I don't agree with that. Slave owners weren't even 10% of Southern population. Poor free whites were in abundance.
True, but minorities have always ruled majorites. It is a rule of thumb that the top 20% own 80% of the wealth, currently the top 1% owns 35% of everything, you have to remember the Gold Rule: those that have the Gold makes the Rules!
Slaveholding in the United States, a measure of wealth, was unevenly distributed:[16]
• As of the 1860 census, enumerating slave schedules by County, 393,975 named persons held 3,950,546 unnamed slaves, for an average of about ten slaves per holder. As some large holders held slaves in multiple counties and are thus multiply counted, this slightly overestimates the number of slaveholders.
• Excluding slaves, the 1860 U.S. population was 27,167,529, yielding about 1 in 70 free persons (1.5%) being slaveholders.
• The distribution of slaveholders was very unequal: holders of 200 or more slaves, constituting less than 1% of all US slaveholders (fewer than 4,000 persons, 1 in 7,000 free persons, or 0.015% of the population) held an estimated 20–30% of all slaves (800,000 to 1,200,000 slaves).
Slaves for the most part were much better off than they were.
Poor whites did not want to be slaves, and slaves wanted to be free men, so many in fact the Fugitive Slave law had to be passed. Anyone remember the Dred Scott decision. Dred Scott sure did not want to remain a slave.
To think these poor whites would go to war and risk their lives to protect slave holders rights is absurd.
It was absurd and they did. As one Alabama participant stated , “it was a Rich man’s war and a poor man’s fight”. The masses can be induced to do all sorts of things that are not in their benefit. Just recently we the middle class have accepted 14 Trillion dollars in debt. This will not be paid off in our lifetime nor in the lifetimes of our Children or Grandchildren. We did this so no Banker would miss his Christmas bonus. Does that makes sense? Well we did and that is absurd.
And why did we get involved in World War 1, Vietnam, Iraq, Somalia, and Libya? All pretty absurd wars in my opinion.
I'm not saying slavery wasn't part of the reason for the war because it was but it wasn't THE reason or even the main reason.
It was all about Slavery. The ruling class had an economic advantage with slave labor. When you don’t have to pay someone, can feed them substandard food, don't provide fashion clothing, send the kids to school, or adequately house them, you can make a lot of profit off of someone. Slave labor and wage slavery is always more profitable than having to pay a free man fair wages.
That is the reason today we are being over run with illegal immigrants. Corporations don’t have to pay fair wages, work fair hours, meet safety standards. If they get uppity Immigration is called and the illegal’s are hauled, at tax payer cost, to the border. And we allow it. That's absurd.
As for the reasons of the time, just read the
"History and Debates of the Convention of the People of Alabama, Begun and held in the City of Montgomery, on the Seventh Day of January, 1861" http://docsouth.unc.edu/imls/smithwr/smith.html#p129
It was all about slavery. The rich slave owners took their country to war to preserve their profits. If they lost, then so what, it would have been the same ending if the Northern Republicans had abolished slavery. If they won, the only downside was that a bunch of dirt poor whites had to die in the process.
My family, back to the Civil War believed in free soil, free labor, free men.