Ron Paul surges (16%) in Pennsylvania primary!

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I think Brett has a point. McCain will be the Republican candidate. No one else can even come close to challenging him. Yet there seems to be a significant number of Republican voters so dissatisfied with him they take the time and make the effort to vote against him in the primaries. If these same voters haven't been placated by November we'll probably see a Democrat in the Oval Office next January 21. So far, McCain hasn't done or said much to change minds or votes.

Any of us who've voted in more than two or three Presidential elections knows what it's like to hold our noses and vote for the lesser evil. I've done it more than I care to remember but I'm not going to do it again. This will be my last election and I intend to vote for the candidate who best exemplifies my beliefs.

McCain ain't the one. I won't have to live through four years or more of Obama because a few people - who just happen to run the communications networks - chose NOT to give the best candidate the coverage he deserved. I'll be peacefully enjoying a dirt nap while the blame-game rages on over my head with first one hard-core Rino attacking another over the acute lack of support McCain got from the voters he simply turned off.

Everyone likes to sleep soundly and awaken slowly. America is about to have the blankets pulled back and a bucket of ice-water thrown on it.
In, arguably, the most republican State of the Union, 24% of the State voted for anyone but McCain (I'm finding it hard to believe that 30,000 Idahoans even know who RP is). While 6% directly voted for, "None of the above."

This kind of thing, during the time when everyone knew that McCain was the Republican nominee, is almost unheard of in my State. This is not just a message to the McCain campaign, but to the Republican National Committee itself.

This dovetails quite nicely, with what we've read, here, on TFL. I wonder if anyone is listening....
This dovetails quite nicely, with what we've read, here, on TFL. I wonder if anyone is listening....

I wonder that too. From what I have seen from the mccain campaign, he is not listening to conservatives at all. I know a guy whose uncle was at the NRA meeting that mccain spoke at, and he said the applause was polite, but not overwhelming when mccain spoke. Mccain did not inspire anyone. It is no wonder because he was being honset about his beliefs at the NRA-- mccain wants to end private citizen to citizen gun sales. That did not go well at the meeting.

Personally, I know a lot of conservative people and most of them will vote for mccain. But I know a lot of conservatives who can't stand the guy and would not vote for him under any scenario. In contrast, during the bush elections, I don't recall any conservatives I know saying they would not vote for bush.

Mccain is having problems with his base. I don't think they will turn out in big numbers in the fall- not big enough to give him a victory.
mccain wants to end private citizen to citizen gun sales.

I'd like you to quote McCain saying or writing that, with a citation to the source. Because you're wrong. McCain voted against the assault weapons ban. He voted for legislation that protects gun makers from bankruptcy. If you don't like McCain, at least don't make things up. Just say you don't like him.

McCain may or may not win. But at least he will do what he wants to do, and what he thinks is the right thing to do. Which is more important someone just voting the party line every time.
I'd like you to quote McCain saying or writing that, with a citation to the source. Because you're wrong.

Jesus, fremmer! Don't you ever do your own research? I am so tired of repeatedly being asked to post this quote from McCain. Here it is one more time...


Text of comments from John McCain:
I also oppose efforts to require federal regulation of all private sales such as the transfer between a father and son or husband and wife.

Did you notice that he left something out there, Fremmer... that he left out a private citizen to citizen gun sale such as between two neighbors?

Now, if anyone else asks me, I can send them to you fremmer since you now have this information for yourself.:cool:

If you don't like McCain, at least don't make things up. Just say you don't like him.

I don't like him one damn'd bit, but I don't have to make things up. He personifies everything that has gone wrong with a once great republican party. He is nothing but a stinking liberal in a republican's clothing.

Did I also make these things up?

-- McCain spoke in Oregon and claimed his belief in global warming and his desire to create a carbon credit tax on businesses in the USA
-- Several democrats said in 2001 that John McCain approached the democrat leadership in the senate about leaving the republican party shortly before Jim Jeffords jumped ship
-- John McCain was investigated for inappropriate relationships with Charles Keating who was indicted for fraud during the Bush41 term. McCain took over $112,000 from Keating and Keating flew John McCain and his family around on his private jet several times. Keating was later indicted.
I'd like you to quote McCain saying or writing that, with a citation to the source

Read the interview with McCain in American Rifleman this month. The only exception he stated as acceptable for person-to-person sales without a background check was the transfer of a firearm between family members. "Gun show loophole" McCain is still banging away at it, his views on that subject have not changed at all and he said so to the NRA.

