Rosie: At it Again

Today's guest on Rosie: an unknown author who watched his heroine addict mother kill his stepfather with a gun. (Hmmm- he sounds real impartial).

The tactic today is as follows: If dad wants to get a gun, Mom needs to intervene. Boys minds work "differently" than girls- they have a "need" to move things thru space. Therefore boys will shoot a gun, if they handle it.

The lies and half truths today include the following:
- A child is twice as likely to commit suicide with a gun in the home as without. (He should read the Dept of Justice study, rather than HCI's homepage.)
- Guns are the leading cause of death of teenage boys in the home
- Guns are the leading cause of death of women in the home
- There are more guns in America than people
- American gunmakers produce 2,000 firearms every hour

Todays deal:
Rosie gets to have a quasi-expert remouth her words. The quasi expert gets to sell copies of his book on the gravemarkers of dead children, rather than dealing with the causes of youth violence.

[This message has been edited by Rich Lucibella (edited June 07, 1999).]
Has Rosie been spouting off about semi autos?
I was habving a chat with my wife yesterday about an article on Smart guns.

The conversation turned to why does anyone need a semi auto rifle?

i never mentioned semis
she was surprized when i said they were legal to hunt with. I'm wondering where this conversation came from

I had the same converssation with my next-door neighbor. He is a retired D.C. cop, and simply can't understand why anyone 'NEEDS' a semi-auto anything. (p.s., he has two Glocks, neither of which he has fired since he retired 13 years ago. He won't give THEM up!)

I his opinion, there are almost no people that he has ever encountered (I am the single exception! ) who hafe shown hit the maturity that SHOULD be required before being allowed to purchase any fireary.

Made me want to puke!

I asked him if he was aware of how many felon criminals werearrested by the Phildelphia PD last year, of over 2500 known violations? He guessed between 1500 and 2000. WRONG! Fewer than 100! Why? Not enough jail cells. So the attitude that has prevailed is that we CAN NOT prevent or control the criminal use of guns, so let's make them illegal for anyone.

He didn't agree with my point. It seems as if more and mor Americans don't either.

I can see the mother's defense. But for the heroin induced altered state of mind, she wouldn't have conceived the notion of shooting her husband.

Or, he had a history of beating her and she took the one opportunity she had to free herself from her tormentor.

Naturally, the media will tout the standard party line, "but for the presence of the gun, she would not have shot her husband."

Too bad Rosie won't report all those crimes prevented by the mere presence of a gun.
Who advertises when Rosie's show is on the air? I'll have to boycott their products.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
according to my feminazi (actually, less nazi more socaillist) prof. in my "Women in Politics" class, Females and Males do think differently.
We (males) have this need to be at the top of the pecking order
while women have a have this "circle of friends" instinct
She was weird though cuz she was kinda pro gun which is odd in feminazis

It ain't mah fault. did I do dat?
Nothing pis**es me off more than asking what I NEED a semi-auto with a hi-cap mag!!! I don't NEED it to live. I WANT it. That is what freedom is about PERIOD!!. You do not need a car. We could all pedal bikes like they do in Asian countries. Think of the lives saved from car accidents. look at the scountries like Japan were Joe citizen can not afford a car and the number of traffic deaths per capita is lower (probably I am just ranting here
). DO IT FOR THE CHILDREN FOR GOODNESS SAKE!! Hell I what I really need is a belt feed full-auto mounted in the back of my truck. (for hunting of course....sheeeesh!!!!!!!!!!!!)

In the "Never Happen" department, Rosie should have Darell Scott or Susanna Gratia-Hupp on her show and interview them about guns. I would bet my house, that if you took Ms. O out of her well guarded fortress and stuck her behind the counter of an all night 7-11 or made her drive a cab, she would show up for work the second day, if she showed up at all, armed to the teeth.

For Daren T., your post brought back an old memory that gave me such a chuckle I had to share it.

When I was in college in the mountains of VA, mid '60s, my roommate and I went down to the local hangout one afternoon and passed a pickup with a camper shell in the parking lot. One of us noticed that in the bed was a water-cooled .30 Browning machine gun, set up on its tripod and with what appeared to be a belt of live ammo running through it (IOW, loaded!). Was it real? Was the ammo live? I dunno, but it sure impressed the doodley out of me, I can guarantee that!

Also gave me my first hint that possession of a full-auto weapon perhaps was not as totally illegal as I had always been told!

Larry P.
This probably should be a new topic-but here goes!
We are generally wasting our time trying to reason with the "anti's". It doesnt work because most of them have the elitist mindset
which allows them to decide issues for other people.
Take guns and cars for example. Both are incredibly dangerous as well as valuable to preserving our way of life.Im sure that cars kill more children etc than guns,but "they" are not against cars because they HAVE cars.
My point is that the problem is the mindset and all of the reasoning in the world cannot change it.
Our only hope to prevail inside the system is to get into court and have the problem resolved within the Constitution.

