Ruger GP100 in 44 spl.

Magnums sell, but the M69 might just be one of the best things to ever happen to the .44 Special.

'Specially if it spurs Ruger into making a GP .44 Mag. :)
'Specially if it spurs Ruger into making a GP .44 Mag.

I keep seeing this kind of idea and don't believe the GP frame is big enough except for a 5 shot gun. Actually, a 5 shot would be fine with me...sign me up.

Now you have the problem of whether the barrel is big enough, which I don't think it is. It's just the wrong platform, seems to me.

The Alaska is way too beefy for just .44 Special, so Ruger is not really in the game in double action. Their Super Redhawk is goofy looking, so that's not the answer.
If S&W can stuff it in there "L" frame...Ruger can in if they will or not ..thats the problem....

But I must say...I'm very happy with my Rossi 720 44 Spl. ...for my use...self defense for two legged critters...

I'd have purchase a GP100 5 shot revolver...I just would...
The Redhawk is a big brute itself. Heavier than a S&W M629. The M29 Mountain Gun I have is handier, but the M69 lframe or a GP100 .44 would be even lighter and smaller.
I have the Redhawk in 45 Colt, 4.2", and can say that the gun is too heavy and bulky to be a good .44 Special., especially to conceal. It is a 6 shot.
Maybe, but the OP didn't specify anything other than a GP100 in 44spl. The Redhawk is the closest thing to that and .44magnum could be used as well. I had a 4.5" Redhawk in 45Colt once and found the trigger on it so much nicer than my GP100 trigger due to the trigger return and hammer spring being one and the same.
Here's a photo of the new S&W 69 compared to a Redhawk. Both are 44 Magnum, but the 69 fits nicely into a GP100 holster.
The Redhawk is overbuilt for the .44Mag, silly huge for a .44Spl.

So is the GP100 for the .357mag/.38spl, but many people prefer it since it can handle the hottest .44mag /.357 out there. There's a reason why "Ruger only" loads exist. ;) I had some nasty Corbon 45Colt +P Loads I wouldn't dare put in anything other than the Redhawk/Super Redhawk and I believe they had the "Ruger only" right on the box. Overbuilt, but people still love them.
To touch on that Nak, the Ruger GP100 I own is too heavy for 100% of people who shoot .38 special, which is what most people shoot probably 75% of the time in .357 revolvers at the range. I would guess the 5-10% or so of users of .357 revolver who handload and handload some really hot rounds might benefit from all the extra metal in the GP100 series, but I think at the end of the day it's just extra weight and bulk for 95%+ of people out there in the world.

I sure with Ruger would reintroduce there Security Six series revolvers.

I'd ditch my GP100 for one in a heartbeat.
So far the OP hasn't responded to his thread, so nobody really knows what he wants it for. I'm saying if he wants a GP100 like .44spl, the Redhawk is the closest thing to it that Ruger made. Nice to be able to shoot the .44magnum in it too, but again the OP just said a GP100 in .44spl and a 3"-4" barrel length so he may not even care about shooting both in one gun. My previous post has nothing to do with OP really. More so about being overbuilt like most Ruger revolvers are, but that's their appeal.

My very first gun was my 6" GP100, so when I pick up one of my larger caliber S&W revolvers, it seems like a lightweight. Heck, I didn't even think the 8 3/8" barreled S&W 500 I had was all that heavy.

ETA: BTW, not enough pictures in this thread. Funny thing is, they both fit perfectly in the same leather cowboy like OWB holster I have, but never use.

My 6" GP100

My 5.5" 45Colt Redhawk
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ETA: BTW, not enough pictures in this thread.

Ok, more photos.
What I want Ruger to build is a match to the two guns in the attached photo. It would end up being a better gun, stronger gun and be a riot to shoot.
Or are some of you saying that Ruger couldn’t build one?;)
1 Charter Arms Bulldog
2 Taurus 445
Both are 5 shot and both smaller than a 100, 44 specials.
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Relevant to the discussion at hand, just saw an article in one of the major gun mags that S&W has come out with a 5 shot 44 mag L-frame...
Maybe, but the OP didn't specify anything other than a GP100 in 44spl

I just think the GP100 would be a good size for the 44 SPL. I like the characteristics of the round. I have a 4" 44 Mag that I can shoot specials in, but the gun is built way heavier then it would need to be if it was just 44 spl. There are more snubbies chambered for 44mag than 44 spl which seems odd to me as the mags usually use a slow burning powder. I reload, so I could use a faster powder in the special.

So far the OP hasn't responded to his thread, so nobody really knows what he wants it for.

I was just reading what other's thoughts were. I have the 44 mag for a woods gun, so my primary use would be SD. If it was a 5 shot 3", I think I would carry with it. I usually go OWB with a loose shirt. I have carried a Taurus 405 in 40S&W, but I am not 100% happy with the moon clips. If the bullets are not in the clip just right, I have had the cylinder lock up on me. The 40 S&W has a fairly high pressure, (35,000 psi), the 44 Spl, has a standard pressure of 15.500 psi. The actual bullet diameter for the 44 Spl is.430", so .03" isn't much of a difference in diameter. When you fractor in the lower pressure, the 44Spl gun might be the same size or even smaller.
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I sure with Ruger would reintroduce there Security Six series revolvers.

I'd ditch my GP100 for one in a heartbeat.

I have both and like both. The GP100 5" is certainly the better shooter for me. The 4" Security Six is pretty ideal for a serious carry revolver. I am having a gold bead front sight put on the Security Six to get its POI up to POA for the way I aim without my shooting glasses.
As a Single Action shooter, I would be 'on the fence' on picking up a GP-100 in .44Spec. Ruger already has the .44Spec Blackhawk flattop which is 'perfect' in my mind. Also, I already have a .44Spec Bulldog for CC purposes. That said, I would be far more likely to pick up a GP-100 if it was a .44Spec rather than the .357. I like the .44Spec round. For another thing, I would be able to shoot the Skeeter load out of it, unlike the the thin chambered .44Spec Bulldog.... A shorty GP-100-44Spec still might be CC able too. For the woods, I already have my .45 Colt SA revolvers for that purpose.
As a Single Action shooter, I would be 'on the fence' on picking up a GP-100 in .44Spec. Ruger already has the .44Spec Blackhawk flattop which is 'perfect' in my mind.

Ruger doesn't have the .44 Special double/single action, and I think that's the point of discussing the GP100 as the base. Use of their .44 Magnums would present an overbuilt, heavy gun just for the purpose of shooting .44 Special.