Ron Paul tells it like it is. A MUST READ!

Wish he was my congresscritter! :D

Try to take away my gun...and you will see my 2nd Amendment Right in ACTION!!! -Me

"I am beginning to think that not only did he invent the internet, but he invented the calculator"
George W Bush on the Oct 3rd Debate with Al Bore
EricM, your feelings are like mine, while I feel that Harry is the best choice, I wouldn't vote for him in a close election due to potential of taking votes from a Republican cantidate and putting a Algore in the White House. Look what happened in '92 when Ross ran. Having stated that, GW looks pretty secure in our great state and I can feel free to vote my conscience. I really wish Ron Paul would move here, he'd be a worthy successor to Helen Chenoworth, I'm going to miss her. I had the pleasure of meeting her in a Friends of the NRA banquet back in '94. Didn't know much about her at the time but she had me when she bought a SW (presellout) 44mag there!


(too bad NH has "live free or die" and we have "famous potatos", only thing I can think of to complain about)

I will choose a path thats clear-I will choose freewill-Neal Pert

I swear-by my life and my love of it-that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine-Ayn Rand