Ron Paul beat Peden

I think the Reason article was pretty fair. To me it shows that Paul is perhaps guilty of
  1. misplaced loyalty to one of his friends
  2. poor judgement 30 years ago.

To me, that is disappointing, but I never considered him to be the second coming of Jesus. Depending on who is on the ballot in November, I'm still considering writing him in for President.
Why? McCain did it without your help to in the primary, and there are enough of us that are going to hold our noses for the good of the nation.

You see, when you throw your lot in with an irrelevant candidate, that makes you... well... irrelevant.

I want to be sure I understand.

Given the razor-close margins in some states, you don't think the Republicans should worry about trying to get the 817,000 people that voted for Ron Paul to vote for McCain?
Paul has no opponent on the Democrat side. So he does not need any presidential campaign money for his house bid.

From what I understand money for the Presidential campaign cannot be used for his House campaign.

And as I understand it, Ron Paul is sticking with the campaign up to the Convention. I have yet to decide whether I will cast a ballot in the general election for President. The vote for the lesser of two evils is still a vote for evil isn't it? :D

Isn't it going to be sad when the NRA backs McCain even though they correctly oppose the McCain-Feingold Act?
Given the razor-close margins in some states, you don't think the Republicans should worry about trying to get the 817,000 people that voted for Ron Paul to vote for McCain?

200,000 of them are democrats that switched
200,000 never vote anyway once the primaries are done
200,000 are white supremecists who are going to vote for any white man anyway, so McCain has their vote

That leaves 217,000 or potential voters who should be getting behind the last libertarian around who has a real political job (as opposed to a 2 bit fruitcake congressman from Texas)...

Go sarah

WildandsoendsthesagaofpaulAlaska ™
Yeah, I guess said is the wrong word. It would be more accurate to say that you rejoiced in the prospect of Paul losing, even renaming the title of your thread to "Paul losing" from the more cautious title used in the original article. That sounds a bit different from "Hes been a congressman for decades and its likely that he will continue to be one."

You can parse and spin all you like. The fact remains that I never said Paul was going to lose his race. You stated that I did. That makes you incorrect

This sounds a bit different as well:

Thats because that statement was addressing people who supported Paul in the presidential primary, NOT in his congressional race.

Makes me wonder about the polls you started a thread about, and wonder just what margin of victory would deserve a stronger word than beaten. Pajamas media said they were internal polls from both campaigns, but I somehow doubt that they really got access to internal polls from the Paul campaign. If they did, the pollsters definitely need to be fired, having reported a 10% lead for Peden not long before the actual 2:1 vote in favor of Paul. But that seems unlikely to me. It seems more likely to me that after their exclusive interview with Peden, pajamasmedia was fed some carefully selected polling data by his campaign, then just claimed they had gotten similar access (despite their obvious hostility) to the Paul campaign.

That may very well be true. I have no way to verify or authenticate the accuracy of polling numbers. However its kind of sour grapes to attack their accuracy now that the election is over.

Regardless, of this, the fact remains that you all are hailing the fact that he can run again for his job (not keep it, but run again) as a victory. I think that sums up his presidential aspirations far better than anything I could ever say.

Stage2: In your perfect world who's a viable candidate? One that's simply able to win? You and your collective voice have done your share to squelch RP. I guess we must applaud your outcome. You have been bashing RP and his supporters for quite awhile. What is your goal in posting on this thread? To get it locked down?

Its not a perfect world, so the question is irrelevant. As far as posting in this thread, I had no intention to until one of your compadres brought me into it. Or did you not bother to read that part?

Wholesale the Media. Anyone with a thimble full of intelligence should be able to see this bias.

Last time I checked, the media wasn't walking into the voting booth and casting a vote. Of course, if your assertion was correct, Rudy would be the republican nominee and we all know he's not. The only thing a thimble is useful for in this case is to measure the amount of support Paul recieved in the primaries.

Again these are problems that RP has brought to light thru his campaign. RP has brought up many points, laws, acts, etc. that have pushed this country in the wrong direction, something that NO OTHER CANDIDATES have the courage to talk about.

