Ron Paul on Glenn Beck Tuesday evening for the full hour


New member
I'll be tuning in to CNN tomorrow night (7 and 9 EST) to see how RP does.

Glenn Beck is a good interviewer and will ask the tough questions, then give RP the chance to answer them. If he can excell in this venue, where he gets more opportunity than 60 seconds every 20 minutes (as on the debates) thenn good for him. It will certainly be an opportunity for him to say his piece.

I'm looking forward to it.
RP usually does pretty well when he is actually given enough time to explain his positions. I'm looking forward to seeing it.
He is by far the best choice for gun owners who enjoy their hobby.

He actually seems like the best choice for anybody who enjoys any hobbies! He's the only candidate who wants to reduce the size and influence of our American government.

Anyone catch his Second Amendment stance in the Google interview? Told the CEO of Google that he believes the citizens have a right, guarenteed by the Second Amendment, to keep and carry arms. When the Google CEO seemed uncomfortable with this idea, RP finished back with the comment that it's up to private business to choose for themselves whether or not to allow guns on their property. The Google CEO quickly mentioned that he would probably make that a rule :barf:

Moral of the story: Ron Paul good for guns, Google NOT! :D
Saw the show and I have to give GB and RP high marks. Paul came across as a pretty logical, fair minded, small governemnt type of guy.

I may have to rethink my position on Ron Paul.


Its safe now to use that Ron Paul bumper sticker that one of us kooks gave you awhile back at some public venue. Seriously, yah he's popular now so it's ok. No kiddin really really:D
I have checked out his website and really like his stance on illegal immigration and the Second amendment. He is by far the best choice for gun owners who enjoy their hobby.

Ron Paul voted against the Lawful Commerce in Firearms Act, the law that shields firearms manufacturers from junk lawsuits designed to hold them accountable for the criminal misuse of their product.

That's a significant black mark on Ron Paul's record regarding the Second Amendment. He is nowhere near as good on the Second Amendment as several other Republican candidates.
Ron Paul voted against the Lawful Commerce in Firearms Act, the law that shields firearms manufacturers from junk lawsuits designed to hold them accountable for the criminal misuse of their product.

That's a significant black mark on Ron Paul's record regarding the Second Amendment. He is nowhere near as good on the Second Amendment as several other Republican candidates.
That's plowed ground. Bringing it up again serves no good purpose in this thread.

I didn't get to see the interview, anyone watched it as a video?
Ron Paul voted against the Lawful Commerce in Firearms Act, the law that shields firearms manufacturers from junk lawsuits designed to hold them accountable for the criminal misuse of their product.

That's a significant black mark on Ron Paul's record regarding the Second Amendment. He is nowhere near as good on the Second Amendment as several other Republican candidates.

It's not a black mark if you are a libertarian or a paleocon then it's seen as voting your principles. Which special interest would be next to be protected, are you sure you would approve? I'll vote for a guy with principles.
By the way which other candidates? Surely not Romney or the Ghoul and I suspect if Huckabee thought it would help bring about "social justice" or "fairness" he would do a 180 about as quick as you could say amen.
That's plowed ground. Bringing it up again serves no good purpose in this thread

Paul's vote against the LCFA bears mentioning whenever his position on the second amendment is under discussion.

Passage of the LCFA was difficult; it took about four years of hard effort including a lot of lobbying by the NRA.

Ron Paul's vote was one of the most bone-headed ever cast by a purported friend of the Second Amendment and reflects badly on his knowledge of the US Constitution.

Even noted RINO John Warner managed to vote for the LCFA.
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It's not a black mark if you are a libertarian or a paleocon then it's seen as voting your principles. Which special interest would be next to be protected, are you sure you would approve? I'll vote for a guy with principles.
By the way which other candidates? Surely not Romney or the Ghoul and I suspect if Huckabee thought it would help bring about "social justice" or "fairness" he would do a 180 about as quick as you could say amen.

I think that most paleocons like me are glad to see our system of checks and balances finally begin to exert some badly overdue restraint on the Judiciary, if only thru some ad hoc tort reform.

Which candidates are better than Ron Paul on Second Amendment issues? I'd pick Huckabee or Thompson over Paul on that score.
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Ron Paul voted against the Lawful Commerce in Firearms Act, the law that shields firearms manufacturers from junk lawsuits designed to hold them accountable for the criminal misuse of their product.

I don't see it as a black mark. Wouldn't we all love to be protected from being sued. :eek:
Ron Paul on the gun maker lawsuit issue. OK, so he errs on the side of too little federal power on one occasion. That's what I find refreshing about him! :D

Fred's pretty good, but favors enforcing existing gun laws while Paul favors repealing them. Which one is "better" depends on your point of view, I suppose.

The videos of the Glenn Beck interview are all over youtube for anyone who missed it. I watched it, and if they mentioned guns at all, I missed it. Lots of good discussion though.
Ron Paul voted against the Lawful Commerce in Firearms Act, the law that shields firearms manufacturers from junk lawsuits designed to hold them accountable for the criminal misuse of their product.

