Russian Spy Who Attempted to Infiltrate NRA

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Why in the heck all of the sudden is this one particular politician required to be squeaky clean?

Because this particular politician represents the largest threat to career ruling class seen to date.

His election of an "amatuer" who was not a lawyer nor spent decades in various offices is completely outside the norms that have been established since the progressives won in 1913. Since that time, the average tenure in congress has gone from the 3.5 years it held steady at for the first 190 years of our existence to the current 10.5 years with 224 our of 435 members holding 37 or more years in office.

The careerist simply cannot allow this model to continue. If the people think those successful in the private sector will make good electable leaders in Government then it will destroy their self licking ice cream political machine where only the careerist ruling class know what is best for us.
NRA would do well? The NRA has had Democrats on ots Board of Directors up until the Obama era. The NRA didn’t kick them off, they quit. Likewise with all the yellow dog Democrats purged during the Obama era. Heidi Heitkampf was about the last Dem in the Senate to support gun rights.

In the past, the NRA has endorsed: Howard Dean, Kristen Gillibrand, Bill Clinton, John Dingell, Max Baucus, Joe Manchin, and dozens of other prominent Dems. While they didn’t endorse Harry Reid, they gave him a nice puff piece in the American Rifleman. With the exception of Sen. Baucus, every one of those candidates repaid their endorsement the same way - by endorsing NRA-opposed gun control. I’m sure the NRA would love to be more bipartisan. I’d love for the NRA to be more bipartisan. The NRA isn’t the problem side in that equation.

^^^^^^ +1 The NRA never wanted to have to choose one political party over the other. That was forced upon them, unfortunately. The Democrat leaders have gone to great lengths to demonize the NRA, trying to spin it as one step less dangerous than some terrorist group.
When one side of a political issue virtually spits in your eye, clearly and publicly states "we against you, and everything you stand for" and the other side says "hmm you're voters, lets talk..." who the hell do you think you are going to "align" with??

I think the whole "Russia this, Russia that" is idiocy. Smoke and mirrors is perhaps too generous.

Now that the Russians aren't the communist Soviet Union, NOW they're the bad guys??? To the political left, they are. The weren't before, so they told us since the days of FDR...
Here's another take on her. Anyway, just talking about the general pros and cons of the NRA are a diversion from the story.

Let's get back on the OP emphasis.
Some of you may be interested in a somewhat different take on Butina from a 28-year CIA veteran with a piece in The Atlantic:
Lost in the noise so far, however, is the fact that Butina may be one of many. For years, countries including Russia and China have regarded their citizens who study in the United States as an intelligence-gathering resource.

One thing the public should know about Butina is that she was not a “spy” in the traditional sense, but rather what the intelligence community would call an access agent.... Her job, if the allegations are true, was to use her wits to gain access to organizations and individuals of particular interest to Moscow and to provide information to the real spies who might leverage that knowledge to promote Russia’s agenda.

Not to be forgotten is the Butina pled guilty to criminal charges as a foreign agent.

Could this lady be a conduit for dark money into US elections? All this mess has to do with influencing our elections. Sorry, I take offense at these attempts. It is a big deal to see where that buck stops. How many of our institutions are under direct attack by Russia.
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Yes, let’s see how salaried government employees that hold the position for only a few short years become fantastically wealthy.

Who’s been contacted by Russia here to get you to vote for an issue or politician that you already supported?
The whole Russia thing is a hoax, a farce, a red herring to fool the gullible.
I’m a left leaning moderate that doesn’t even like the current President, nor do I fully support the NRA. I do donate to the NRA from time to time because I do believe in gun rights and the second amendment.
KyJim said:
Not to be forgotten is the Butina pled guilty to criminal charges as a foreign agent.

After being denied bail and held in solitary confinement for 96 days. I wonder how many here would take that plea if the worst thing that happened was they would be free to return to the land of their birth? I’d bet more than a few would take it even though they have homes and rights at stake here. Or you can always stay in solitary while our justice system delivers your “speedy trial.”

I suppose all the evidence of Russian hacking into our elections is a hoax? :confused:How about the big wheels going to the slammer related to this Russian hoax. I'd say the Russian RKBA is a hoax of hoaxes. I'd like to see some hard ass real world evidence of a RKBA in the former Soviet Union. What did the Judge say about Mannofort? Is the judge a stooge of the left. Also, a victim of the left is Stone. Gimme a break! Remember, question about the NRA and dark money surfaced before Russia Gate. :eek:
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Manafort's convictions had nothing to do with the Russian "meddling." They were akin to Al Capone -- tax-related. It remains to be seen what Roger Stone will actually be charged with.

I suppose all the evidence of Russian hacking into our elections is a hoax?
What evidence?
J.G.Terry said:
I suppose all the evidence of Russian hacking into our elections is a hoax?

What evidence is there of “Russia hacking into our elections?” Or do you considered buying targeted ads on Facebook to be hacking?

Manafort was convicted of tax evasion that predated his involvement in the Trump campaign and related to his work in the Ukraine.

Stone was indicted on six charges of lying to Congress regarding his contacts with Julian Assange, and one count of obstruction as a result of the lies.

Russian attempts to influence our elections (and vice versa) are not new or unusual; but if we’re going to discuss the links, we should probably stick to a factual basis.
What....A Coverup?

I'm not sure I follow.:confused: There was no hacking of the DNC? There was no purge of FB due to fake stuff from the former USSR. The interventions/hacking into our state elections were phony.

Are you so-called right wingers nothing but active agents for the Communist worldwide take over? I know where the real cover-up is going on. Thanks Comrade White.

Ms. Butina fell out of the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down! :eek:
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