Rosie O'blubber and K mart

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there is little doubt in my mind that, now that rosie is off the kmart leash, we are gonna hear more HCI bull-oney from her stoutness....


Dont get me wrong. I buy all my guns from the little man. But most of the gun shops around my way dont sell ammo. They sell guns and accessories but no ammo. The shooting range sells ammo but its mostly for people that rent guns. Not for the guy that has his own. what i mean by this is, the gun shop charges $15 for a box of .40 cal ammo. the reason for this is because he only allows his ammo to be shot in his guns. And people that rent guns are willing to pay $15 a box. Which is fine with me. Ive rented there and paid for the ammo.No problem. But when i buy ammo for my guns i dont pay $15 a box. The owner of my local range could pay his rent with the money i spend there monthly. But wal mart only gets my money for ammo and toilet paper.

P.S. I believe in paying extra to keep the little man around. I got put out of business by CompUSA.

TIM : )
I too buy all of my firearms from "the little guy", seven pistols and a mini-14 so far, plus all of my tuning and refinishing work comes from my friend. The one exception was my Mossberg 500a. He told me to buy it from K-Mart (last spring).

My biggest problem with K-Mart now is that they tried to fool us by having the spokes-cow disappear during the hunting season when they hoped to lure sportsmen and shooters back. Once that was pretty much over, they rolled out Rosie the pig to get the scoccer mpms in for x-mas shopping. How stupid and forgetful do they think we (the shooting public) are? Have the fallen victim to Oliphant's cartoon portrayal of the "Stupid Bubba" hunter? Someone to dumb to remember who lied to them from one month to the next?

I for one have spent my last dime in a K-Mart, even for ammo. As was recently said here "Go for the throat". They betrayed us with their lies and the treated us like foools with their dismissive statements back at the beginnings of this whole mess. We must let them know that we will not forget or forgive them for that shabby treatment. This is also a good message to other corporations - we are a force to be reckoned with!
Not everyone is finacialy able to spend the extra amount I do to buy from my local little guy. I would rather see the like of K-mart sell guns to people, rather than the alternative, which would be zero guns sold. To advocate not buying a gun from a gun seller equals advocating no gun sales.
For tens of thousands of people, there are no little guys. I was in that position once myself, where the only gun store was a K-Mart. If K-Mart hadn't been there and sold me a Marlin Model 60, I may not have ever been a gun owner that spent thousands over the last 2 years at my now-local little guy.

Another poster in these forums is retired and on a limited income. He desires a new gun. His only options are to spend an extra $100.00, which is a significant portion of his income, or not buy the gun. What would you have him do? Another poster here is just starting out. As a student his income is limited, and $50.00 is a great portion of that income. What would you have him do? Not get into shooting at all or buy something from the pimple faced kid?

[This message has been edited by Hal (edited November 21, 1999).]
Those are tough questions for some reasonable (believable) scenarios. The answer is you get the gun from whatever legal source you can. However, if you have the choice, boycott those who do you a dis-service. Where was this advice during the original boycott? I heard no one speaking out for the limited income crowd (of which I am one - SS disability). Would you have advised them (us) to cross the picket line and support K-Mart? Or to stand firm and remain gunless for another month or two?
Well of course sometimes we are forced to deal with people we rather not and I understand.

My comment was directed at those members who are advacating that we all go hopping and skiping into K-mart and buy rifles.

My point is if you have another choice don't.

If you have a local guy, at least check him out. He may have a used firearm in your price range.

If you do a lot of shooting and your local guy can't make you deal on ammo check these links. Both are cheap, fast and honest.

The new guy.

