff) - some rust forming but not terrible
WD40 - some rust forming but not terrible
Breakfree CLP - one spot of rust starting to form
Hoppes 9 – Perfect

Experiment 2

For this experiment I used drops of salt water. I put the oils on, gave them 2 hours to sit on the metal, and then placed the drops.

1 drop of salt water:

Eezox - perfect
Ballistol - perfect
Weapon Shield - small little dot
Shooters Choice - small little rust spot
WD40 - Small little dot/mark that is beginning of rust
M Pro 7 - small little dot/rust
Outers - small little spot/rust
breakfree clp - A mark but not rust. I think its the beginning of rust.
olive oil - Small rust patch.
coconut oil (the paste kind you buy in the groc store) - Rust
Fractionated coconut oil - Rust
turtle wax - Rust
Hoppes - Rust
control – Rust

3 drops:

Breakfree CLP - a mark but no rust
Eezox - Perfect
Weapon shield - a mark but no rust
Outers - a few marks but no rust
shooters choice - the tiniest mark

5 drops:

Breakfree CLP – tiniest mark
Eezox – Perfect.
shooters choice – tiniest mark

10 drops:

Eezox still perfect.

Experiment 3:

In this experiment I test frog lube vs coconut oil 3 different ways. Overall my guess is that froglube is coconut oil + a few other things. They acted exactly the same in 2 of 3 experiments.

Put ingredient directly on metal and let it sit 2 hours. Then put a drop of salt water:

Frog lube – some rust starting
Coconut oil paste – some rust starting
Fractionated coconut oil – tons of rust

In this experiment I allowed the oils to sit on the metal for 24hrs before putting one drop of salt water on:

fractionated coconut oil: Fail. Fully rusted.
Regular paste coconut oil: Perfect
Frog lube: Perfect.

24 hrs test with two drops:

Regular paste coconut oil: some rust starting
Frog lube: some rust starting

Heat test with one drop. I used a heat gun and heated the metals. Then I put the oils on. Note that after I applied the oils and a nice thin film was on the metal I allowed it to cool for 2 hours.

Regular paste coconut oil: A lot of rust
Frog lube: some rust starting

My conclusions from all of these:

1. Do you own tests in your environment with your humidity. Don’t change what you use based on what I found.
2. Eezox is a powerhouse. Nothing compares to it. It’s also extremely toxic stuff.
3. Froglube is probably coconut oil with a few extra ingredients in it. That’s assuming the composition reports begin distributed online are accurate. It feels, looks, and reacts the same. They both offer little rust protection. Froglube could not really take 1 drop of salt water whereas eezox could take 10.
4. For some reason, both the coconut oil and froglube performed best when left to sit for 24hrs. I wonder if all of the oils would perform best if let to sit a day?
5. What am I changing based on these tests? Well I will never use wax again. I also think my breakfree clp that I use to clean will still be my go to stuff. It did very well on the tests and is much less toxic than eezox. I will probably use eezox 1-2 times in the summer on my carry gun as just the outer layer so that I have limited exposure to the stuff and it gets me through those humid southern months. For my safe/home protection guns I think that froglube is a great choice. Its non toxic and I am not worried about rust in my house.
this is awesome
glad i stumbled onto it.

Would you dare taste test the Frog Lube?

I would be willing to do it as I eat coconut oil frequently
Well I'm glad I stuck to what the old guys recommended for cleaning when I got my first gun . Hoppe's No. 9 followed up by a few drops Breakfree clp then I take a can of compressed air and blow those drops of oil around the whole gun.
Would you dare taste test the Frog Lube?

I would be willing to do it as I eat coconut oil frequently [/QUOTE

haha no way. Its green and smells minty. Not sure what that extra stuff in there is.

Well I'm glad I stuck to what the old guys recommended for cleaning when I got my first gun . Hoppe's No. 9 followed up by a few drops Breakfree clp then I take a can of compressed air and blow those drops of oil around the whole gun.

yea breakfree did well. I am going to continue using it as well for all of my cleaning/protecting needs. I will probably also put some eezox on my carry gun like once a month though.
That's a great experiment you have going on, adambomb. There have been others that have performed similar tests. However, formulas change. The definition of a "controlled environment" can be different from one person to another. And, to be quite honest, I find it fun seeing stuff like this on a regular basis.

It's also kinda nice to see Eezox at the top of the food chain. Often, I post in "what's the best lubricant/preventative?" jumping up and down screaming like a school girl about Eezox. You'd think my testimonials are paid. But they aren't. The product is amazing. The most important step is to properly prep the surface it's supposed to protect. After that, it's a breeze. I do admit I'm in love with TetraGrease and their oil as well. That's about all I use with the exception of WeaponShield on occasion.

As I might sound biased in favor of your experiment, I honestly am not.