Rural Home Invasion Scenario

Secret escape routes, etc........ ???

I must say - although many of these same thoughts and scenarios have run through my mind at one time or another, in reality, what are the odds, the honest-to-gosh chances of any of us finding ourselves in a situation where we and our home are actually under siege??

Since I'm one of the folks who lives in the country, certainly I'd want to be prepared, but if the truth be known, I guess I'm just not such a cynic that I worry about who just rang the doorbell (barring a ring at 2am). I don't typically answer the door with a gun in my hand. You know - I live in an area where folks still wave at one another as they pass on the road - even if they don't know one another. It's just "the neighborly thing to do".

Now, I do have various types of firearms distributed throughout the house, so that I would have access to some kind of weapon, regardless of where I am in the house, but I reckon the bad guys would get the jump on me if they just barged in as I opened the door. They'd just better keep a damned sharp eye on me and my bride while they're doin' their thing, 'cause the second they blink, one of us is gonna get the drop on 'em and start blowin' holes in someone. I just pray to the good Lord that it never comes to pass. We're too old to start training as "Rambo Junior". ;)
The Plainsman wrote:

Since I'm one of the folks who lives in the country, certainly I'd want to be prepared, but if the truth be known, I guess I'm just not such a cynic that I worry about who just rang the doorbell (barring a ring at 2am).

LOL, someone actually did knock on my house at 2 a.m. this morning!

Scared the living crap out of me for second. But he proved harmless... just a lost motorist with no cell phone.
Well, we moved to the country to get away from the problems of urban life, only to find that the neighbor right across the street is a wild as a buck little whore who was so brazen as to offer her services to our carpet installers. Further little vignettes into her life include running with a seedy crowd of "businessmen" from a couple of smaller towns not that far away. Now, I'm not saying it's probable, but the likelihood of those guys being involved in some nefarious goings-on in my neck of the woods is just as high as the drug dealer that my previous community railroaded to the Hilton (with the silver bracelets). I'm not one to take threats (or the close proximity of threatening people) close to my home very lightly. I don't go 'round spoiling for a fight, but I'm always very prepared should someone else pick one.

As for the passage from the safe room - ever been inside a house that's on fire? It's not very comfortable! And safe escape routes can be planned without exposing one's self or family to the BG's. It's not that I want to use the route, just that I don't want my family to die or get shot up by a bunch of law-dodging/breaking hoodlums trying to use my wife and kids as poker chips to bargain with the SWAT fellas 'round here.

A few months ago my uncle was awakened by a loud knock at his door 15 minutes before climbing out of bed for his night shift. He walks to the door half asleep and is yanked out the door into an *armored* vehicle by a *State* SWAT team. It seems that one of the neighbors had enough explosives to turn the entire little community into Hiroshima and had actually just set his "friend" on fire with Kerosene as an example to the SWAT folks just how serious he was about his endeavor.

Just goes to show you that *anything* can happen *anywhere* and that Murphy can move into *your* house anytime he wants.

who thinks that Murphy wears titanium underwear beneath his Kevlar vest
Brothers & Sisters-in-Arms,
Canuck84 & Plainsman,
Dear Canuck84,
Enviable question! I have designed safe rooms and one specialty is the "Safe Space".
(I'll try not to go too long, therefore e-mail me.)
Look at the factors of a safe room.
Location, climate, cost, ease of access/egress and what do you need it for.
I mention location and climate since some of us have basements while others do not.
As for location, this is where you have elected to be, be it urban, sub-urban, rural, tundra or jungle (inner-city or palm fronded.)
Usually the center of the house has the most support around it, hence location within the house. This will most likely be a bathroom.
For the purposes of this forum let's say that you want a all-around safe room and weaponry, communication and extras.
1) Re-inforced walls. Fire retardance or fire-proof.
2) Bullet-proof windows.
3) Communication. (Commo) A cell phone.
4) Access/egress which YOU control.
Starting with what you already have and not going too far afield in your preparedness is your best means of success.
Working with both a builder and a security specialist, (Don't forget your bank and insurance provider!), you should be able to provide yourself and family with enhanced protection.
Gun-ports are not a necessity.
As you have likely seen in other forums you have some preliminary options which provide you the best warning, i.e.
1) A dog. Cheapest, most loving insurance you'll ever have.
2) Mental preparedness and planning.
3) Deciding on the outcome before you need to use the plan.
When you prepare for in-home emergency what things are necessary? First aid kit. Portable light/flashlight. Fire protection/suppression. Reliable communication. "Creature comforts". And the will to say "I CAN"!
Lance Gothic
I really only see one likely cause of apparently coordinated attacks on my domicile, and that's LEO with faulty, faulty, faulty, faulty "intelligence".

Regardless, my typical answer will probably sound like "get low", dial 911. Body armor and upgunning options as time allows.
Safe house?

hey Lance, space..can we hear from others as to what they'd like to have in their safe space?

Good to hear from you again, man... Been there, seen that...I think the city got sued for some major bucks for taking down the wrong house on not being heads up...used the LAPD Winnebago to take down what they thought was a reinforced building drug house...knocked down the house sharing the same driveway.

Anyway, I was thinking for folks with raised foundations...maybe a trap door, drop into a "tunnel" to escape or hit a "safe room"?
Saw it on one of the houses owned by the Hollywood bank dudes.

It's coming as far as Beverly Hills folks are concerned...talked to a contractor the other day...he's built several in the last couple years for the Hollyweird folks.
Also talked to several soCal people...counted 7 in the last three years who have been or know personally someone who has had a home invasion robbery. Price of living in soCal.
Heard one of them was the mayor of a local town. She jumped all over the chief....but what could he do? Can't be there 24/7. She was anti-gun...fairly instant conversion.
My reaction, if I am at the farm and if I have time to think clearly:
1) get everybody (tenants included) to your safe room, shutting off lights as you go (gotta keep that night vision)
2) call your local sheriff's dept. inform them of the situation
3) arm everyone who is competent and capable, getting a couple to cover the window (if applicable)
4) we have plenty of fairly well armed neighbors, so I would not hesitate about informing them of the situation and asking them to drive over and take a look around, warning them beforehand about the probable seriousness of the situation
5) we have some business-band radios for farming, so if after 10 minutes or so, I would be tempted to take a look around as long as I could communicate back to the safe room. the smart thing would be to stay in the room and be the defender, but if they have shot my dog and cut my phone line, I would be tempted to think that the best defense is a good offense.
6) pray, and start stacking magazines
Country Boy:

"1) get everybody (tenants included) to your safe room,..."

What if one of your tenants is in cahoots with the BGs? Maybe he saw something he thought was worth taking and his buddies are the ones outside.

Personally, if they're not family, screw 'em. Just because your renting from me doesn't mean I'm obligated to protect you. Hell, you might might be a mole for all I know.

I'll toss out a taser or something non-firearm out the gunport to them once I've got my family safely inside, and let them take their chances outside.