Ron Paul won the Nevada GOP presidential straw poll

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Rudy WILL NOT win his own state.
Mitt WILL NOT win his own state.

How many here have given the full $2300 for Mitt?......
for Rudy?
or for Fred?

thought so
so much for the base getting energized.:rolleyes:
How many here have given the full $2300 for Mitt?

What about Hillary? More important though is time. I think how many hours people donate to a cause is a better measure of how "activated" the base is.

I spent hundreds of hours helping get Bill elected way back when. I lived in Cincinnati at the time and believe me when I say that Cinci is not a city friendly to democrats of any kind. Haven't spent that many hours helping Hillary, yet, but soon, and I have a 24 year old daughter and 13 year old son who will help deliver pamphlets, mail envelops and make silly posters for public gatherings.

BTW, it won't be long now and I'll have that handy dandy Hillary slogan in my signature section. I bet you guys can hardly wait.;)
I'll take your bet on one condition: if I lose you must use the money for something gun related. Might as well keep it in the "family", yes?

If you accept, rest assured your funds will go to a fresh case of GP-11. Are you game?
national polls by national organizations are still the MOST ACCURATE predictors of elections.
I would love to see you support this statement. Seems to me that if your vaunted national polls were so accurate Paul wouldn't have so much cash, so many volunteers, or such a decisive lead in the straw polls. How do you explain the discrepancy?

* Both Mitt Romney and Rudy Giuliani spent more than they raised in Q3. Romney brought in $9.9M and spent $21.3M. Giuliani raised $11.6M and spent $13.3M.
* Mitt Romney often cites his executive prowess as a key credential in his White House bid. However, if the race ended today, his organization would have lost over $8M.
* John McCain is in the red. McCain claims to have $3.4M in the bank, but due to debt and money earmarked only for the general election, he is in the hole $53,446 for the primary.
* Dr. Paul outraised Duncan Hunter, Mike Huckabee, Tom Tancredo and Sam Brownback’s combined efforts by 61 percent. Dr. Paul’s $5.4M is 8.5 times greater than all of their cash on hand combined.
* Dr. Paul is the only top-tier candidate who carried no debt into the fourth quarter.
* Because of outstanding debt of $678,432, Fred Thompson actually has $6,443,312, less than $1M more than Dr. Paul.
* Rudy Giuliani has $11,428,979 available for the primary. While impressive, this is far from insurmountable for Dr. Paul and Mr. Thompson.
* Dr. Paul stands alone in fundraising growth, trajectory and organizational health. Much work remains ahead, but the Paul campaign is in a strong position to make a run down the stretch toward the nomination.
I'd think twice before laying money on the accuracy of these if I were you.
Nevermind, I see I'm already too late.

Hope you didn't make a similarly foolish bet back in '03 when Kerry was polling at week before the Iowa caucus. :p
I would love to see you support this statement. Seems to me that if your vaunted national polls were so accurate Paul wouldn't have so much cash, so many volunteers, or such a decisive lead in the straw polls. How do you explain the discrepancy?

You dont bother to read what people write do you. What I said was, out of he various predictors available, national polling organizations are the most accurate. This doesn't mean that they are right 100% of the time, or even 70% of the time.

What they are, however, is more accurate than all of the other sources that you tout as reputable. Thats simply reality.

You're on, good sir.

Sounds good.

Let me hold the money.

No need. I'm a man of my word, and I have no doubt redworm is as well.

* Both Mitt Romney and Rudy Giuliani spent more than they raised in Q3. Romney brought in $9.9M and spent $21.3M. Giuliani raised $11.6M and spent $13.3M.
* Mitt Romney often cites his executive prowess as a key credential in his White House bid. However, if the race ended today, his organization would have lost over $8M.
* John McCain is in the red. McCain claims to have $3.4M in the bank, but due to debt and money earmarked only for the general election, he is in the hole $53,446 for the primary.
* Dr. Paul outraised Duncan Hunter, Mike Huckabee, Tom Tancredo and Sam Brownback’s combined efforts by 61 percent. Dr. Paul’s $5.4M is 8.5 times greater than all of their cash on hand combined.
* Dr. Paul is the only top-tier candidate who carried no debt into the fourth quarter.
* Because of outstanding debt of $678,432, Fred Thompson actually has $6,443,312, less than $1M more than Dr. Paul.
* Rudy Giuliani has $11,428,979 available for the primary. While impressive, this is far from insurmountable for Dr. Paul and Mr. Thompson.
* Dr. Paul stands alone in fundraising growth, trajectory and organizational health. Much work remains ahead, but the Paul campaign is in a strong position to make a run down the stretch toward the nomination.

