Ruger Service Six

People are slowly catching on

Ruger's Six series are awesome revolvers that are undervalued. Get 'em while they are still a relative bargain.
That's when gas was around $1.00@ gallon.

A buck?

I was in high school and gas was 25 CENTS a gallon. My two friends and I would go over to one of their houses and play pinochle till midnight drinking coffee, then go drive around listing to 'American Pie' and the likes in an old Chevie car that must have made 12 miles a gallon.

And yes, I miss those days.

Drugs? Booze? Gad we never even DREAMED that stuff. Traded guns with the High School teachers in the parking lot of the school!

I think my two handguns then were a Hawes Western Marshal .357 SAA and H&R .22 pistol. Also a Marlin 30/30 and 16 gauge Mossberg bolt action shotgun (with adjustable choke) plus a Marlin .22.

And I still think one can do fine and dandy with just that setup.

Sorry about being off topic but back then a Speed Six would just be a dream for me. And a S&W Combat Magnum would have been heaven.

Yes deaf, I can remember the gas wars too while crushing in my '65 goat.
It seems like I paid $185 for the new security six at olde English outfitters ( which is where I still shop). When I sold it to a friend for $200 I thought I made out pretty good. Wonder if he'd sell it back to me for $215? :)

Deafsmith, that is a really sharp collection of Rugers.

The Sixes are super tough revolvers and I regret trading the one I had.
the Ruger S/police-6 line of revolvers are some of the best values there is, i bought one over a GP-100 and a S$W 686, they won't be had for $400 range for much longer.