Rockland County Judge Victor Alfieri violates citizens rights!

At this point, the judge is acting as a quasi judicial officer, not as a Court.

Truely amazing that this guy has over stepped his position as Judge and allowed his personal feelings to affect his decision.
We are supposed to be a nation of laws, not of men. When men, such as this judge, decide to take it upon themselves to determine what the law "should be", then we are no longer in operation as a nation of laws. That judge seems to be overstepping his authority and usurping powers he was not meant to have "under the law".
I agree 100% with Wildalaska! Writing a letter to a NY judge is an exercise in futility. Don't expect the kind of folks who'd send Klinton and Schumer to represent them in the U.S. Senate to think rationally or as a "normal" free American would think. You're talking about folks whose male role model is probably somewhere between Seinfeld and Larry David...otherwise known as humanus maleus testiculus minumus!;)
This definitely needs to be pursued. This is a blatant overstepping of bounds that will set a precedence that will extend not only to firearms, but I believe to ammunition as well.
As a NY resident I know the hassle that is the permit process. I REALLY wanted to go to the pistol licensing office after Heller and tell them to take a long walk off a short pier. Understand that for DECADES these officers have told NY residents that they have NO RIGHT to own a handgun, the 2A did not apply to individuals and ownership of a handgun was strictly a privilege that was at their discretion to allow!

Then you got a handbook explaining how you had to have every weapon locked up and inaccessible...

This is a perfect case to start hacking away at the overgrowth infringing the 2A in NY.
Yup. Like the invasive Buckthorn bush, the gun ban crowd needs to be dug up, ground up, and burned up, figuratively speaking of course. They have denied our rights for decades. Should we start talking about reparations? How about asking the US government and the state and local governments for apologies? Cripes, when Clinton was in office, he apologized for every little percieved wrong that the US had ever done. Some of it was warranted, but some was just pandering. He was a master panderer. I doubt he'd ever apologize for the US government trampling on the rights of its own citizens by trampling on the Second Amendment.
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