Ron Paul has lost my support


New member
For a while I thought that Ron Paul fit my beliefs for a presidential cantidate and started following his campaign. In the past few days with the SC primary in full swing I have been bombarded with phone calls, ads and surveys. :barf: Recently I saw one for Ron Paul that upset me and I wanted to be sure what he was saying so I went to his website. There are a lot of things I like about him but two that turned me off so until I can no longer support him unless it comes down to the lesser of two evils. (vs. a democrat)

I know these will cause controversy here but I cannot go along with his idea of doing away with birthright citizenship nor can I go along with doing away with excluding tips when reporting taxes.

I have at least four different ancestors who fought in the revolutionary war and my Great-Grandmother was Cherokee so it is not like I'm involved in immigration but a person born on US soil is a citizen. That is the way it has been since the founding of the country and should remain.

I despise tips, wish they could be declared illegal and those that depend on them be paid wages rather than having to depend on tips but why should someone who deals in cash be given an advantage over those who are paid by check. I know plenty of people that don't report cash transactions but I don't think we should say if you get paid in cash to forget about taxes. Whether or not we should be taxed is a different story but if I have to pay them you should to. The standard wage earner already pays more than his fair share from his salary so why make it worse.

I am no longer a Ron Paul supporter.
a person born on US soil is a citizen. That is the way it has been since the founding of the country and should remain.
You might want to check your history. The reason for that amendment was to ensure that former slaves and their children were citizens.
Personally, I think the amendment was overkill. All they had to do was recognize the former slaves as people, IMO.
However, it was not intended for anyone born here not subject to its laws to be a citizen.

I'm not sure it has to be repealed, just enforced using the entire language of the amendment.
Sorry to hear it. His ideas are good, but his messengers are his biggest hindrance. When a lady complained that they voted for Ron Paul in New Hampshire and the county clerk said RP received no votes, there was an effort to get a recount statewide and that was against his support. His campaign specifically asked that no recount be conducted, and his followers are still out demanding one.

Still, I support him and you are a good example for his campaigners to look at.
I don't like the tip thing either, but I still support him. He is actually in favor of reducing spending so much that there won't be an income tax on tips or any other income. Besides, who else is there to vote for?
I hope you'll reconsider, PT111. I'm not sure how much longer our Constitution and our freedom can survive a continuous assault from the "lesser of two evils."

I don't agree with Dr. Paul on 100% of everything either, but I think on the central issues facing this country -- IMO, individual rights and the welfare/warfare state -- he's the only solution we have.
the tips issue wouldn't be an issue if RP joined Huckabee and supported the FairTax.

As to the birthright thing, why would you want a child born here who's parents are hear illegally, being a citizen? That would mean if a terrorist came here to plan and execute an attack, and in the mean time, gave birth, the child would be an "american" while the parent was busy trying to blow us up?? better yet, why should an illegal alien be encouraged to enter this country for the sole purpose of the child getting to be a citizen here? We're rewarding illicitly illegal behavior with citizenship. That strikes me as absurd. Because the bigger issue becomes no one is going to want to kick out the parents of a child who has been deemed a "citizen". it's not like we are set up to keep the kids and kick out the parents, so we have to leave the parents here or create more problems. Simpler to take away the impetus for their coming here.

Similar to how some jurisdictions are starting to pass laws where they take away a business's license to operate for hiring illegals. We don't have to target a group of people, just remove the source that draws them here. If there are no "illegal" jobs for them to do, they stop coming. hopefully. The side solution as well is it seems we need to get a larger group of people to process immigration requests, because it would seem there are plenty of good and valuable persons wanting to come here but it's taking to dang long to process them so many are just jumping the border.
I think getting rid of the birthright automatic citizenship is a good idea, especially when so many illegals are coming over the southern border just to give birth (with free medical care) to US citizens, who can then petition for their parents to be allowed in legally! It's a pretty slick plan and is a real encouragement to getting into the US one way or another.
Ron Paul has lost my support
For a while I thought that Ron Paul fit my beliefs for a presidential cantidate and started following his campaign. In the past few days with the SC primary in full swing I have been bombarded with phone calls, ads and surveys. Recently I saw one for Ron Paul that upset me and I wanted to be sure what he was saying so I went to his website. There are a lot of things I like about him but two that turned me off so until I can no longer support him unless it comes down to the lesser of two evils. (vs. a democrat)

I know these will cause controversy here but I cannot go along with his idea of doing away with birthright citizenship nor can I go along with doing away with excluding tips when reporting taxes.

