Ruger choices

I am a huge fan of the Single Sixes. Loading and unloading may be just a bit slow but unless your fingers are overly fat or numb with cold it isn't a big deal. They're tough and VERY accurate.
LKilkenny said:
"The Single Sixes in .32H&R are perhaps the best thing since sliced bread. I love mine. The round is is light years ahead of the .22M on small game, varmints and predators and it's big enough to not be a pain in the rear loading."

++1 IMO, there is nothing more enjoyable to shoot than.a Single Six .32 H&R, quite the popper even in the often derided historically "weak" factory/off-the-shelf ammo. (Powerful cartridges introduced by Buffalo Bore and Corbon have changed that equation lately, but at the prices asked are somewhat specialty rounds--ie, hardly range stuff). I do like the idea of a .327 in a Single Six (hint hint Ruger), as well as in a midframe (Flattop and New Vaquero--perhaps as a .32-20 convertible), if only to expand the envelope for number of cartridges that can be shot in one platform from mild to wild--since none of the .32 cartridges are growing on trees--in a more compact frame(s) than the larger 8 shot .327 Blackhawk. Win-win.
A .327 mag single six would be a kicking little devil. But then again it couldnt be as bad as the LCR in .357 mag. You might be on to something gak
Well gee thanks! Now that I have shortened my list by scratching of the LCR I purchased a few weeks ago you come along with this thread. You managed to highten my voyage into bankruptcy by showing me the Shopkeeper.:D
Then If one of the rumored new guns coming from Ruger is a 9 or 10 round 22 rimfire based on the GP 100, I'm sunk for sure!
Thanx guys, this was a help even if it looks like I haven't changed a thing since my first rambling and confused post.

I have a .357 Blackhawk and I just got the Shopkeeper, (it arrives tomorrow if USPS still delivers on Saturdays).

So that leaves me looking at a Single-Six convertable and the Single-Six in .32 H&R.

Since I am covered on the top and bottom ends I'll simply look for the best deal that comes along for the other two and pick them both up as soon as the steam clears out from between my wife's ears.

She doesn't have to stay happy all the time, besides, she enjoys keeping me in my place :D