Rosie Dumped? Can anyone confirm this?

I doubt the validity of Rosie having been dumped - I have seen 2 new comercials with her in it quite recently. I know they could have been done earlier in the year - but I still doubt it. She appeals to too many Soccer Moms.

I would like it very much if she were... I hope this is true.

As for Seleck at the NRA helm... Interesting thought... can you articulate WHY he should be there? I like Heston, he's got a lot of class. Whats Tom got? How active is he actually in 2nd ammendment issues and can he represent ALL OF US? Does he have a problem with me having a couple black rifles? A couple black pistols? What about my imports? What about my having my HK tucked IWB while I drop and pick up my son from school? or driving through a bad part of town to go to church? (Okay - thats not the case in Salt Lake City - but what about LA, or Boston, or Milwaukee?) There are a lot of issues that all of us shooters need to be unified on and select a unified person for the job. Not just cause he's - well... cool...
He could perhaps make headway on some issues - but all of them?

Not all Liberals are annoying... Some are Dead.
The Critic formerly known as Kodiac

Who better to appeal to any "fence sitters" among the soccer Moms?

And why would Tom have to replace Chuck? Seems like they could work together rather effectively were that to come to pass.

now that could be a good thing magnium and moses both working on ou behalf ;)seriously though my fealings on the matter is the more information that can be given to the general public IMHO there are alotof people out there that would be interested in guns shooting and our righs to do the same.if given the chance to do so with out being villinized or demonized for owning shooting firearms any way sorry for ranting :)

They'd both be better ad spokesmen than anything else, I think. Did you see the episode Selleck was on? Defending his gun rights is putting a very positive spin on it. Mostly he denied any responsibility for anything the NRA says or does and protested that all he wanted to do was to promote his new movie. I don't know about that guy--don't mistake him for Magnum or Quigley, OK?


"Its not criminals that go into schools and shoot children"
--Ann Pearston, British Gun Control apologist and moron
Before you get too deeply into praising Wal-Mart for being "pro gun", I think you should check more closely. Wal-Mart HAS a policy against selling ugly guns, assault type, military appearing, etc. firearms. Don't even try to get a black rifle there (they will however sell Mini-14's). They are a bunch of hypocrites. I have had this policy confirmed to me by the CEO, and the national sporting goods buyer of Wal-Mart. It would probably be better if we spent our money at a local gun shop, a gun show, or even ordered stuff from catalogs of companies that support gun rights full time, rather than these big outfits that only respond when threatened. If the little guys are put out of business by K-Mart and Wal-Mart and they turn on us as they have in the past, who will you go to then?
Good point, Idaho02. I was thinking of just buying the day-to-day stuff there and letting them know you're doing it because
they're making some space available to the gun people.

I have no doubt that Wal-Mart would turn on us if it was PC for them, and fully agree that these people only respond to pressure on their pocketbooks, despite their protestations of "community service".

The gun stuff I buy is local (hard to do in a town of 10K) or at the gun shows.

If you can't fight City Hall, at least defecate on the steps.
Wal Mart and K Mart's primary customer is the hunter market. If you look intheir stores you will see the types of guns primarily used by hunters.

A recent trip to the local Wal Mart revealed several black guns, mostly shotguns and rifles with plastic stocks, in the racks. I was told by a VP of Remington several years ago that the Model 1100 was resurected at the request of Wal Mart who insisted on plastic stocks for the gun. Both stores will stock what they sell the most of, whick is low end hunting guns.

One local Wal Mart located in the center of the three local clays ranges here does a booming business in those Federal value pack shotshells. They sell them by the pallet and don't even break them out of the shipping boxes, the shooters buy them as fast as they can get them. Last week when I purchased 600 shells I was shocked when the checker at the door said cheerfully" Have a good hunt". Usually I get a frown from the checkout Kids when they see I am buying shells.

It looks like the boycott against K Mart is having results! this could be the beginning of a change in the attitude towards guns.

Geoff Ross

Damn!...I need more practice!
Pi$$ off the left, register to vote.
Wal-Mart may not sell black rifles, But the ones around here do stock the Mossberg 590. That ain't exactly a huntin' gun.
Like somebody said, their customers are mostly hunters. They also tend to go for solid inexpensive "utility" type arms. If they did stock ARs, bushmasters or such, I doubt they would sell many.
I would caution everyone to consider the source, before they get too worked up about Rosie being dumped. (I do not mean NRALIFE, I mean the website he found the info on).

I would suggest being careful about passing judgement or passing this info on, until we have confirmed it through at least one other source, preferrably K-mart themselves.
From K-Mart's web page - press releases.
October 1, 1998

Mary Lorencz,
Kmart Media Relations,
248 643 1021

Joan Wadkins,
CME Public Relations,
612 347 1391

Rosie And Penny Divide And Conquer In New Big Kmart Ad Campaign

TROY, Mich., Oct. 1, 1998 - In a maneuver worthy of the most seasoned shoppers, Rosie and Penny break ranks to carry the Big Kmart news far and wide in a new ad campaign breaking Sunday, Oct. 4, in major markets
around the country.

The commercials offer two perspectives on "discovering the difference", the rallying call for the nationwide conversion of traditional Kmart stores to the new Big Kmart store concept. Rosie inspires current customers with an in-store encounter, while Penny brings in novice shoppers for their first glimpse at "today's Kmart."