I have to be honest, I do not get the same meaning from McCain's American Rifleman quote...

The way I read it, it says this...

I also oppose (I am against) efforts to require federal regulation (more gun laws that ban) of all private sales such as the transfer between a father and son or husband and wife (for example).

I gathered that he meant, again just taken from his comments, he opposes federal reguation banning private sales, as an example, a husband/wife, a father/son. Am I missing something here? Maybe because he did not say "I am for banning private sale of firearms between non-family members" I am just missing it.
The "gun show loophole" IS the "private sales exemption" and those who don't know that will be easily confused about what McCain has been saying.

But I'm not so concerned about McCain when it comes to guns. I'm more worried about the continued explosive growth of federal spending and the practice of printing more money to "fund" that growth. McCain's "Reform Institute" seems to me a thinly disguised political shakedown machine of the type I usually associate with Jesse Jackson, and that concerns me as well.

Firemax said:

Jesus, fremmer! Don't you ever do your own research? I am so tired of repeatedly being asked to post this quote from McCain. Here it is one more time...

Then quoted McCain (complete with emphasizing the part he DID read):

I also oppose efforts to require federal regulation of all private sales such as the transfer between a father and son or husband and wife.

Perhaps, friend Firemax, you should go back and read it again. For the enhancement of your general fund of verbal awareness, the word "oppose" means "to be against."

Perhaps, friend Firemax, you should go back and read it again. For the enhancement of your general fund of verbal awareness, the word "oppose" means "to be against."

'General fund of verbal awareness'.... I like that.
Only a Paul supporter could call 73% of the vote uninspiring.

Who cares who calls the vote uninspiring? Fact is, McCain is the guaranteed nominee and he still can't get 90%. It's sad. Don't you love how the public - all sides of the political spectrum - love to play armchair politicos? You hear the comments "Yeah I don't like so and so but we have to vote for them for the good of the party." Political scumbag party leaders aren't who I care about. Let's start caring about AMERICANS not traitors who sold us down the river to oil companies, the Chinese, the Japanese, the Saudi Royal Family (there's something Bush and Clinton share in common). . . Good of the party my a**. I'm not looking for a job at Democratic or Republican headquarters. This kind of mentality is ruining our country.
I didn't know there were any primaries. Talk about a blackout.

The turnouts look kind of low. Did the majority of voters even know there were primaries being held?

I also oppose efforts to require federal regulation of all private sales such as the transfer between a father and son or husband and wife.

Doesn't this mean he is against transfers within a family, but not necessarily against other transfers?

For example, he is OK with a father passing down a rifle to his son. But his statement above would still allow him to oppose one citizen selling a gun to a non-relative via a newspaper ad.

I think McCain has left himself plenty of room with his quote to allow him to continue to try and close the gun show loop hole, and ban sales between private individuals who are not related.
Jesus, fremmer! Don't you ever do your own research?

LOL. I'm actually a member of the NRA, so I get the magazine every month, and my "research" comes from the source itself. John McCain has never supported the elimination of non-FFL transfers, regardless of what relationship (if any) exists between the buyer and seller. The statement you are quoting was made in the context of assuring gun owners that McCain wants to protect their right to buy and sell guns; moreover, it certainly doesn't advocate the banning of any activity. Which means that a neo-lib misinterpretation (or misrepresentation) of John McCain's support of the 2nd Amendment is, once again, dead wrong. And rather silly.
John McCain has never supported the elimination of non-FFL transfers, regardless of what relationship (if any) exists between the buyer and seller.

Wouldnt closing the gun show loophole have eliminated private sales as we know them, and require buyers and sellers to go through background checks?
Fact is, McCain is the guaranteed nominee and he still can't get 90%

And could the reason be that McCain supporters aren't voting since he's already won the nomination. Nah couldn't be that.
And could the reason be that McCain supporters aren't voting since he's already won the nomination. Nah couldn't be that.

Nope. Statewide primary, the only real candidate left in the race should get at least 90%. What a disappointment. Too bad we couldn't have gotten a real candidate who believes in real American founding principles. :(
johnbt said:
The turnouts look kind of low. Did the majority of voters even know there were primaries being held?

Lots of Sheriffs were up for grabs, along with County Commissioners, Judges and the US Senate race (gotta replace Craig, who is not running).
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