Ron Paul beat Peden

Paul has no opponent on the Democrat side. So he does not need any presidential campaign money for his house bid.
I guess he will be staying in the presidential race just to keep his issues before the public.
He got 7% in one of the 2 eastern states against Huck and McCain... I thought he conceded by now...
Even though it would have given Ron Paul detractors something to talk about , I was actually hoping Ron Paul might lose that race. The reason being that it would have possibly given him the incentive to go 3rd party in the presidential race.

I truly believe if more people heard Paul's message , one I personally can find little fault with , that he'd have won this election in a landslide. He never really got the chance.
But if he lost his congressional seat, he'd look even less electable to the country. The 3rd party route wouldn't be viable anyway, but it would give supporters a feel good vote.
I think the best approach is to continue on and let time prove his thoughts and theories. And allow his message to get out as well as maybe form the GOP platform.

Imagine if the media wasn't in charge of selecting the presidential candidates a direct result of McCain-Fiengold. Perhaps RP could have whopped his opponents in the presidential race like he did in the congressional. 70% to 30%, must be doing something right there.
I truly believe if more people heard Paul's message , one I personally can find little fault with , that he'd have won this election in a landslide. He never really got the chance.

Rudy Giuliani stuck a knife in Ron Paul's back at the first debate -- and I'm not sure there's much RP could have done about it.

When Rudy said that RP claims 9/11 was America's fault (which was a lie, but a very crafty one) everybody watching got all puffed up and self-righteous and didn't listen to a word Dr. Paul said after that.
Poor old Stage2 is probably kicking his dog as we speak. AAAHAHAHA!

Why? Hes been a congressman for decades and its likely that he will continue to be one. I never said anything different. What I did say is that it would be a cold day in hell before Paul recieved 10% of the vote in the presidential primaries. Last time I checked its still pretty hot down there.

You see, if you actually step back and look at this its really quite funny. We heard for months that Paul was the savior and that because of his stance on the war and his pull with independents, he was a shoe in.

Now, apparently, the measure of success is keeping his old job. Funny how the bar lowers when reality sets in. So lets spread the good cheer and congratulate ourselves because for a while longer there is a representative in congress who gets things done*.

*(By done I mean he's sponsored 352 bills since Jan 7, 1997, of which 347 haven't made it out of committee and 0 were successfully enacted)

Because Paul seems to get under your skin for some odd reason. You started a thread, that eventually got locked, about how Paul seemed to be having difficulties with his Congressional race. You seemed to enjoy that wonderful bit of journalism that ended up being total BS.

(By done I mean he's sponsored 352 bills since Jan 7, 1997, of which 347 haven't made it out of committee and 0 were successfully enacted)

By all means, please explain to all of us why this is bad? Why is passing new legislation good for the country when we can't even enforce the ones we already have? Not only that, but most of these "great" new laws are just redundant anyway.
I personally would have cosponsored many of his bills. Such as HR3125, HR4118, HR153, HR423, among others. Whats funny is the default opposition. Its a shame his stats out-way his ideals. What a fine man.
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From 4Sarge - But if he lost his congressional seat, he'd look even less electable to the country. The 3rd party route wouldn't be viable anyway, but it would give supporters a feel good vote.
I think the best approach is to continue on and let time prove his thoughts and theories. And allow his message to get out as well as maybe form the GOP platform.

Yeah that about sums it up. I'll be sorry to see him drop out.

The interesting thing here would be ... what if something happened to McCain. He gets sick or something and has to drop out? Ron Paul is still running.

Does he get the nomination? :D
Consider this about Paul , who IMO was not given fair media coverage right from the beginning.

The people that knew him best ... re-elected him in a near landslide ... non of this 51/49% crap. He won BIG.
STAGE 2 said:
Hes been a congressman for decades and its likely that he will continue to be one. I never said anything different.

Actually, while he has served 10 terms, you can't say that he's been a congressman for decades, because there was never any period of decadeS (plural) during which he was a congressman. He was elected for one term, then lost. He went away for a while. He was elected again in another district for a couple more terms, then retired for about ten years. He was then elected again, and has served since that time.

It's also not true that you "never said anything different" when you consider the title of the thread you started:

Paul losing Congressional race

And this quote from within that thread:

I just thought of something... does this mean that all the Paul supporters here are going to have to change their signatures from "Paul for President" to "Paul for Congress....please"

Sounds a little different from the tune you're singing today.

What I did say is that it would be a cold day in hell before Paul recieved 10% of the vote in the presidential primaries. Last time I checked its still pretty hot down there.


Now, apparently, the measure of success is keeping his old job. Funny how the bar lowers when reality sets in.

Yeah, bars lower and tunes change. Speaking of which, didn't you formerly make fun of Paul and use 5% as your number. When did the bar go up to 10%?
I was looking at the numbers and wondering why people who voted for him down-ticket didn't vote for him for president. Flocked like lemmings to the McCain banner.