Rosie O'Donnell


New member
I was flipping through the channels and I saw Rosie spewing the 43 times more crap. Then she continued to tell the mothers in the US to take the guns in their house and give them to the police. Then that bitch went on to defend the 2 gunmen saying that they were bad kids and that it wasn't their fault that they did this. Blaming guns and gunowners the entire time. I drive me wild to listen to this crap. But unlike what they claim, I not going to get my gun and kill someone because I'm angry. That isn't the why it works.
Pissed you off just a little, you say? Wow, this PO's me to no end!!!!!!

But like you said, none of us, no matter how irked, are going to grab our guns and go ballistic.

There I am at work today. Our receptionist says its my wife so I pick up the phone and it starts... my wife if going off on a tangent, cussing, saying she was watching Rosie and Rosie is all messed up. This from a lady who waited in line to buy a Rosie Doll and keeps it still in the box in a plastic bag. SHE is POed at what Rosie is saying. Said she will never watch Rosie again. I got her calmed down and told her to turn the channel.

Anyone want to buy a Rosie Doll? (Maybe I'll just take it to the next "Gunstock" I go to and use it as a target. ;)

Schmit, GySgt, USMC(Ret)
NRA Life, Lodge 1201-UOSSS
"Si vis Pacem Para Bellum"

[This message has been edited by David Schmidbauer (edited April 21, 1999).]
You have to remember that Rosie(sort of like Jerry Lewis)has made a career out of being stupid.
Oprah is the one who surprised me.I had always felt that she was more politically correct than that.

Better days to be,


Oprah is a Southern country girl. As a kid she ate meals furnished by her daddy's rifle and not cuz he enjoyed hunting...they were dirt poor. She is liberal and a bleeding heart, but at least its sincere and she is a realist. And, she doesn't seem to have an agenda....she has more money than God, doesn't want power and gives equal time to both sides of a political issue.

Unlike that NYC Mick cow Rosie

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Now Ed, you know I don't make those sorts of spelling errors. in folks of the Blarney persuasion :)
How come people like Rosie O'Donnell and others of her ilk always have their stage to spit out the liberal crap, but the rest of us are not allowed to have the same stage to rebut their lies? Isn't this a violation of OUR First Amendment rith to free speech?
Paul B.
Paul, remember, "Freedom of the press is limited to those who own one." Mencken.

This is our press; not as large an audience, but at least a rational audience.

"The only good bureaucrat is one with pistol at his head. Put it in his hand and it's goodbye to the Bill of Rights." H.L. Mencken
Yes, you are correct in stating that this is our press. The Internet is changing things in fundamental ways in the US. And not to the liking of Clinton and his ilk. Remember Hilary whining about the exposure of Bill via the web? We are undergoing a paradigm shift for certain. We might be approaching what can only be described as a social, technological, and political singularity.
OH! Faith, my little one! Just because we "of the Blarney persuasion" takes the vowel up in front of our names rather than danglin' from the end like the Ma-fee-oh-see you have no need to treat us crewel! Naw! No need t'all!

Dennis (me mother's family name was O'Connors)

And may your today be so grand as to make your yesterdays look like disasters; and so poor as to make your tomorrows each grander than the day before! :D

[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited April 22, 1999).]
Hi there,
Rosie is a brain dead liberal hack, that is for sure. Don't just get mad, write her advertisers. Tell them how you feel about her and her stupid show. I don't watch since I not only can't stand her show, I can't stand Rosie! And that feeling goes back before she had the damn show. On a brighter note, I was listening to Howard Stern this morning.Something I rarely do, but I am glad I did today. He slammed the liberals for them blaming the killings on guns. He sounded pretty damn progun to me which is something I didn't know or expect. He also slammed rosie for being so ridiculous. Stern praised our gun culture and said it was the reason we were saving lives in Kosovo or something to that effect. I don't agree about the Kosovo thing, but was thrilled another New Yorker defended gun rights and put the blame where it should be. Maybe I will listen to the show more often:-)
I would suggest that we start a letter writing campaign to our Senators and Representatives. I was flipping past Rosie, and heard her ranting. She believes that only the police and military should have guns. Her quote "If you own a gun, you should go to jail."

Charlie Rose from 60 minutes II was on and advised her and her audience to start a letter writing campaign to take away our rights.
While I agree that this tub of lard has 1st Amendment rights to call for this bs, it royally hacks me that she calls for a complete rape of the Second Amendment. I went to and finally found the cow's website, homepage, or whatever it's called and emailed her. Perhaps a few million more wouldn't hurt. Tell everyone you know.
Hey rapidfire, I just wanted to tell you that Howard Stern is super pro-gun. I believe he is also is a ccw holder as well.
Stern has a CCW????!!!!
Don't broadcast it...NY will find out the Sullivan Law has lapsed :)

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Rosie suffers from an ego bloated by an excess of disinformation and personal privilege.

The players in our mass media are really remarkable. So many media "personalities," like Rosie, know so very, very little about anything except how to be a "personality." I'd guess that the chief expertise of the media personality is how to fake the appearance of wisdom and disseminate ignorance in the guise of entertainment to a vast audience, with no embarrassment whatever, with no inkling that they're making jackasses of themselves, and with no fear that anyone will call them to account.

Do people actually fail to see through the personalities? I'm afraid a lot of them do, or the personalities would go out of business!