The spots reach out to current and prospective customers alike, explains Kmart Vice President of Advertising Larry Davis. "We introduced these ideas in previous Rosie and Penny ads, and now our messages are reinforced with real customers reacting to the Big Kmart experience. With Rosie we see customers celebrate the bright new environment, value and selection. Penny recruits newcomers to the store, relishing their delighted reactions in her snappy, trademark style."

SHOPPER I: I don't shop here.
PENNY: You should.
SHOPPER II: I don't get this.
PENNY: You will.

Created and produced by Campbell Mithun Esty, Minneapolis, the commercials will run in rotation in Big Kmart markets Oct. 4 though Nov. 1, during top-rated network programs (Friends, Frasier, X-Files, Ally McBeal),
daily talk (The Rosie O'Donnell Show) and late news.

Kmart Corporation serves America with 2,115 Kmart, Big Kmart and Super Kmart retail outlets. In addition to serving all 50 states, Kmart operations extend to Puerto Rico, Guam and the U.S. Virgin Islands. More information about Kmart is available on the World Wide Web at
Some of you are missing the point. Wal-Mart is not a friend of "gun people". They are extremely PC about what they will and will not sell. It has nothing to do with hunting or non-hunting firearms or what sells. They confirmed to me that the only reason they wouldn't sell a Colt Sporter Match Target Competition H-Bar was because of it's looks.
Shotguns and Bolt Action hunting rifles with synthetic stocks are not "military looking".
Buy from them if you want, they are not your friend.
I know I headed off about Wal-Mart, but I feel the same way about K-Mart with or without Rosie O'Donnell.
George Hill,
Actually I think you're right about fully questioning Selleck's positions on all the various matters of RKBA. He may not be all that great, but surely there is someone else the NRA can send out to answer questions. Last Sunday (9/26), Heston was on Wolf Blitzer's show on CNN. At the end of the segment they took calls from viewers. One caller stated that "the Supreme Court has repeatedly found that the 2nd Amendment is not an individual right" and then asked why the NRA still holds its position that it is an individual right. Instead of blowing this guy out of the water with facts, Heston gave some answer about how states with CCW have seen declining crime. Heston's response was true, but it allowed the caller's ignorance to stand uncontested. I have seen him do this same thing a number of times.

No arguments with you George, it just frosts me everytime I see this happen and I think the NRA could find someone better at Q&A forums; Selleck just happened to be the one mentioned here.

I just had to vent a bit there (again).

Sellick would be great, but isn't it likely that one of Metaksa's or LaPierre's people has called him? He was pretty quick on his feet in an ambush, which is sorely needed. 20 years younger and a recent stint on Friends helps on the base of appeal, too. If only Brad Pitt could come on board, we could appeal to the 20-something women better, too. (Yes, I know this is really sexist. But prove to me that the average voter really cares about anything other than personal appeal... and younger women are the demographic group we need the most help in.)


As for shopping at K-Mart, I want to see a "ROSIE'S FIRED!!" bulletin in the paper and an official statement by K-Mart, first, before I'll by a packet of TicTacs from 'em. As for gun stuff-- forget it. I'm NEVER buying any gun stuff from them, EVER. Period. Wal Mart only gets a tiny sparing amount of my money-- the little shops need it too badly, and I need them too badly.


Will you, too, be one who stands in the gap?

This is the letter I got back form F-Mart.

Dear Valued Kmart Customer,

Thank you for your concerns regarding Rosie O'Donnell. The following is
Kmart Corporation's statement regarding Rosie O'Donnell and firearms.

While we certainly respect her First Amendment Rights of Freedom of
Expression, the views that Rosie O'Donnell expresses are her own. She is not
a spokesperson for Kmart.

As a retailer of legal firearms, Kmart also believes in the importance of
Second Amendment Rights to Bear Arms. Our corporate stance is to advocate
the safe, responsible sale and ownership of sporting firearms.

We follow extensive policies and procedures to ensure that all FBI and ATF
requirements are followed by our sporting goods personnel in all firearms
sales. On a regular basis, Kmart also participates with various
organizations and law enforcement officers to incorporate firearms safety
training in communities we serve throughout the country.

While we have and will continue to share the feedback we receive from
customers on this issue with Ms. O'Donnell, we cannot control the comments
she makes about this or any subject.

Best reguards,

Kmart Online Store
Customer Service Representative

send all replys and suggestions to:
or the others listed in the posts above
K-Mart's continued hypocrisy is getting old. If they're so freakin' concerned about Rosie's 1stA rights, why the bloody fscking hell did they axe Fuzzy? What about *his* rights?

Oh, that's right: Fuzzy was poking fun at a hyphenated-American. Rosie just said all gun owners should be in prison.

GDMFin cowardly rat bastards...

"America needs additional gun laws like a giraffe needs snow tires."
--Rabbi Mermelstein, JPFO
So I got my hopes up for nothing . . . Rosie still works for them, they still pay her way, but she's "not a spokesperson" for them. Oh well. Screw 'em--I never liked buying from either them or WalMart anyway.


"Its not criminals that go into schools and shoot children"
--Ann Pearston, British Gun Control apologist and moron
For toilet paper and tooth paste walmart isnt bad - but I buy my gear and guns from local based FFL holders and prefer to support the local guys in everything that I can. Huge companys like them (or the one I work for) get ponderous and a little uncarring.
(Hey I can say that from work, cant I? No Boss! I am working on the Y2K cases right now! ;) )

I mean, if I went around saying I was an Emperor because some moistened bint had lobbed a scimitar at me, people would put me away!
Coin, you should come out of your shell a little, and quit beating around the bush. Point well taken, though. Rosie is careful not to make fun of hypenated-Americans because she herself is a moron-American.