Ruger sp101 three inch. The do it all revolver?


New member
With my birthday approaching at the end of June I've decided to treat myself to a good revolver. With my funds being limited I want to choose a revolver that can cross over for concled carry or a home defense/hiking companion. I was look at a gp100, 686, or a sp101 with a three in barrel. All options in 375 mag. I would hate to buy something that just sat in the safe. I want something I'd actually carry. Thanks for any input given.
The 3in SP 101 could definitely fill all of those categories. It’s a nice do it all gun. Fun range gun too.

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Good options !!!

I want something I'd actually carry. Thanks for any input given.
I sense that you are leaning toward revolvers DA/SA. I think you have listed some really good choices. I suggest you looking into additional factors such a price. Also, be sure and check out the triggers as some are better than others. Might I also suggest a Taurus 85-series. ….. :)

Be Safe !!!
4.2" instead

I'd get the 4". I had the 3" and I didn't find it that easy to carry for what it was and it wasn't much fun to shoot. I still have and use/open carry my 4" GP. The 4" SP won't be harder to carry than the 3" SP but it'll shoot easier.
I don't see what the 3 inch SP101 does that a 7 shot 3 inch GP100 doesn't do as well or better except weigh few oz more and have a bit larger cylinder.
I have one of the original 3" .327 Federal SP 101s with the windage adj. rear sight. I added a Hogue grip that fits my hand well. I like it a lot. If I could fix one thing it would be to add a fully adj. sight. Does anybody know if that's possible given the small cut that's already in the frame from the original sight?
How you want to carry concealed is going to be the determining factor. You can carry anything under a heavy shirt or coat, but when you get down to a t shirt, that changes everything.
Might want to also consider the Ruger 3" LCRx as well as the Kimber K6 3" DA/SA, both lighter than the SP101.
I have a 3” LCRx In .38 Special as my field pistol.
I like:
Light weight!
No holster. Drop in pocket of field or fishing jacket and you Don’t even notice it’s there. Or in the possibles bag. (I have one for dog treats, poop bags, water bottle, dog balls, fishing lures, ear plugs, etc etc for when a jacket is too hot and bugs are not swarming)
It’s not so precious that I would feel bad if it got wet or scratched up, but nice enough that I’ve come to really like it. It’s not pretty yet it looks properly proportioned.
The big rubber grips really soak up the recoil as hot .38 Special is downright snappy in a pistol that weighs a little more than a Cliff Bar. At first I thought the grips were ugly- now I like them a lot!
It eats ammunition in fives. Ammo boxes come in rows of five. I like that there are not 2 rounds left in the box after a plinking session!

I wish:
I wish it had a 4” barrel
I wish it came in .327 (although I would shoot .32 h&r Ruger Only loads in it... 950 FPS or so)

If you hand load, .327 and lower is strikingly accurate in my Single Six. On the other hand, .38 Special is no joke and can fill the same roles.
All you choices are solid top shelf guns but all on tad heavy side if the main lean is CC. I’m behind on my model numbers because I’m not into new production models but S&W has some other model than 686 to choose from. I would stick with Ruger, S&W or Kimber and stay away from second rate stuff. The little you save buying them never works out in the end. Of what you have listed the SP 101 comes closest.
I have a Ruger sp101 357 with a 3”bbl. I also have several other revolvers and autos. There really isn’t a “do all” revolver, but the sp101 is close. Mine will shoot some very impressive 25 yard five shot groups, even DA with practice. It’s a tad heavy for a small gun, but when shooting full power .357mag loads it’s a help. I used to shoot DA quite a bit in competition and I can put five shots inside a 3.8” bull pretty routinely at 25 yards with my gun. For a woods walking gun it’s just about perfect in my opinion. I’m primarily a SW fan, but the sp101 is a pretty nice gun.
You are making a good choice. One of my favorite trail guns is a S&W model 36-6. A 3" barrel in 38 special with adjustable sights. The 38 special round does all I need from a gun intended for the trail gun role.

A 3" SP-101 would be fine also. Yes they are a little on the heavy side but the whole secret is a good holster and stiff belt. Then you won't notice the weight. I have worn my GP-100 4" at my buds farm and never felt it on me. This would be my SP-101 choice for what you are wanting.

And this for a lighter weight gun at around 15oz. Ugly but after shooting it I bet that wouldn't matter at all. Highvalleyranch approves of the gun too.
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I hike, XC ski, snowshoe, and mountain bike in the wet part of the Pacific NW. A stainless 2.25" .357 SP-101 loaded with .357 158 grain JSP has been my constant companion in the outdoors and sometimes in town, albeit loaded with .357 125 grain JHP then. This is the best combination of corrosion-resistance, power, and short overall length for packability that I have found. In the outdoors, I carry in a small pouch attached to the waist belt of my rucksacks. I do not open carry in the woods. I have debated at times going up to a 3 inch, but I am not sure I would see enough benefit to warrant spending several hundred dollars to get that model. Although if I ever encounter a good deal on a 3" .357 LCx, I will be whipping out my wallet on the spot.
I don't own a Ruger revolver, but I think a three-inch barreled SP101 would be a fine "do it all" revolver. I have a soft spot for three-inch barreled revolvers. These are the ones I have in .357 magnum:

My SW Model 60:

My SW Model 19 and Colt King Cobra:
I have one of the original 3" .327 Federal SP 101s with the windage adj. rear sight. I added a Hogue grip that fits my hand well. I like it a lot. If I could fix one thing it would be to add a fully adj. sight.

I agree.

I carry my 3” .327 daily, and use it as a range toy as well. I also went with the hogue grip, and added a wolf spring kit. Sights are great for carry, but for plinking, the adjustable rear sight would be nice
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While I don't own a 3" SP, I own a 2". Great gun, well made and what do you expect, its a Ruger.

I do own a similiar gun, a new Colt King Cobra in 3". I agree that is really the do it all gun. Easy to shoot, easy to carry, easy to conceal.

I don't think you can go wrong with a SP in 3".
I don't think there is a "do it all" revolver.

If it's a good pocket gun it probably won't kill King Kong, and versa visa.

Other than those two extremes, a 3" .357 can cover a lot of ground.
You might want to tke a look at the Charter Arms Mag Pug 3 - inch.
A 3 - inch will not fit in most largish vest pockets like a 2 - inch will, but this little 5 -shot is very compact, and will conceal pretty well in a nice hi-ride holster or IWB holster.

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I had a GP100 in .357 magnum and I actually carried it. Sometimes even concealed.

IMO, It's just too big and too darn heavy for a 6-shot carry handgun.
I love the SP101. It conceals well and is a great hiking companion. I had a 2.25” and thought I wanted a 3” so I traded. After a year or so I sold the 3” and went back to the shorter barrel. It didn’t do anything better than the 2.25”. One of the last revolvers I’d sell and definitely the one I use the most.

For CC no way would I get the 4”.
I don't see what the 3 inch SP101 does that a 7 shot 3 inch GP100 doesn't do as well or better except weigh few oz more and have a bit larger cylinder.
Clearly you've never compared them side by side
There is a massive size/bulk difference between the two
As for a "few ounces more"... try almost three-quarters of a pound more