Ruger American trigger modification write up.

I did this mod on my RA in 7mm-08, no joy on anything less than 3.75 lbs.

Said screw it, went and found a Bic pen spring, cut a couple coils off of it and dropped it in. Instant and perfect 2 lb trigger! did the fast bolt cycling and 6-8" drop test - passed!

I've killed 5 does with it since then. All but one were one shot instant DRTs.

My thanks to the OP for posting this!

And curse the OP because I now want a Ruger Predator Rifle in .223!!!!! Curse you OP, curse you!!!!!

I did the spring deletion on my Ruger American 22 lr when the mod showed up on RFC and was super pleased with it. I'll try the spring deletion, trimming 1.5 coils off the spring and the bic pen spring replacement on my RAR 7-08 to see which one works the best for me.