Better days to be,

Sorry, but I couldn't disagree with you more. These past weeks on the Rosie Board have been quite enlightening and fruitful. I have learned a valuable lesson there.

Go after the most vocal ProCriminal types. Do it politely and with facts. Refute their claims one by one, over and over. Answer questions fully. Accept vitriole cheerfully. But stay with ' 'em, dog 'em, dog 'em.

As their arguments begin to break down, a predictable response always occurs. They begin to attack more personally and their arguments become ever more shrill in tone and hollow in reason. If you stay calm (which I don't always do), you take the high ground.

When that happens, the fence sitters, enter the conversation and ask them to be more civil. In turn you wind up exchanging information with those who are willing to look at the real issues.

We've made quite a few converts over there. Even a few friends. Rosie, herself, has made the NRA *scores* if not *hundreds* of new members. Just remember that the person you are debating is not the one you will's the interested onlookers that are the important players.
While I tend to agree with you, I think it would be in our best interest to get as many "fence-sitters" on our side as possible. We can accomplish a lot with quiet, factual persuasion. We will alienate the middle-grounders by screaming insults at them.

That's why I feel Rich's work on the Rosie boards is so invaluable. (How's that for suckin' up, Rich?

It's also why I try to prove the inaccuracy of the anti-self defense figures in my classes (CHL, CHL renewal, First Aid, CPR, & Defensive Driving). I also show that they KNOW they aren't telling the truth. If we can destroy the credibility of HCI (et al), many folks feel they've been willfully misled. That is to our benefit!

Doin' what I can, when I can, as best I can,

Strugglin' Grump
Ed: You're not wasting your time. I never even posted to any of the pro-gun/anti-gun threads. I read them though, and learned a lot. I came here instead to ask questions and learn. I really had no opinion about gun control either way. I don't own any firearms, so I didn't think it really mattered to me.

You're right. Some people are going to believe what they believe no matter what you say. But like Rich and Dennis said, it's the people who aren't posting that are learning. That's where you're making the biggest difference. Heck... I've even followed some of Rich's posts after I quit posting at the WB just to read the information. Just a little input from a non-gunowner.
Look at it like this:If we could unite all of us we wouldnt need them. But that's another story.
I will agree that it is possible to educate some people and thus influence their opinion on certain issues,but I think that it is generally not effective.
Fencesitters are another story.They are not "anti's" yet so there is hope for them and I think we need to try to win them over whenever possible.

Rich...Im not knocking your efforts but in my ignorance I would wonder how many real "anti's" you can change.

Better days to be,

Thanks for that post.

I've been called a baby killer (and a host of other such terms) and my business has been blackballed by some folks because I support the Second Amendment. I won't attempt to speak for others, but at times it seems like I'm spitting into the wind (at the expense of my family) for the positions that I have taken.

The all-too-occasional comments such as yours are treasured more than you might guess.

You're justified in your concern about us making a real difference. If we try and loose, we will have tried. If we don't try and loose, we wil have deserved the result.

Now, let me tell you the story about a tiny ant and a rubber tree.... See,
He had, high high hopes
He had, high high hopes
He had high apple pie in the sky, hopes....

OK, so I don't have much of a voice. But I got heart!!!

Okay. This is the last time I'm going to bother you about this. This is just an excerpt from a post made by a true anti-gun Rosie fan... or should I say "former anti-gun Rosie fan." At the beginning of this she was a guns-are-good-for-nothing-take-them-away-to-save-the-children-they-only-kill kind of a person. Her views have changed drastically. She has been posting at ACMECity along with several pro-gun members of the board, asking them questions and getting great answers. One of the people answering her also comes to this board (Jeff OTMG). He's doing a great job. Here's what she had to say:

"This thread really answers so many questions for me, I really have totally different thoughts about guns than when I first started it. I expected someone to come on and start saying stuff about kmart and rosie and blah blah blah. Thanks for taking this time to help me out. I wish I had a printer to amke a copy of these threads and send it to Rosie. I think she is misinformed like I was. She really is a great person with good intentions, but should hear the facts I have heard here. But you wont be off the hook yet, I will have plenty more if you dont mind, I dont want to take you away from your families."

This was from the third thread she started to ask questions. She is now on number four. Okay, so it's just one person. But it is proof that it can be done.

Sorry to hear about your business Dennis, and that you've been called names. I imagine it does feel like you're spitting into the wind. Unfortunately, most of the work you all have done will probably not be seen by you, because most people won't post their true opinions on the subject. You might be surprised how many people have become proactive though. Many are not just changing their minds... or figuring out where they stand on the issue... they are actually doing something about it. Have a nice day everyone!

P.S. Rich, you're a hoot.