Ruger Super Redhawk yes/no

When buying guns a lot of guys have mental block. My dad was that way until I got him educated. When you have the opportunity to get a killer deal on a gun, buy it if you can afford it. It’s money in the bank and profit you can put towards what ever you want. That’s how I built my collection and still how I operate. Only rule in this is the demand for certain gun. If you can’t turn it over it’s not a good deal regardless of what books say. I call it the Dung Beetle method of gun collecting. He who hesitates is lost.
It doesn't pack on the hip, but needs an across the chest type holster.
If that is the case, you may want to have a discussion with the guys that have S&W 29s and 629s, to remind them that their giant revolvers can't be carried in a hip holster.
I see this complaint about Redhawks and Super Redhawks quite frequently. Yet no one says the same about S&Ws.

Personally, I carry both on the hip. (And more.)
The differences in length between my Blackhawk, Super Blackhawk, Super Redhawk, and M29 are not what one might expect.
The 5.5" Blackhawk is only 1/4" shorter than the 6.5" M29. The "massive" 7.5" Super Redhawk is actually 3/8" shorter than the 7.5" Super Blackhawk.
If you add an inch of barrel to make the M29 more comparable, the SRH is only 3/8" longer.

They're all in the same weight range, too. They're all between 48 and 53 oz.
Add that inch of barrel to the M29 again, and it's only 1 oz lighter than the SRH.
Same deal with grips. Swap Hogue grips onto the M29, or wood grips on the SRH, and they're within half an ounce of each other.
(And that weight is for a .44 Mag SRH. Mine is in .480 Ruger, which shaves a couple ounces from the .44 Mag.)

They're all big and heavy.
But only the ugly kid gets picked on.
I would buy it for that price. I have a Redhawk in .45 Colt and like it. Had several Super Blackhawk guns pass through my life and liked them all. Good gun at a very good price.

In case you don't know, Ruger will guarantee everything on that revolver forever, whether you are the original owner or not.

They have excellent CS, and buying used changes nothing in how they'll resolve any issues.

My Super Redhawk 480 weighs 5 ounces more than my 6" model 29. A 6 1/2" full lug is almost dead even. The idea that these guns are just so much bulkier than a Smith is just absurd.

Do be aware that despite everyone saying "they're tanks" and "you can stick anything in them" they do have limits and you CAN wreck them with too hot ammo. (that same ammo would also wreck about everything else on the market as well. The point here is that they are strong and tough but not indestructible. Nothing is.)

What ammo would that be? There's 50kpsi ammo and data available for these guns but nothing else.
What ammo would that be? There's 50kpsi ammo and data available for these guns but nothing else.
That would be hand loaded, home grown "hot" loads. It is possible, with some powders, to put 3 times too much powder in the case and seat a bullet:eek::eek:. But don't do it. Very bad for the gun, shooter and bystanders.

Like the fella that kissed the each his own.

I think the SRH is a way to big & heavy HAND gun, and ugly as sin. There is no doubt they are tough and reportedly accurate. But I wouldn't marry....err......I mean carry one.