Ron Paul as a leader

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No matter how you slice it, flip it or spin it, the choice this election is going to be between Hillary/Obama and a republican who isn't Ron Paul. Thats it.

The candidate for the Democrats may be somewhat predictable, but the candidate for the Republicans could be any of the ones currently running, or even a name that is not on the current list.
Yes, given Paul's reputation as Dr. No, I believe he would veto any bills that increased the size of government. I do not believe he would increase bureaucratic spending. He might not be able to elminate offices completely, but if could simply hold the size of the government stable, then its relative size would decrease as the population increases.

I didn't ask whether you though Paul would veto spending bills. I asked you whether Paul would be successful at reducing the size of government. Those are two totally different things.

Paul can't eliminate departments by a wave of a wand. He needs congressional help to do so. His veto is also subject to being overridden by congress. If all Paul does is veto everything that comes to his desk, congress will just pass veto proof legislation.

So again I ask you can you guarantee that Paul will be effective in reducing the size of government.
Since we are repeating ourselves:
Of course not, but he is the ONE candidate who will TRY!

Can you guarantee the others would even try?
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That's such a defeatist attitude... 1 person can start a revolution, a movement, can engage others to support the cause. That's why Ron will win and change this world. Fundamental, underlying systems need to change in our government. The role of gov has to be rethought, we have to stop printing so much money and bailing out banks and politicians, we need to stop spending a trillion each year on foreign meddling. 60% of IRS revenue goes to war, we have no secure borders here! How about changing the world by taking care of ourselves, setting examples of society, economy and morals. We don't need to police the world and cant afford it.
Noone alive today has ever been lucky enough to have a choice like Ron Paul before now. Choose wisely, form your own opinions, distrust media propaganda, read, research and you'll see he's the only choice!!
Stage 2, I don't think you are willing to accept any answer I give. Vetoing spending bills and defunding government programs will obviously reduce the size of government.

Overriding vetos is very hard. Even if it was a Ron Paul veto. When was the last time a Presidential veto was overriden?

I will guarantee that RP will reduce size of government based on the above, and given his record in Congress. But its a moot point, he is not going to be elected to begin with.
Personally I feel that Ron Paul would be a strong leader. I have had bosses that did not have the best personalities or charisma, but they new the job and were able to communicate as leaders with staff to get it done. Also, if you’ve seen Ron Paul in 1-1 or 4-1 interviews you would know that he handles himself differently in those situations than he does in debates.

Usually when a leader addresses the people they have an agenda to communicate and they are in charge of the message. It is written and rehearsed and they are not under a 7-8 against one attack. Gees, even Ronald Regan attended private one-on-one classes at Stanford to polish his global etiquette and communications skills (remember “well” before starting every sentence when asked a question).

Granted RP’s background is not that of a lawyer, so he does not have courtroom experience, but he is a Congressman that has written and presented hundreds of bills to Congress. He could not possibly be a worse public speaker than someone currently in power.

I believe it takes integrity to be a strong leader and you have to believe in yourself to promote your ideas. A strong leader guides and inspires others. Ron Paul has surely inspired the grassroots effort. So I do not see how anyone can say he would not be a strong leader. He is doing it already, and besides, for me it is the message not the messenger.
1 person can start a revolution, a movement, can engage others to support the cause.

No matter what happens to Ron Paul, the fight to return America to its roots of freedom and independence has started. There will be other Ron Pauls, other campaigns, other spokesmen, other fundraising.

The people supporting Ron Paul will not be silenced; they will not be ignored; they will not be intimidated.

Ron Paul's campaign may just be the beginning of the end of the elitist, globalist, stranglehold over America.
No matter what happens to Ron Paul, the fight to return America to its roots of freedom and independence has started. There will be other Ron Pauls, other campaigns, other spokesmen, other fundraising.

Good. Maybe next time it won't be represented by a flake.
Oh, even if the next person wasn't a flake you and most others still would not support him. Our nation loves the nanny state and wants our government to save us from ourselves. The government will continue to grow, and increase in intrusiveness until it eventually implodes.

It would be easier if ya'll would just go ahead and admit it.
No, I have been around long enough to see candidates like RP rejected over and over. If people wanted less government, they would vote for candidates who promise that. 1984 was the last year we voted for a candidate who supported smaller government. That is almost a quarter of a century ago.

By the way, name calling is in violation of the rules of this forum, and doesn't do anything to further your misguided message. I will not respond in kind.
By the way, name calling is in violation of the rules of this forum, and doesn't do anything to further your misguided message.

When I call the "Good Doctor" a flake I am not calling him a name, I am refering to his mental state. I believe he is a bit "eccentric".
No, I think the term "flake" is generally considered more derogatory than "eccentric", but that was not the particular name calling I was referring to of course.

I was referring to your statement: "Spoken like a fool" which you used in reference to me.

I will try to be more specific in the future about which of your name calling I am referring. called another forum member a fool. That's name-calling.

Thread closed, member privileges adjusted. If you find that you can't post anymore, you know why.
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