"I'm totin, this pistol because my dang SKS won't fit in my holster"

[This message has been edited by Jimmie (edited November 21, 1999).]
Ok guys, I'll fess up to a bit of giving you a hard time about this only to point out that K-Mart has, since the SS Kresgee(sp) days, been a gun dealer. I agree, buy from the guy that stood by you from the start, if you can. For a lot of people this isn't possible or practical. Nobody dislikes K-Mart anymore than I do. I spent 20 years working in retail, and the last 5 of those with a K-Mart Corp owned company(Builders Square). I am all too familiar with the crap manner in which K-Mart treats their employees and customers. No way am I going to defend K-Mart other than to say they are local and they sell guns and shooting supplies. My position has not changed one bit from what it was at the beginning. Buy from a local gun dealer. If the only local gun dealer has a big red K, it's a concience sort of thing for each individual. I have paid hundreds of dollars above K's ,Wally's and Dick's Sporting Goods prices to support my local gun dealers. That's just me. I am financialy able to do so. I also buy some stuff from gun shows. I try to do my own small part to keep everybody selling guns and shooting supplies in business, even if they are K's, Wally's and chain stores simply because they are gun sellers. I've seen too many Monkey Ward, Woolworth's, large regional department stores, Western Auto's,,,I could go on but you get the point, quit selling guns. I don't buy from them. Take Penny's for example. Penny's used to sell guns. They quit selling guns because it was not the type of image they wanted to project. The public reason given was they dropped sporting goods in general because they wanted to become more of a clothing outlet and concentrate on softgoods. How many picketers were dressed in Penny's clothes I wonder? I guess what I am trying to point out is that a lot of times there is no clear choice of a one size fits all solution.

CCW for Ohio action site.
Do what you C.A.N.
One last thought on this.
Who took the public heat over this issue?
The gun seller or the anti gun network and other sponsors of Rosie's show? I would have to give the gun control forces an A+ on the entire matter for playing gun owners against a gun seller.

CCW for Ohio action site.
Do what you C.A.N.
i like y]the idea of gun sales in a non specialized store

the soccer moms might walk past the sportig goods department and actually see that guns are not evil

Hal - "I would have to give the gun control forces an A+ on the entire matter for playing gun owners against a gun seller."

Using the criteria of advancing their agenda, I'd give them a "D". Message to all future anti-gun "celebs" -- shoot your mouth off and get 5 minutes of adoration from your air-headed fans, and lose a bundle as your advertiser(s) drop you. Next time a decision like that comes up, the current dingbat of the month will take about 10 seconds to decide which way to go.

If you can't fight City Hall, at least defecate on the steps.
I do not shop at K-Mart or Wal-Mart for one simple reason.....They do not permit firearms in their stores. Therefore as a law abiding citizen I am forced to go unarmed to shop there.

In Arizona, if the private property is posted "NO FIREARMS" or "NO WEAPONS" it makes it elligal to carry open or concealed. Most all K-Mart and Wal-Mart stores are posted "NO FIREARMS".

If I need guns or related gear I go to any of the many gun stores in the Phoenix area which permit carry and DO NOT ask that I unload my gun.

If I need general merchandise I normally go to a shop that specializes in what I am interested in, but if I need a mass merchant I go to Target....

Best Regards.....
"Train to Defend, Train to Survive, Train to Win"
(dual post in Legal/Political)

Article in the Twin Falls, ID paper:

Sweatin' with Rosie ... Four Mini-Cassia women go on national TV with 'Chub Club' Olympics
By Steve Crump
Times-News writer

RUPERT -- Understand that Holly Goodman is a big fan of Rosie O'Donnell, and only a moderate fan of workouts.

But when the chubby actress announced 11 months ago that she was forming a nationwide club to help viewers of her daytime talk show to lead healthier lifestyles, Goodman figured that organizing a local ''Chub Club'' chapter wasn't a bad idea.

''I asked my mom, my sister and my friend, Angela, if they'd be interested, and they said, 'Why not?''' said Goodman, 27. ''So we called ourselves the Couch Potatoes -- you know, because we're from Idaho.''

Then Rosie sweetened the deal.

She announced that she'd bring Chub Clubs from all over the country to New York City in November for ''The Rosie O'Games.'' Goodman got the news three days before Halloween that the Couch Potatoes would be Idaho's representatives.

So along with 177 other Chub Clubbers from throughout the country, Goodman, her friend, Angela Tallant, 28; Holly's mom Patricia Knoblauch, 48; and Holly's younger sister Sarah, 18, flew to the Big Apple for the taping the ''The Rosie O'Games'' on Nov. 4.

