Ron Paul on Glenn Beck Tuesday evening for the full hour

The Bill of Rights begins with these words:
Congress Shall Make No Law...

Respect that. You can't grant legal immunity to any class of citizens or organizations functioning in the US. That is the Judiciary's job, not the legislative branch. How about this, rather than protecting an industry (no matter how dear I hold it), why not look at adopting a "loser pays" system that still gives everybody a day in court, and yet, the frivolous suits hurt the plaintiff?

All these laws that protect doctors from malpractice suits and gun industry from personal liability claims, let's just focus on the "loser pays" system and rid ourselves of a whole lot of trial lawyers who live off of settlements rather than actually winning their day in court?
I agree that "loser pays" would solve many of our current problems. The inevitable drawback of making it harder to get frivolous cases into court is that it will be harder to get legitimate cases into court.

In addition to Kopel's commerce clause argument, it seems to me this part of the Constitution might empower Congress to make laws regarding the effects of state judicial proceedings on the gun industry.

Article IV
Section 1. Full faith and credit shall be given in each state to the public acts, records, and judicial proceedings of every other state. And the Congress may by general laws prescribe the manner in which such acts, records, and proceedings shall be proved, and the effect thereof.
Or am I reading that wrong?
Okay, back on topic:

How did he do? What did he say that enhanced his position, credibilty, electability?

For me (since you asked :)) he held his own, but came up seriously lacking when he proposed scrapping the IRS. When asked what he would replace it with, had no real answer.

Without any tax system at all, how does the Country pay for the bare minimum Constitutional obligations--most importantly, providing for the common defense?
The IRS is associated almost completely with gathering up the income tax. Other branches of the Treasury department were in charge of collecting tariffs and excise taxes such as that on alcohol production and so forth.

Although we need substantial tax reductions in America, just elimination of the IRS/income tax will leave the government with the annual income it had in total in about 1997.

It can live on that at the very least, until we Americans force additional spending cuts on it.

I would like to know if anyone has a link to a video of the Beck interview?
I thought he was clear enough on the IRS. You institute indirect taxes (and repeal the 17th Amendment), and go to tarriffs. You may still have some sort of collection agency, but it won't be directly against individuals. When you buy a box of shotgun shells, you pay a tax to the federal government, but it isn't directly taken from you at the point of sale. It was taken at manufacture. Pittman-Roberts. I like indirect taxes much better. Either way you pay, but I want everybody to pay, not just the rich and middle class.

I think RP speaks to libertarians a lot and makes assumptions that others follow these ideas, but in reality, most people believe that a gold standard, or real liberty are kooky ideas. They believe what they've been told are the only two systems, and so any other ideas are dismissed. RP needs to begin explaining better when he has an hour-long forum to talk. He appears to have the money now to make a good infomercial on liberty. He should consider it. Win in the top two or three in the first few primaries, he may collect even more money.