As stated above how could anyone who even remotely considers him or herself to be a critical thinker NOT support such legislation. There's standing by ones core values and there's also being a numbskull. I guess the trial lawyers will love the man.

Of cource we would all be better off if the gun and ammo makers were sued into oblivion thanks to what criminals do with their products. Using that logic, if the bad guy used a car to pull that drive-by we would what, sue Ford or Honda?

Now having said all that, just when I was beginning to warm up to RP I now see via a link off the Drudge site he's used very poor judgement in a quote this A.M. on a MSM outlet. Aside from noticing his total lack of understanding that some of the same voters he needs suppport from would be wounded by his statement, he's toast again in my book. What a shame. He really had me going after the great job he did on GB last night.

I won't restate his comment but rather let everyone here that cares to pursue it do their own research starting with that Drudge link.


Ron Paul did fine, but Beck didn't really throw any major "zingers" at him. If Glenn Beck's show was more popular, the interview would have been a boost for Paul, but I don't think that the numbers are going to change much.

Beck supposedly had some Paul supporters threaten him and his family. Sad to say, but Ron Paul has attracted a lot of kooks! I think that Bill O'Reilly was also sent some sort of threats after he had interviewed Paul.
selfdfenz said:
Now having said all that, just when I was beginning to warm up to RP I now see via a link off the Drudge site he's used very poor judgement in a quote this A.M. on a MSM outlet.

i assume you are talking about yesterday morning. your being so vague and drudge's sight is such a horrible crappy mess, i cant verify what i think you are talking about. but, if youre talking about him saying, "if fascism comes to this land it will be draped in a flag and carrying a cross," then i will repost to you what i told someone on another forum:

it seems you missed the fact that he was quoting sinclair lewis and then he, almost immediately, says that he doesnt know if thats an accurate statement (not to mention that paul is a christian himself).

and ill ask: what is so wrong about that statement? i havent gone to sunday school or taken a class on the bible in awhile, but i think i remember the bible saying something about the anti christ claiming to be a christian, or being well versed in biblical text which will be how he manages to fool the general public and assume power. id say that if its valid enough for the bible, then its valid enough for ron paul. (note: in no way am i relating huckabee to the anti christ, merely comparing pauls quoted statement with text in the bible)

ill also add: anyone who even remotely considers him or herself to be a critical thinker will realize that paul was not calling huckabee a fascist as that moron anchor did. he was using a quote to make a point. that point being: just because you claim to be good christian american, does not make your positions any less anti constitution/framers intent. i cant believe i have to spell this out for people...

it seems you are pretty much looking for reasons to dislike him, shame you arent looking quite so hard at huckabee or the others.

your being so vague and drudge's sight is such a horrible crappy mess, i cant verify what i think you are talking about.
It you can't find the archives on Drudge is that lack of skill or an act of convenience? Never mind. I'll let the video be the training aid.

After you watch the video let me know what you think about the mental intactness of Dr. Paul the morning he gave that interview on Fox. Of all the quotes Dr. Paul could have selected to characterize the Huckabee "cross commercial" why this particular quote? The comment was offensive on several levels given the context of the question. Even the talking head attempted a course correction when it became clear RP didn't realize he was laying eggs on national TV. I have to assume Dr. Paul's choice of that particular quotation wasn't an accident.

Too bad, since I was about the drink the Koolaid after he showed up and did so well on Glenn Beck.

I wish you a Merry Christmas and I hope you find the shift key under the tree on Christmas morn.

selfdfenz said:
It you can't find the archives on Drudge is that lack of skill or an act of convenience?

or could it be that you referenced the wrong date, and didnt give any clues as to what the interview was about?

selfdfenz said:
After you watch the video let me know what you think about the mental intactness of Dr. Paul the morning he gave that interview on Fox.

...ive seen the video. how do you think i quoted it? he looked tired, but his "mental intactness" was fine.

selfdfenz said:
The comment was offensive on several levels given the context of the question.

it was offensive if you were looking to be offended.

selfdfenz said:
Of all the quotes Dr. Paul could have selected to characterize the Huckabee "cross commercial" why this particular quote?

because it most accurately outlines the situation. in huckabees case, he may not be a fascist, but he is a big government liberal and hes trying to cover that up with the flag and the cross (emphasis on cross, obviously. they are all waving the flag). immediately after the quote, ron paul said that he didnt know if he agrees with that statement, and when the talking head said his thing about huckabee and fascism, ron paul nodded in agreement.

sefldfenz said:
Too bad, since I was about the drink the Koolaid after he showed up and did so well on Glenn Beck.

im sorry, but i dont think for one minute that you were going to vote for him, if such a silly thing like this so easily reverses your opinion of him.

selfdfenz said:
I wish you a Merry Christmas and I hope you find the shift key under the tree on Christmas morn.

cute. sometimes i capitalize and sometimes i dont. well, mostly dont. but it depends on the mood im in. i do try to use punctuation and spelling properly, so as soon as you cant understand what im typing, let me know.