Ruger Investors Force Gun Safety Report

"Gun Violence"...why say it?

Anthropomorphism & dehumanization - are two sides of the same psychological coin....
They've both been extremely effective forms of propaganda for thousands of years.

For example Rick Nauert PhD, in this articlwrites
"Neuroscience research has shown that similar brain regions are involved when we think about the behavior of both humans and of nonhuman entities, suggesting that anthropomorphism may be using similar processes as those used for thinking about other people.

Anthropomorphism carries many important implications. For example, thinking of a nonhuman entity in human ways renders it worthy of moral care and consideration. In addition, anthropomorphized entities become responsible for their own actions — that is, they become deserving of punishment and reward."

But ...this kind of mind game stuff is in Glenn Meyer's territory. Maybe we can persuade him to look into that aspect of the issue.
Somewhere out there is a person, who, if you paid them enough, would file a lawsuit on behalf of the nails in your house, who suffered "carpenter induced hammer violence", unable to move after being repeatedly struck on the head, the day of that tragic attack!!! :eek::rolleyes:

Hell, if you paid ME enough money, I would do it.....:D

Another point when someone says "gun violence" what they aren't saying, just implying...

"we have to do something about gun violence!!"" I don't know about you, but to me, when I hear this, it implies that the speaker doesn't think we need to do anything about OTHER kinds of violence.

We need to stop gun violence also means you don't need to stop beating your wife, because that's not gun violence, its only hand violence. etc.
(and, under current law, if you get convicted of beating your wife they'll take away your guns! But not your hands!! :confused:)

Is the mass murder who uses a gun morally worse than the one who doesn't??? Not in my book.
Is the mass murder who uses a gun morally worse than the one who doesn't??? Not in my book
IMHO - the problems run far deeper than that.
Valuable time and resources are being diverted away from finding a solution to a very real problem.

I want my grandchildren to be safe in school every bit as much, if not more, than the most rabid anti-gun person.

Terms like "Gun violence" detract and/or divert the resources away from finding out what the root cause of the violence is so we can find a cure for that.
Its interesting to me that we recognize that violence is the problem.
We recognize that the focus needs to be turned from "gun violence" to "Why are people killing each other"
And what can we do to address the root causes of violence?

When I wrote a post here where I listed what I believe are serious root causes of violence in our culture,among those dehumanization and a lack of older males mentoring younger males,
The post was drastically edited,and we were advised that "Society's Ills" were off topic for TFL.

The Cockroach who argues with the Chicken is always wrong.

So I shrug my shoulders and let it go.

That being the case,why have we found the path to this point again?

The Nuns can influence Ruger it or not they are having influence.

Its my (apparently unwelcome) opinion that we,as supporters of the RTKBA should become fluent in discussing the root causes of why people choose to kill people and what can be done about it (The Ills of Society)

Over the last two weeks,in the company of Older Men,my 9 year old nephew has shot his first round of trap,with his Dad,participating in 4-H.
Then a friend of his Dad took him fishing.The kid caught a Tiger Muskie,a nice Largemouth Bass,..AND! fell out of the boat.

We are losing far too many of our boys/young men to many factors.

Neglect among them.

And if you manage to make a young man ashamed of who he IS,he will not be able to feel shame for what he does.
Its my (apparently unwelcome) opinion that we,as supporters of the RTKBA should become fluent in discussing the root causes of why people choose to kill people and what can be done about it (The Ills of Society)
Exactly - - otherwise both our guns and our RTK$BA will get legislated away.
Woe unto the world where the full might of an out of control United States is unleashed on humanity.
Its my (apparently unwelcome) opinion that we,as supporters of the RTKBA should become fluent in discussing the root causes of why people choose to kill people and what can be done about it (The Ills of Society)

Over the last two weeks,in the company of Older Men,my 9 year old nephew has shot his first round of trap,with his Dad,participating in 4-H.
Then a friend of his Dad took him fishing.The kid caught a Tiger Muskie,a nice Largemouth Bass,..AND! fell out of the boat.

We are losing far too many of our boys/young men to many factors.

Neglect among them.

And if you manage to make a young man ashamed of who he IS,he will not be able to feel shame for what he does.

Here here!

I somewhat understand moderators position. We are all different people, live in different states, practice different religions (or at least denominations), and often have differing political beliefs. We do all have one thing in common... Love of firearms and the shooting sports. To keep it civil here, I understand the desire to run a tight ship.

All that being, you just spoke a truth so universal that few will disagree. There was a time when there just was no such thing as a mass shooting just for the hell of it... Just because a young man wanted to kill as many people as possible. What has changed the last 70 or so years? Are there more murders today, or are there just more known murders today? I don't have all of the answers, but I don't think anyone here would argue the need for men to teach their sons now to also be men. There are millions of great dads out there, so it is not a universal problem. It is one that is increasing in size with time and generations though.

To me it is much more important than just the RKBA. That being said I also believe it is relevant to the topic.
The various ills of society and their causes is not on topic for this thread, and not on topic, directly, for our forum.

Note the instructions, "must be firearms related", and while there are specific portions of the topic that are directly firearms related, general discussions are for other places on the Internet.

If you can keep it firearms related, fine, start a thread and see how it goes. But not this thread, which should focus on Ruger, and its current situation per the OP.
All publicly traded companies are going to be targets of activist investors. It's a good thing that most firearms companies are privately held.