Rookie Whitetail hunter--got skunked

John---that farm where I can hunt white tails is on the way out to a ranch where I shoot prairie dogs a few times every summer. So I am thinking about investing in a game cam and using that to find out what animals are using a given game trail at what time of day and which direction they travel. That way it won't be a special trip out and back, just on the way. Seems like all of the advice here is to get all the information possible and then if you are lucky, it may work out. Sounds good to me.
Don't feel bad about a skunk year, it happens to everyone. I had a perfect record going for the first 5 years, always got a deer for the freezer. 2 years ago I got skunked. The embarrassing part was that I was on block for EVERY drive, just didn't see any. Last year I made up for it by dropping 4 for the group :D Simple statistics, wins some, lose some. Main thing is enjoying the time in the great outdoors. In my case I get to enjoy some quality time with all my friends from back in high school as well. :D
Lots of good advice here.
Keep after it.
The more you know about your prey, the better your odds; the more you know about the land your hunting and the behavior of the prey ON that parcel, the better your odds, but at the end of the day, there's the odds that you're going to come back empty handed. Enjoy the hunt.
I spent ten hours hiking this past weekend with both elk and deer tags and only got one good shot.

Totally worth it.


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Wow! can't get better than that doofus--whether or not you haul something out at the end of the day. Magnificent!

PS: I seriously doubt there's a hunter anywhere as bad as I am :D
"...she would occasionally glance over directly at me..." Smelled you and so did any buck that may have been following her.
Mind you, that's why it's called hunting and not shopping.
"...using a given game trail at what time of day and..." Deer movement patterns change by the time of year, when the Rut happens and the food supply. The latter is what is most consistent. Figure out what and where they're eating and sleeping(chewing cud) and set up with the wind in your face between those places.