Ron Paul makes good showing on CNN today

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McCain is simply what we have had past 7 years with more war thrown in, open borders, big business, anti-middle class, will not receive my vote, current three candidates are pretty much the same in terms of any progress for our country.
I don't think it's a case of weak-mindedness or media influence. I think it's a case of party alleigance overriding conservative values.
I think that if the Republican party espoused welfare and gun control these folks would fall into line. After all, they've followed all the other liberal silliness (big government is good, the government has a moral imperative to regulate society, nation building, unbalanced budgets, the Constitution is "just a Godd*mn piece of paper", etc ad nauseum) off the cliff. And it continues into the abyss because they lack the prescience to stop voting for it.

It's kinda amusing in a dark way to watch all these self-proclaimed "Republicans" attacking conservatism. If this is what Republicans are about.... I guess I'm just not a Republican.
Trying not to offend any of his supporters, but he really seemed less crazy in the interview since we've had a chance to see more of McCain, Clinton and Obama - I wish we could start all over and see if we could get three difference candidates now.
Hey I thought some of you guys (you know who you are) claimed Ron Paul was a racist. If so, what is he doing support a Man of Color???

You guys got some splainin to do
Can you name a single significant pro-gun Bill Ron Paul has authored that has been enacted into law over his 20 year career?

He introduced the bills, which is more than the vast majority of Congress Critters do. The problem is not with Paul, but with the other Critters who didn’t vote for his bills. If the majority of the Critters were like Ron Paul they would have been enacted. You’re blaming the wrong party.

Hey I thought some of you guys (you know who you are) claimed Ron Paul was a racist. If so, what is he doing support a Man of Color???

You guys got some splainin to do

Good one, Rider ! :cool: You just got here and you’re already smacking down some of the loudest knuckleheads. ;)
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Firemax said:
Is that all you can add to this conversation.... you call Congressman Paul a derogatory name? My God, you would make a perfect democrat... Dems are excellent at the tactic of name calling to distract from how little they know about the issues.

Actually I've been reading the loon posts here since the primaries began, and there is nothing that hasn't already been said many, many times already about this guy. But the locksteppers won't listen, or should I say goosesteppers. So people like you are not interested in what others have to say, you never have been. Why waste time?

You guys think you're scoring points with all your blather about Paul? That's a laugh.

He's already dropped out in March but refuses to give up his fund raising...gee I wonder why.

The only thing Paul is worthy of is my derision.
or should I say goosesteppers.
Hahah we just got Godwined!

Jawohl, mein gut herr! :)
On Godwin's Law:

"Godwin's Law applies especially to inappropriate, inordinate, or hyperbolic comparisons of other situations (or one's opponent) with Hitler or Nazis or their actions."
"there is a tradition in many newsgroups and other Internet discussion forums that once such a comparison is made, the thread is finished and whoever mentioned the Nazis has automatically "lost" whatever debate was in progress."
Why is that surprising? They both hate Jews, both belief everything Rosie O'Donnell/Michael Moore types say, are both insist on surrender now and surrender often.

Whose outhouse does this garbage keep getting dredged up from?

Jeezus.............Talk about tinfoil hattery. :rolleyes: :barf:
Trying not to offend any of his supporters, but he really seemed less crazy in the interview since we've had a chance to see more of McCain, Clinton and Obama - I wish we could start all over and see if we could get three difference candidates now.

The only reason he seemed "crazy" to most is because the Republican party fears Ron Paul and so they sent out their spokes people to tear down his reputation during the early primaries. We all saw them on Fox News and we also witnessed Fox keeping him out of that one debate in New Hampshire... you remember that one don't you? Oh, that's right, no one watched that debate did they. :)

Imagine that... a GOP tearing down the reputation of one of their own. Kind of helps you to understand why many conservatives and RP supporters don't care for the Republican party any longer and will no longer blindly follow their candidates. The GOP seems to have morphed into a twin sister of the Democrat party... stopping at nothing to further their agenda... a tiger willing to eat its own young in order to survive.
Actually I've been reading the loon posts here since the primaries began, and there is nothing that hasn't already been said many, many times already about this guy. But the locksteppers won't listen, or should I say goosesteppers. So people like you are not interested in what others have to say, you never have been. Why waste time?

You guys think you're scoring points with all your blather about Paul? That's a laugh.

Personally, when I meet someone who has their head up their rear-end, I just wish them well and hand them a tissue. I don't try to score points with them.

He's already dropped out in March but refuses to give up his fund raising...gee I wonder why.
Interesting.... maybe you just don't read very much. You should know, just so you don't keep repeating rumors, that Ron Paul did not drop out of the race. He is on every ballot in the remaining primaries and he is actively campaigning as he did in Pennsylvania. In fact, he got 16% of the vote in the Republican primary in Pennsylvania. 16% even though McCain has this thing locked up.... not bad, wouldn't you say?

The only thing Paul is worthy of is my derision.

Clearly, you are able to sling insults very well. Let's see... you support a liberal (McCain) and you sling insults at those whom do not agree with you. Yep, sounds like a democrat to me.
I don't think it's a case of weak-mindedness or media influence. I think it's a case of party alleigance overriding conservative values.

That is a good point. I noticed the same thing in the democrat party... many people who vote for democrats are actually conservative in their values, even though the democrats obviously have moved to the left on the political spectrum... these voters continue to vote for them because they have always voted democrat.

Now we have a Republican party which is moving left on the political spectrum (Enter John McCain). And you have republican voters who blindly follow the party because they have always voted for republicans.
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