Yup. Paul is the only person in government who understands anything. Its a wonder that we haven't just fallen into the sea by now.:rolleyes:

Sweep RP under the rug, there's no room for a STATESMAN.

Again I renew my earlier contention. How much of a statesmen can he be when 98% of his bills havent even made it out of comittee and ZERO have been enacted.

I hear all this stuff about how he is the savior of america, but the fact is that he has done jack in congress over the last 10 years. Even friggin Hillary has gotten some stuff through.
All of these numbers may be more valid if the playing field was equal. Even Huckabee complained about unfair tactics in one of the recent debates.

Oh nevermind.
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Huckabee's 6 million supporters can be expected to vote for McCain without even being asked. I don't think you can say that about Paul's 800,000.
Huckabee's 6 million supporters can be expected to vote for McCain without even being asked. I don't think you can say that about Paul's 800,000.

But I fail to see your point? Isn't that a good thing that those supporters understand whats at stake and that even though McCain is not even close to some of the TRUE conservative ideals he is FAR better than the Democrat choices?
But I fail to see your point? Isn't that a good thing that those supporters understand whats at stake and that even though McCain is not even close to some of the TRUE conservative ideals he is FAR better than the Democrat choices?

Four years of Hillary is just the medicine the GOP needs.

I honestly think we'd be better off because Republicans will band together, raise hell and oppose everything she does. She'll probably try to ram through some of her outrageous socialist BS in the first two years and Republicans will take back congress just like the old days.

However, if McCain wins and comes up with some of his maverick compromises on the 2nd Amendment or immigration they'll be guaranteed to pass. McCain would just keep the Bush legacy :barf: alive and nothing will change. I sincerely hope the wicked witch steals the nomination from Obama and kicks McCain's ass in the general. If the GOP learns a harsh lesson they might get their act together.
Wow, just wow. McCain has the nomination sewed up and many of his supporters on this board and others are still engaging in divisive politics. My candidate in not McCain and I will not vote for the man. The NRA most likely will not endorse any presidential candidate but will focus on senate and congressional races. But if you want McCain to win then you should be focusing on efforts of reconcilliation with the conservative and libertarian base of the party and not bashing or gloating over your candidates win.

McCain has a window to try, I think he is doomed to fail, to reconcile with the conservatives and libertarians in the republican base - the people who are the most motivated to get out the vote and donate their time, cash, and sweat equity. McCain is off the radar in the main stream media due to the contested democratic race and he and his supporters need to focus on building support and enthusiasm for him with the parties base - now is the perfect time for that.

In my opinion he will fail because he will not energize the base - Huckabee supporters and Ron Paul supporters - who could do a lot in the form of getting out the vote (churches and evangelicals) and raising money, internet savy, and a portion of the independent vote (Ron Paul supporters). But you don't spit in a man's face then expect him to support you or your candidate. And you don't win the base or engender enthusiasm by selling a candidate as the lesser evil. If you feel baited by Ron Paul supporters then you need to let it go and move on and be the bigger man, if that is your opinion.

I don't even know why I'm giving this advice. I will never vote for McCain nor either of the democrats. All are unacceptable to me and I will no longer vote for someone because they "have a chance to win". I'm tired of enabling rinos and neocons to rape us of our freedoms on one side and then seeing the democrats rape us on the other. All this is just academic anyway since either of the democrats will win going away in november. :(
So who do you support

What I think you’re going to find is that many, if not most, of the anti-Pauls won’t answer that. The pro-Pauls are out here putting it on the line, trying to make a case for their candidate.

The anti-Pauls who won’t admit to who they support are essentially taking cowardly potshots at Paul, while hiding behind a wall of not taking a stand so that they don’t have to defend a viewpoint. Unfortunately, their position is apprently one of just dragging down others. These anti-Pauls would fit in well in a communist group-think society where people are discouraged from standing out. Or, maybe they would do well in a Japanese society, where “the nail that sticks out gets pounded down.”