rough barrel

Every time I shoot it it is absolutely filthy when i get done.
The thing that bothers me about your picture isn't so much the prevalence of tool chatter--but the way it breaks across the top of your rifling grooves where they meet the lands, looks like incipient erosion has already started in some spots. I'm no expert though and only recently started borescope excursions down barrels. Sorta like the tunnel of horror ride at the amusement park.:D
The thing that bothers me about your picture isn't so much the prevalence of tool chatter--but the way it breaks across the top of your rifling grooves where they meet the lands, looks like incipient erosion has already started in some spots. I'm no expert though and only recently started borescope excursions down barrels. Sorta like the tunnel of horror ride at the amusement park.:D
what do you mean my incipent erosion? thats not a term I have come across in guns before? the gun has between 150-200 rounds through it.
I just posted on your post in the reload section. I think your bore looks much better--but the real question is does it shoot any better? What I meant by incipient erosion--if you look at where the rifling groove meets the lands in your "before" picture it has a jagged look--like teeth, some of which looks uneven. Your after treatment picture looks like the finish bullets did quite a nice job of smoothing those down and giving it a consistent edge. I would be curious to hear the results of a previous load you had developed to see if there was any improvement in accuracy and/or velocity (which is why I'm interested in using them). I don't think this treatment was intended to give the same results as a meticulously hand-lapped and polished bore--if that was what you were expecting.
Its part of a rifling process.

1. Hammer Forged: very smooth. YOu have to go to extra steps to get accurate barrels as its not a precision process . Some do, most don't.

2. Button Rifled: Very rough, custom barrel makers lap but Savage does not so it looks like the Alcan circa 1948 (rough). None of them are smooth but custom is much smoother.

3. Cut Rifled: Also need to be lapped but this is purely custom rifle area now, high end.