Ron Paul and Ross Perot

If the Republican party loses this election (which in this scenario they certainly will), it's neither Ron Paul's fault nor mine. It's their own fault.
The American people will not vote for a candidate who endorses the policies of a failed presidency. Moderates will not support a warmongering totalitarian. Conservatives will not support a pro-choice gun grabber. In short, Rudy would get his butt kicked, Paul notwithstanding.
Hillary will become president. 4 years later the Republican party will learn to nominate somebody who the American people will actually vote for.

If you want to win this election, get behind Paul.
So if I don't vote the way that you want, I am "screwing" you?
How about, if you don't vote for Paul, YOU are screwing the country?
If you don't want a split vote, then YOU join us in voting for the constitutionalist. As I said before (which you have ignored) don't put the split on us. I gather you are not voting FOR someone, so much as voting against Hillary.
Come, walk into the light, and vote, not for the less of 2 evils, but for the good reason of supporting the constitution.

And by the way, even before Paul, Rudy was never going to get my vote.
It's their own fault.

That, in four succinct words, sums it up.

Please, spare me the ineffectual blame-casting, saying conservative voters are somehow to blame for refusing to (continue to) reward the GOP for its rampant ineptitude, cronyism, and corruption. Spare me the "well, the Demonrats are worse" shibboleth. True or not, it won't work, either.
You have some romantic view of honor and going down fighting. All you're really doing is going down. And screwing the rest of us in the process. Splitting the vote and electing Hillary Clinton is dying in a fire or hurricane.

thats exactlly what I would say YOU are doing.
If you like moderates that continue to kill this party...please pick your favorite RINO, you have more choices than I do!!!

But please dont sit there and blame principled voters that want serious limited Govt, firearm freedom and more of there own money left in their pocket...OH AND a real southern want to vote for a guy that has a solid track record on these issues. Go waste your time with the unprincipled voters........moderates have no foundation.....they move whereever the wind blows.
(hint maybe THEY are the wasted votes)

In the end I'm voting for something, not to keep the house of mirrors standing.

So when did wanting limited govt become a small minority in the GOP??? Or matbe this party was never serious about limited Govt to begin with.

Please, spare me the ineffectual blame-casting, saying conservative voters are somehow to blame for refusing to (continue to) reward the GOP for its rampant ineptitude, cronyism, and corruption. Spare me the "well, the Demonrats are worse" shibboleth. True or not, it won't work, either.

Thank you...about damn time somebody besides me thinks like this.
The sooner you recongnize that getting what you want is not possible, the sooner you can move on with a real course of action. You will receive either A or B. You can choose which one. But saying "I want option C" is a non-answer. Saying it a bunch of times and feeling great about it doesn't make it any more possible. When you're a kid and you mom says "do you want cereal or oatmeal for breakfast?" Saying "I want cake" doesn't mean you'll get it. You can imagine you have cake as an option, but that doesn't make it so. Cereal or oatmeal. Pick one or she'll pick for you.

You're not gonna get what you want.
But doing things your way, I won't get what I want either.
My course of action is to tell the RINO-led GOP that I am not pleased with them. That if they want my support, they need to change their course.
If I continue supporting them blindly, just to attempt to defeat the greater evil, then they will continue being evil.

You see, as I have said before, I don't expect that Ron will win. What I do expect is that we will get their attention and that they will have to pay some attention to our point of view. If Ron Paul should actually win, well, that's just a bonus.

Let me state this a little simpler: I win if the GOP turns back to supporting the constitution. I won't get that if I support them on their current course.
And what will you do when the GOP turns back to being conservative, but the Dems have been defaulted into power so long that you've lost all of your rights at an accelerated pace? By the time the GOP learns by being out of power, the Dems will be in power for so long it won't matter. The country will have been throughly socialized, being a conservative will be unelectable, and your rights will be about as meaningful as the are in Cali.

I guess the difference is you have hope that conservatives can win the country back politically in the long run. I have no such hope. I think the end for us is coming, so I'll prolong it as much as I can. To me, the only way conservatism will gain the real upper hand in society is after a major world war and the entire generation has learned the hard way about harship, values, and hard work.

Simply put, I don't see conservatism ever being the popular majority again in the United States as we know it. Gain is a thing of the past. To me the only choice is and will be, lose or lose faster.
Paul's view on the 2nd Amendment is demonstrated by his recent vote against pro-gun legislation:

He's the only candidate that supports the return to a Constitutional goverment, ie: the 2nd Amendment

Paul voted against the Lawful Commerce in Arms Act. He voted against protecting firearm manufacturers from being sued out of business. That amounts to a vote against our Second Amendment constitutional right to keep and bear arms, because it's impossible to keep and bear arms when firearms manufacturers can't stay in business to manufacture firearms and ammunition. Paul's excuse that the Act violates the Constitution is not only vague and weak -- it is legally incorrect, and speaks volumes of Paul's lack of knowledge about the Constitution. Gun owners should realize that Ron Paul's misinterpretation of the Constitution has already caused him to vote against their interests.
Glad to see you got the whole picture on Ron Paul, Fremmer. There is nothing else to know about his positions on guns, is there?

What Ron Paul had to say about that vote, for example, isn't relevant in a place like this one, is it?

...I must voice my complete disapproval of the very nature of these suits brought against gun manufacturers. Lawsuits for monetary damages from gun violence should be filed against the perpetrators of those crimes, not gun manufacturers! Holding manufacturers liable for harm they could neither foresee nor prevent is irresponsible and outlandish. The company that makes a properly functioning product in accordance with the law is acting lawfully, and thus should not be taken to court because of misuse by the purchaser (or in many cases, by a criminal who stole the weapon). Clearly these lawsuits are motivated not by a concern for justice, but by a search for deep pockets and a fanatical anti-gun political agenda.

However, Mr. Speaker, the most disturbing aspect of these lawsuits is the idea that guns, which are inanimate objects, are somehow responsible for crimes.

If that one firearms issue is the most important, I assume you are equally against Rudy Giuliani, who filed and still supports one of those anti-gun lawsuits that Ron Paul called irresponsible and outlandish.
I guess the difference is you have hope that conservatives can win the country back politically in the long run. I have no such hope. I think the end for us is coming, so I'll prolong it as much as I can. To me, the only way conservatism will gain the real upper hand in society is after a major world war and the entire generation has learned the hard way about harship, values, and hard work.

Simply put, I don't see conservatism ever being the popular majority again in the United States as we know it. Gain is a thing of the past. To me the only choice is and will be, lose or lose faster.

You have no hope.......why would I ever join you?

As soon as you realize your above statement will never win anything....the sooner the GOP will recover.

so I'll prolong it as much as I can.
Why? What favor are you performing?

Gain is a thing of the past. To me the only choice is and will be, lose or lose faster

And people like you tell me my vote is wasted. Start looking in the mirror boys. We have met the enemy....

Do me a favor and get out of the game....your are doing to much damage to this party and this country by your above attitude.
Rudy and Ron: match maker, match maker, make me a match! They do seem to have similar 2nd Amendment views: Rudy filed the lawsuit, and Ron voted against ending it. That's an interesting point I had not considered before.