Ruger GP 100 bent front sight

Call back and ask for a supervisor. And if that doesn't get you a new sight, manager. And then the V.P. for customer service. Polite but firm and 90 to nothing you get your new sight for that same nothing.
I do the supervisor/manager thing. I don't know why the woman was being so evasive, but I may be able to pin him down. 5 il git you ten, I'll get a front sight.
I think the stock front sight blade is all of 8 bucks. Just buy one from midway or somewhere and install. It's not a difficult process. Just take your time with the hole drilling.
I did call customer service, and they are going to send me a new front sight free of charge. I asked the person (this time a guy) if he just could send me a replacement, and he didn't hesitate, although he wouldn't get specific as to what the issue is. ??? I won't look a gift horse in the mouth, but on the other hand it shouldn't have been sent out this way in the first place. I did carefully examine the barrel frame mate up, and a turn in any direction even a thousandth of an inch would give it a canted look.