Rottweiler vs. Transients.

Dogs are fine as long as you don't expect them to think for themselves. My German shepheard woul drill anything within 5 feet of me, but it wasn't what I wanted.

I had a Rott imprint 4 fang marks in my back without provocation and he got a face full of toolbox in reply and a quarantine from the vet. No hard feelings toward the dog. More toward the owner.
I have an American Bulldog, around 120 lbs. He's more athletic than any rottie I've seen, and stronger to boot... I am 100% comfortable with him around any stranger or child. not an aggressive bone in his body. I believe it is a matter of how they are socialized as a pup. He is totally trained and obeys hand commands as well as verbal ones.
Lycanthrope --- If your dog will drill anything in 5 feet and you dont want that (as no one in their right mind should want unless your job is strictly patrolling a nuke bunker) get some training ASAP, problems don't go away on their own and rarely get better with time, but Shepards in general are very trainable and with work shold be able to be made better --- depending on the dog and the trainer / owner maybe never exatly perfect or what you want --- you will want to talk to your trainer about this when you are getting started to make sure your goals are reasonable and obtainable
I had a Rott imprint 4 fang marks in my back without provocation and he got a face full of toolbox in reply and a quarantine from the vet. No hard feelings toward the dog. More toward the owner.

As the old saying goes, "There are no bad dogs - just bad owners."
oj , your brinnle mastiff is great ! , I had 2 rotts ( may the both rest in peace) I bought them from a reptuablebreeder and they where both of good temperment they where brother and half sister ( sire was the same but different bitches ) they where smart dogs and very protective I obidence trained the male ( Baron a.k.a. bear or duffus (if you knew him you know how he got that name )) and the female ( Milady A.k.a. lady or mooch ) for some reason picked up on it ,I made the fatal mistake of teaching them to swipe the door with there paw when they had to go out ,needless to say I had to replacethe door, jamb and all in 2 years , they protected my wife while Iwas on the road ( we live in a rather seedy neighborhood) but they loved my nephew and neice and protected anyoneof my freinds and family ,the one thing I noticed they wouldn't bark untilless something was wrong or someone who wasn't introduced to them aproached ,the ups man ,and the electric meter guy were afraid of them at first then after they where intro'd they where buddys , when I gotmy divorce I let my wife keep both of them , sadly lady died a year later at age 6 , baron saved my ex wife from a abusive boyfreind by taking him down and in the process broke his arm , the neighbors are who saved him from being put to sleep because they witnessed the act , sadly baron passed in 2004 , I have to say they where the best pets I have ever owned , and wouldget another rot if I could spend the time they need to be with them .. the funny thing is my ex said it was the best valentines day present she had ever gotten ( 2 dogs ) this was after bear had passed and we had been divorced for 10 years .. I hope its true that all dogs go to heaven .. :) the picture of them together is a little dark , but they where 15 months old , the picture of Baron is when we got him from the breeder , the little bugger took to home and claimed his territory , I wish I gotten copys of all the pictures but she has them and won't share . there proper names Where Baron von V. Spencer ,and Barons Milady von V. Spencer .


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I've got a Dobe who turns 9 this month. She's a senior as far as dobe's are concerned. She has been the most wonderful dog in the world. Smart as can be, and was extremely difficult to train in the beginning. Once we began seeing eye to eye she picked up on everything almost immediately. I can trust her 100%, but I also put in countless hours training her beginning at 16 weeks. We can go anywhere (without a leash) and she will not leave my right leg. She does what I tell her to do, immediately, and won't stop until I tell her to stop. For example, if I tell her to "down", she won't get up until the "up" command regardless of what is going on around her. She's not attack trained, but I did train her to bare her teeth on command. What I like most about having a dobe is everyone respects the dog. Especially if the dog is extremely well trained, people immediately think the dog is attack trained.

She's has a wonderful termparment, great around people, and other dogs when out in public. Cautious, reserved, and suspicious of strangers in or immediately around her house. She's much more aggressive towards strangers when I'm not around, and it's just my wife and daughter at home.

She's been nothing but a joy after she hit 2 years. It saddens me to watch her get old. She now has arthritis and both ACL's have snapped in her hind legs. She can't get around like she used to, but she still has that sparkle in her eye, and when you look at her you can just see the wheels turning inside her head. She still thinks she's 3 years and invincible, unfortunately I see the ravages of time taking its toll on her. Below is a baby picture of Bella and a shot of her when she was in her prime. I'm going to miss the hell out of that dog when she's gone.
