Ron Paul has lost my support

Right now my choice is Fred Thompson primarily because he comes across to me as someone who doesn't care if he wins or not so isn't out lying and flip-flopping trying to buy votes. Second may be Hucklebee but not sure. One thing for sure is Edwards, Hilary, Obama and Romney are at the bottom of the list below Jenna Bush and Paris Hilton but above Britney Spears.

but just realize he is not a conservative.....after that your choices are endless
These "I'm no longer support RP" posts seem to pop up on forums all the time. I'm wondering if some of them never really supported him to begin with.

Also there is a lot of distorting of his position. Paul's pro gun, pro life, and pro - constitution. Yet I see many describing him as socially liberal. Probably disinfo from the mainline country club republicans.
I know these will cause controversy here but I cannot go along with his idea of doing away with birthright citizenship nor can I go along with doing away with excluding tips when reporting taxes.

O.K., the OP has concerns about Ron Paul's position regarding citizenship and taxes. And one of the responses he receives from a RP supporter is....

Probably disinfo from the mainline country club republicans.

There you have it, folks. PT must be a "mainline country club republican" because he dares to question Ron Paul's position on citizenship and taxes. How dare anyone disagree with Ron Paul, and if they do, they must be a "mainline country club republican." Another stellar response from a Ron Paul supporter.

As Ron Paul said during a debate, he wishes that his supporters wouldn't espouse certain opinions, because they don't help Ron Paul, and Ron Paul is certainly correct about that. Calling someone a "mainline country club republican" certainly won't encourage PT to reconsider Paul's positions.

Oh yeah, don't forget to call PT a "smearbund", too (whatever the heck that means -- Ron Paul supporters have even invented new words to describe someone who dares to question Ron Paul's positions). :rolleyes:
These "I'm no longer support RP" posts seem to pop up on forums all the time. I'm wondering if some of them never really supported him to begin with.
Yes, some sort of activist attempting to show careful consideration.

Also there is a lot of distorting of his position. Paul's pro gun, pro life, and pro - constitution. Yet I see many describing him as socially liberal. Probably disinfo from the mainline country club republicans.
More likely from neoConservatives such as William Kristol, Charles Krauthammer, Sean Hannity, Rupert Murdoch, or others.

I like Ilana Mercer's opinion of libertarians who're standing on the sidelines watching the train pull out of the station.
So, when the prospects of liberty loom, carpe diem. Loving liberty viscerally means that when one encounters a man whose understanding of freedom and individual rights approximates – if not parallels – your own, you seize the day. Those who stand on the sidelines are slaves to abstractions – and worse: They are mollycoddled milksops.
But they should not be.
subject to the jurisdiction thereof
Since the parents are not citizens, thus "subject to the jurisdiction thereof", their offspring, although born in this country, should not automatically be made a citizen.
You need to realize that we only have illegal immigrants because we have incentives for them to come here!! Welfare, medicaid, Birthright citizenship!!! If we're ever to solve the border problems, we need to start by discontinuing these social economically draining programs!!
This is how I see the original post... " I like Ron Paul, he's got great logical idea and is truthful and inline with constitutional ideals. He'd be a great president, our country may fail without him..but he wants us to keep our money and not pay so much taxes...So I'll vote for Fred Thompson now. He doesn't care...I like that about him"
I can only hope that the majority of voters are a little more rational and forward thinking. I voted for Ron Paul and will in November. Aside from him, the one I dislike the least is Huckabee. I don't like Huckabee much.
For the GOP to even stand a chance at beating Hillary in November, they need to start being fair to Ron Paul.
From the article indicated by DaveBeal

"An expert-led investigation carried out by Nature--the first to use peer review to compare Wikipedia and Britannica's coverage of science," the journal wrote, "suggests that such high-profile examples (like the Seigenthaler and Curry situations) are the exception rather than the rule."


While there is controversy in science it is not nearly as "fuzzy" as any type of argument breaking apart COTUS issues where the meanings of the words used 100+ years ago and intentions of the authors are now up for debate. As we were discussing the citizenship of children born to illegal aliens I would ask you to find Encyclopedia Britannica's article on the subject... I doubt you will find one though. Since this is a hot potato political topic though it is likely to see one view after another thrown into Wikipedia.

If I am in a hurry and what to know the population of Singapore or the date order of a series of books were published by a favorite author I don't see any danger in using Wikipedia. Using it to make a political argument though, using its open and anonymous format as you reference, is suspect at the least.

In short Michael Scott of The Office says it best.
using it to make a political argument though, using its open and anonymous format as you reference, is suspect at the least.

The bias in the articles on hotly debated subjects is obvious to anyone. They even have disclaimers on the page.
There is about nine zillion reasons not to vote for the other candidates. About one or two questionable ones to not vote for Dr Paul and this guy has announced he has withdrawn his support. Doctor Paul is for the cold weather night time long term patriots. Not those looking for an excuse to go home. Have you noticed Mr GoSlash quit wasting his breath around here. That is because he is probably out there in the trenches supporting Dr Paul. As am I. What did you do yesterday or last week or last month to help your country beyond clicking a mouse button?
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Um....the ad hominems dont cut it and you might be getting a drive by mod if you dont edit that one:eek:

Wildhaveyouhuggedyour870todayAlaska ™