''They treated us so well,'' Patricia Knoblauch said. ''They even had a stretch limo to carry us around. Instead of acting casually, like this was something that happened to us all the time, we got all excited and took pictures of each other.''

What actually happens on ''The Rosie O'Games,'' which will air on Dec. 1, is a closely held secret.

''I can't talk about the show,'' Patricia said.

''All I can say is that all of those Chub Clubs were in the studio for the taping,'' Goodman said. ''I have no idea whether we'll even appear in the version that goes on the air.''

The Chub Club is not exactly the Marine Corps: O'Donnell sends out a newsletter with exercise and fitness tips for members.

''The first goal for Chub Club members was to participate in a 5K walk or run in the spring of 1999,'' said Beth Goldman, a publicist for O'Donnell. ''The newsletter is a monthly publication with recipes, stories and encouraging tips from other members.''

''The idea is to keep each other motivated,'' said Goodman, who added that she'd lost 25 pounds after her baby was born.

''I'd work out anyway,'' Patricia said. ''But it's good to have somebody else to work out with.''

Although O'Donnell wined and dined them in New York, the Couch Potatoes insist they didn't do lasting damage to their fitness regimen.

''I didn't think I'd like New York,'' Patricia said. ''I was wrong. We went to Broadway and the Statue of Liberty and saw the runners practicing for the New York Marathon. It was great fun.''

Meanwhile, the Couch Potatoes have resumed their workouts -- and are waiting to see whether they're among the faces who will appear in the ''Rosie O' Games.''

''She's such a friendly, genuine person,'' Goodman said of O'Donnell. ''She didn't act like a celebrity at all.''

But did Rosie join in the games?

''Can't tell you that,'' Goodman said. ''Watch the show.''


Too bad mental exercises aren't part of her workout plan. Clearly that area needs the greatest improvement. And an Immodium/Pepto cocktail for her anal-cranial diversion (diarrhea of the mouth, constipation of the mind.)

- - - Don
Hmmm, I hope one of the Rosie O'Games events is Rosie herself attempting to catch a .50 BMG bullet in her teeth from 10 yards. [remainder of post deleted - may not have conformed to TFL ideals]

[This message has been edited by Futo Inu (edited November 22, 1999).]
Better tell Shania Twain and Natalie Portman their careers are about to hit the skids.

CCW for Ohio action site.
Do what you C.A.N.
I'd like to hear what Twain and Portman said. (SIGH.) Didn't Portman just get really, really famous and really, REALLY rich playing a character who was able to save the day because she had handguns hidden in her throne room when the agents of an oppressive government came to kill her? How empty can one head be? Sure, she did a terrible job of acting the part, but still . . . .

RE: the comments about WalMart vs. Kmart. I DO NOT advocate buying firearms from either one. I'm not even sure I wanted to buy that .22 ammo, just dumbstruck that they had no .22 ammo. (What the hell is up with that, anyway?)
The following is unsubstantiated. All I can say is that my dad believes it and I believe my dad, you'll have to judge for yourselves:

My dad was driven out of the firearm business several years ago--we were between two towns with Walmarts, each about 20 miles away. One day a salesman from St. Croix rods was in the shop and he and dad got to talking guns. This guy had once been one of the sporting goods buyers for WalMart. He said that it was the easiest job he's ever had but he hated it. WalMart buyers simply wait to get calls from large companies like Remington, Ruger and Winchester. These companies toss the guns they don't want to sell through "real" wholesalers--guns with questionable stocks, actions that required repair work to fire and cycle, etc.--onto railway cars and tractor trailers where they sit until there are enough to interest Wal Mart. When they have a huge load--at least several cars or trailers full--they call Wal Mart and offer these guns at incredibly low prices. Wal Mart ships them with it's own trucks, saving even more money, and they're distributed all over.
The gun you get at Wal Mart may be perfect. OTOH, it may refuse to cycle after 200 rounds. You just never know.

The following IS true, I was in the shop for both instances. At least two people I know of were simply REFUSED any kind of warranty service by WalMart. One guy had shopped with us, then gone to Wal Mart. The front sight fell off his Remington 870, and Wal Mart told him they would not take the gun back, nor would they ship it to Remington. It was only at that point that he found out they'd given him a Winchester box. Eventually, dad ordered and installed the sight because Remington wouldn't take the gun from us for warranty work.