I have at least four different ancestors who fought in the revolutionary war and my Great-Grandmother was Cherokee so it is not like I'm involved in immigration but a person born on US soil is a citizen. That is the way it has been since the founding of the country and should remain.
No, that's really not what the 14th Amendment says or means. You must be here legally, and under the jurisdiction of the laws of a state and the US government, to have a child become a US citizen by birth. That's why the children of diplomats aren't US citizens when they're born in America. The diplomats aren't under US jurisdiction, even though they're certainly here lawfully.

I despise tips, wish they could be declared illegal and those that depend on them be paid wages rather than having to depend on tips but why should someone who deals in cash be given an advantage over those who are paid by check.
Since Ron Paul wants to abolish the IRS it would appear your concerns are misplaced. The industries in which tips are most common, the hotel and food service businesses, are geared to tips and pay accordingly. Tips as a form of compensation are the surest methods of a guarantee of good service by those getting them and those who don't have an immediate incentive to improve. I like tips, I have total control over how much they are and I base them on performance. It's free enterprise at work.

I know plenty of people that don't report cash transactions but I don't think we should say if you get paid in cash to forget about taxes. Whether or not we should be taxed is a different story but if I have to pay them you should to. The standard wage earner already pays more than his fair share from his salary so why make it worse.

I am no longer a Ron Paul supporter.
That's too bad. But, it appears that your basis for the change aren't well founded.
I agree with Paul on both of those issues; in fact I would love to see the income tax abolished for all of us. The problem with taxes on tips is that the government estimates how much they think you made on tips, and then makes you pay a percentage. Their estimation may or may not even be close to what you actually made in tips. This system is patently unfair.

As for birthright citizenship, to me it is not that big of a part of the whole immigration problem. I don't think an illegal ought to be able to give birth on the north shore of the Rio Grande, and the baby be a US citizen. I think if you are in the country legally, then yes your offspring should be citizens.

I think these two issues are both relatively minor when compared to some of the glaring problems that other candidates have. For example, Giuliani supports lawsuits against gun makers, as well as bans. McCain supports limiting the 1st Amendment via campaign finance reform. Mitt has flip flopped so many times on the issues that about anything you might say about him is true, or has been at some point. Huckabee gave in state tuition to illegals in colleges.

Just remember the scale of your differences with the candidates, and tip taxation might not be so important.
The Constitution is not liked in America.
Limied Govt is just not wanted in America.
People just simlpy dont want to hear "no" you cant do or have that.
People just want other people to pay for their lives.

So we will continue to borrow from China

Good luck PT111.......who else is there??? serious
Right now my choice is Fred Thompson primarily because he comes across to me as someone who doesn't care if he wins or not so isn't out lying and flip-flopping trying to buy votes. Second may be Hucklebee but not sure. One thing for sure is Edwards, Hilary, Obama and Romney are at the bottom of the list below Jenna Bush and Paris Hilton but above Britney Spears. :confused:
The way I see it, we need to get rid of the birthright citizenship to a point...

If your parents are CITIZENS, then you get citizenship.

If there are two people who are NOT citizens, then why the hell should the baby be a citizen just because they just happened to pop out on US soil?

