Ruger M77 or Rem 700

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I came across a store clearancing a Ruger M77 in .270 win and a Rem 700 buckmaster in 7mm mag. They were both reasonably priced from the get go but now they are each just under $500. Which would you buy? I do more target shooting than anything else but I also take about two deer a year. I'm certain that either caliber will work for whitetail so I guess it boils down to which is more fun to shoot and which platform is a better all around gun. All opinions are welcome!
Just my 2 cents

270 Winnie. 7 mag is a great caliber, but for deer sized game, the 270 is more than adequate. Here are a few of the positives for 270:

Cheaper Brass
Less recoil and muzzle blast
Cheaper Ammo
Less powder therefore cheaper to reload
Only 200 ft. lb less energy

Flameguard ON!

OK you 7 mag guys....come and get me! :D
The ruger is a stout well built rifle with a nice trigger. It's basicaly a modern mauser 98 action which is pretty much fail proof. The .270 win has less recoil and shoots darn near just as flat. Both are capable long range hunting cartidges. The 7mm rem mag does have more punch and can use heavier bullets but for deer hunting the .270 win has much more than enough power. Also I would not buy a Marlington right now until they get their quality control issues figured out.
I have both models. I consider them equal as to quality and accuracy. 270 is one of the best all around deer cartridges available. Unless you plan on really big game like moose or the great bears the 7mm mag is way overpowered and has tooooooo much recoil for deer hunting. For the ballistic differences to matter much you would have to shoot to distances most hunters should not attempt. If you like bone jarring recoil get the mag if not the 270 will be a wonderful choice.
I HAVE 2 Rugers , A m77 mkII in 300 win mag and a m77 in 270 win with iron sights which is kinda rare . I just love the modern Mauser actions ,I own a few but think they are my most beautiful guns, walnut stock and highly polished blue steel. Its just a thing of engineering beauty....Go Ruger!

I've had two 7mm RM, both gone now. My .270 Win isn't going anywhere, except deer hunting. There!:D

Oh,BTW, seven of my rifles are Rugers: One No.1B, one MK77 RSI and five MKII's. Rugers are great rifles.
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If you like the Ruger, it's the better caliber for deer and costs less to shoot. Magnum rifles are heavier and often have longer barrels than those made for standard calibers. The tried and true .270 Win with 130 grain bullets is where it's at for open area deer hunting. Moderate recoil, great trajectory, and excellent accuracy are the norm for this rifleman's cartridge.

Handloading is better too, since the magnum cases tend to be less flexible and don't last for as many reloads. That said, I've handloaded the 7mm mag and didn't have any major problems, but it's important to size cases to headspace on the case shoulder instead of the belt.
I think ruger makes great & highly durable rifles. I have ten m77's, a 77/22, & a 10/22. Only one has ever given me mechanical troubles but I bought it used & lost on that gamble. Had excessive headspace on that rifle which took a $200 trip to the gun surgeon to correct. Otherwise they have all been flawless.
Of course I would tell you to buy the ruger but, in this scenario, its because of the caliber & not the rifle. I have a 7mm mag & its not fun to shoot. The recoil & muzzle blast are not worth enduring when the 270 will make your paper targets & deer just as dead.
I would go with the 270, for all the above reasons, plus if you choose to hunt varmits the 270 has lighter bullets for it then the 7mm mag and alot less recoil. Even if you where to go Elk or bear hunting the heavier bullets in the 270 would be fine for those.
If you are going to target shoot and whitetail 270 would probably be the best choice,also Ruger makes fine reliable firearms.
reasons stated
ammo cost
barrel life
bore erosion
This statement is being made by someone that doesn't own a 270 or a Ruger centerfire rifle,I have several Ruger handguns and 10/22's

With all that said I own mostly older Rem 700's because I am older lol
The one gun I will never sell is my Rem 700BDL 7mm rem mag
I have been hunting with 20 years it has harvested many whitetail,varmints,and couple nice elk.
I handload all of my cartridges and really enjoy working up loads for my bolt action rifles and the 7mm rem mag is accurate,fast,flat,and hard hitting! I shoot the 7mm rem mag from the bench quite a bit and it shoots just as accurate as my Rem 700 SS Varmint w/flutted heavy barrel 22-250.I also hunt some very large crop fields and feel confident with my 7mm rem mag in the longer shots.
if I absolutely had to pick one i'd go with the Ruger. I doubt i'd buy anything with Remington's name stamped on it with the exception of the gun lubes/oils
I own a Ruger M77 in .270 and love it. It's a fine rifle, and to my eyes one of the more classic in terms of its looks.

I also like the fact that I can take it out to the range in the afternoon and spend an hour or two with different loads just enjoying the shooting. I can't do that with the heavier 7mm magnum loads, and I used to have one of those also - shot them side by side. I got rid of the 7mm magnum. For my hunting purposes the Ruger .270 is fine - I also own a Remington R-25 in .308 and those are nice also.

(Go Ruger!!)

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