Believe me, I understand penny-pinching, I do a lot too. Just be forewarned that from what I hear, Wal Mart is NOT to be trusted. I doubt this is limited to guns. I also doubt that it's limited to Wal Mart, I don't trust Kmart any farther than I can throw them. But if I can find one that stocks these Dynapoint .22s, I'll buy a couple of bricks and I'll tell the manager why I'm buying them.


"Its not criminals that go into schools and shoot children"
--Ann Pearston, British Gun Control apologist and moron
I'm torn between wanting to voice my pleasure at Rosie going and never wanting to give those hypocrites a dime of my money again. Better to just spend almost all you can at a good local independent.

Shopping price hurts us all. Shop value.


Will you, too, be one who stands in the gap?

Ok, I've gotten myself in an uncomfortable(to say the least) position. I am being compelled to defend a Company that I really do despise (K-Mart), based solely on the fact that K-Mart sells guns and ammo. I support my local dealers as much as the next guy. I buy guns from my local dealer because he helps me with warranty work and I help him with my purchase. I also buy a bit of ammo from them at inflated prices because I know he makes as much or more profit on the add-ons as he(they) do on the guns. I will continue to buy from K-Mart as long as they sell guns and ammo. They are after all a part of my local community. The people that work in the store live here and benefit from it. I will not buy guns there, unless they offer a deal that is too good to pass up, say a Marlin Model 60 for 50 bucks or something. If that deal involves a close out forever of all guns and shooting supplies, I would be hard pressed to decide what to do though, concience only goes so far. I would have to take it on a case by case basis. I do not like K-Mart. I have not liked K-Mart for a number of years. I try not to buy anything from K-Mart that I can't get elsewhere, unless the price is too good to pass up. 99.99% of the time I will have someone else match the price, which they are happy to do if possible (non-gun and non-gun related items). I refer to loss leader items here, because I know from the inside how much this pi$$es K-Mart off. One customer that buys nothing but sale items gets under K-Corporate skin more than 100 irate letters do.

Don (Gwinny),
Portman and Twain are documented and discussed anti's. Do a search here for their names and you'll see a few posts confirming it. I wouldn't be surprised if your Dad's info proved out to be correct, but I don't think that it happens. Maybe if the buyers are given a personal incentive it does, but for the most part the MFG's most likely destroy the questionable goods. Less paperwork and man hours invloved possibly? Still, like I say, it wouldn't surprise me if true. I saw a lot of nasty crap in my years in retail, and there is a huge amount of graft and payolla that goes on. I was forced by company pressure to take delivery of a 40 foot semi full of defective paint due to the paperwork involved in refusing it. ( It spent a week in sub-zero temps during shipping and froze solid) I buried the crap in the wharehouse and refused to sell it. After I left the store, the district manager put it out on the floor.

CCW for Ohio action site.
Do what you C.A.N.
Hal and others: Can you please provide any sork of link or evidence that shows Shania is a real confirmed anti (besides the one thing I do know - that she signed on to that stupid open letter to the NRA thing supporting "reasonable" controls, signed by about 500 celebs - that only makes her an idiot in my book, not an anti zealot gun banner - I've got to give her the benefit of the doubt here cuz she's so hot). My heart is saddened, but if she is a real anti, then I foresee her receiving by snail mail a letter giving her a piece of my mind, along with the broken physical remains of the CDs by her now in my possession.

[This message has been edited by Futo Inu (edited November 23, 1999).]
What if, instead of smashing the CDs, you sold them (at a great discount) to someone who intended to buy the CD. That way you get her in the pocketbook - if nowhere else (politically speaking, of course). ;)
Well, K-Mart's in-your-face arrogance defending Rosie has torn it completely for me. I won't go inside their doors again, no matter what.

I was down on them initially because friends
of mine were in K-Mart's 20-40-60 and lost decent paying jobs because of it.

If you were at K-Mart 20 years, or made $40K, or were 60 years old or over, they found a way to get rid of you.

If you can't fight City Hall, at least defecate on the steps.
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