I also feel we need to get rid of dual citizenship. You're either a US citizen, or you're a citizen from another country. You can't be loyal to TWO countries...what happens if you need to choose in a time of war? Odds are they'll fight for their "homeland." Of course there are KNOWN exceptions to this, but I'm just generalizing.
PT111, you've obviously never worked in a field that tips supplied your income. Being a waiter or waitress is a wonderful occupation for college students and single parents because of tips. You can work a busy 4-5 hour shift and make as much as you would in an 8 hour day at a regular, slightly above minimum wage job.

I'm not saying that tips should be exempt from taxation, but to want them illegalized, that's just elitist. It's the same line of thinking that says "I hate guns, so they should be illegal."
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Popping out of your criminal mother 3' north of the Mexican border should not make you a US Citizen. What is more it was never a right until after the Civil War when such a problem as we have now was never even contemplated. You can disagree with Paul on this and still elect him. He does need an Amendment to change it you know?

You have a beef with tips so you won't vote for Paul. Sorry but that sounds pretty short sighted. First of all tip earners are paid less than non-tip earners because of the tips. Nobody is getting rich off tips. I travel to Europe and Asia, as well as deal with people from those areas coming here, and recognize the concept of tipping is very different. I have no problem with tips because I automatically assume those items I purchase which are tipped items are 20% more expensive. If I am displeased with the service I can leave less as I desire and capitalism will serve to weed out the poor service workers because they will earn too little to continue. Look at it this way, outside the USA you are still paying a "tip" it is just added into the original bill. What is more you have no recourse should the service suck but to complain, you can't directly punish the poor server.
Right now my choice is Fred Thompson primarily because he comes across to me as someone who doesn't care if he wins or not

I was thinking Fred was a good choice, until he finally got around to running. Sorry but I want someone who DOES care about winning because he thinks what he needs to do is important enough TO care about. Fred lost lots of good will and support by not stepping up and showing he wants the job or that he feels America needs him in the job. If he can't care enough about something as big as who is the President of the USA I can't care enough to vote for him.
Ron's on the same page with me on this one! Why the hell should the offspring of illegal aliens be a U.S. citizen, simply because they chose to drop the kid in the U.S.?? I can assure you that the intent of the Founders was not to give citizenship to the offspring of illegal aliens.
I'm not saying that tips should be exempt from taxation, but to want them illegalized, that's just elitist. It's the same line of thinking that says "I hate guns, so they should be illegal."

The think about tips that I hate is that in a resturant it is supposed to be 15% of the bill. I stop by for breakfast and it is $4 = 60 cents. I go out to lunch and it is $12 = $1.80 and the waiter for lunch isn't a bit better and doesn't do any more than the one for breakfast. Then when I go out for dinner they want a $10 tip and claim it is supposed to be 18% and if I don't, they spit in my food before it gets to the table. I am supposed to tip the doorman for holding the dang door open or the arsehole in the restroom for handing me a paper towel. All of this so the employer can pay them $2 per hour and little if any of this is reported on their income. What if you work that 4-5 hour shift and get no tips, you gonna complain to the boss?

How about the employee at the gun shop that goes out of his way to show you every gun in the counter and demonstrate all the latest features and listen to your complaints about how plastic guns just aren't as good as 1911's and Kimber's are the only decent pistols made in the last 50 years. Shouldn't you tip him for great service or is that just part of his job like refilling my coffee cup?
1. You know who gets tips and it is not store clerks. They are paid either a flat rate (which will go up if they can demonstrate sales success) or with a commission.

2. Tips for food are typically 15% - 20%. Here in NY they are typically closer to 20% and I know from experience that I get better service in many parts of the nation from people who know this.

3. How much do you really want to fight and spend to be able to tax what is almost certainly the lowest end of the wage earning spectrum? Return on Investment anyone?

4. As I said, if you have such an issue with tipping just imagine you are in Europe and add 15% - 20% onto your bill, non-negotiable and irregardless of service. Make certain though you pay this even if the service sucks since that is how it works over there. You are NOT paying more here because you have to tip. You are paying LESS because part of the server's wage is NOT added into your immediate bill. It is up to you to judge their service.