But what has Ron Paul done with his money? While I appreciate the fact that he's in the black, I haven't seen any air time, commercials, or anything that is getting his message out to the public. The other candidates, while spending like a raped ape, have something to show for their cash.

Add to this the fact that most like to tout the fact that much of Paul's donations come from regular people, and you have a cash machine that may be tapped out. People aren't going to be sending in monthly checks. They give their cut and thats it.
Add to this the fact that most like to tout the fact that much of Paul's donations come from regular people, and you have a cash machine that may be tapped out. People aren't going to be sending in monthly checks. They give their cut and thats it.

You might be wrong about that, I've donated a couple times so far and plan on sending more next month and the month after that and the month after that. Ron Paul is the first candidate I have ever sent money to. He's also the only Republican I have ever planned to vote for.
What I said was, out of he various predictors available, national polling organizations are the most accurate.
That's specifically what I'm waiting for you to support. Please provide some evidence to support this claim. When was the last primary your national polling organizations accurately predicted?
The one major major thing Ron just simply has that the others lack big grassroots energy.

There is a very motivated get out to vote network for Ron.
Mitt, Fred, Rudy and McCain just dont have the get out to vote fire in their base.
But what has Ron Paul done with his money? While I appreciate the fact that he's in the black, I haven't seen any air time, commercials, or anything that is getting his message out to the public.

I say we check in the holds of Texas shrimp boats.

Why would you have seen Ron Paul commercials in California? I hope he's spending my money smarter than that!
There is a very motivated get out to vote network for Ron.
Mitt, Fred, Rudy and McCain just dont have the get out to vote fire in their base.

Now that a load of crap for several reasons. Number one, as a Paul supporter you havent spent any time around any of those campaigns. Number two, even if you did you would have no idea how much volunteer support these candidates have unless you were high up in the food chain.

If Romney has enough volunteers to fill the celtics stadium for a week, I think he's doing alright.

I swear you guys just make stuff up.

Why would you have seen Ron Paul commercials in California? I hope he's spending my money smarter than that!

Well according to goslash, Pauls plan is to win by getting support from across the aisle. We've got alot of that over here so it would only make sense. I mean, since Paul isn't doing well with the republican base it only stands to reason.
Helloooo? "national polling organizations are the most accurate. " ?
Still waiting for this statement of fact to be supported.

Now you've got further 'splainin' to do:
If Romney has enough volunteers to fill the celtics stadium for a week, I think he's doing alright.
Did he?


Please support.

as a Paul supporter you havent spent any time around any of those campaigns.
Au Contraire. I have spent plenty of time around those campaigns. Certainly more time than you have. One of our favorite tactics is to crash their events. I have personally met 7 of the Republican candidates and am on a first name basis with their county party points of contact. I know *exactly* how much grassroots support they have, and it ain't much. You're (once again) 100% dead wrong.
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Au Contraire. I have spent plenty of time around those campaigns. Certainly more time than you have. One of our favorite tactics is to crash their events. I have personally met 7 of the Republican candidates and am on a first name basis with their county party points of contact. I know *exactly* how much grassroots support they have, and it ain't much. You're (once again) 100% dead wrong.

Crashing an event (you Paul suporters sure have the corner on maturity) has nothing to do with how much grassroots support someone has.

You think that because you went to a Romney speech and saw how many people were there you have any idea how many workers he has for his campaign.

I have to ask, have you ever actually worked on a political campaign? from what you've written I doubt it.
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