Robbery Went Bad


Ok so tatically speaking what is the sound way to handle robbery by force? Should you take a hard line to start and draw at once, or wait to figure out the robbers intentions?
Personally I would prefer to draw needlessly rather than die needlessly.
I don't think one should decide ahead of time that they will or will not draw on a bg during any type of altercation.

I'm personally of the mindset that he has already stated (by having a weapon) that they are ready, willing, and able to seriously harm or kill me, . . . but I won't slap leather until I feel I have a pretty good chance of taking him out. I don't want to force his hand.

But if I get a chance, I'll probably take it, . . . rather than rely on his good will and good samaritan intentions.

May God bless,
Seems like everytime I read or see a news story about people being killed while comitting violent crime, they are somehow victims and we should be empathatic for them. I can think of half a dozen stories off the top of my head right now.
do not understand the mentality of, it's only property and property can be replaced, so don't resist robbers. Somehow we are thought of as cruel or inhuman if we are willing to fight for property. This is the store-owners lively-hood so it is easy to understand why she shot at the bad guys.

For me, it would have very little to do with the property, or money, or whatever was being taken and very much to do with whether or not I will continue to be allowed to live after an assailant has gotten what they wanted.

The dead don't call the police and are very unreliable for a description of the "suspect."
"For me, it would have very little to do with the property, or money, or whatever was being taken"

Same here. These people who complain "a few dollars in a cash register isn't worth a human life" are completely missing the point. The Death Row case files are FULL of cases where somebody robbed a convenience store, then shot the clerk before leaving. I think it's pretty much a given that if somebody points a gun and threatens somebody with it, they've passed the point of no return.
The two adult male suspects were in the process of emptying the store's cash register when the clerk fatally shot one of them, said Toledo police Sgt. Joe Heffernan. The victim, who was struck multiple times, collapsed right in front of the counter.

The clerk, whose name police withheld, was working by himself at the time.

The robbery attempt was caught on a store video camera. Forensic experts are reviewing the tapes.

Disclaimer: The comments below are aimed towards the comments on the original website.

I can only assume that the adult males got to the process of emptying the store's cash register because they were armed.

The clerk probably feared for his life, i.e. the robbers would rob him but shoot him anyway.

Also, tapes are still in review, so I don't see how people can defend the robbers. It's not about defending the cash in the register, it's about making sure one gets out alive in an uncertain situation.

LOL @ close minded people calling others close minded.

Just shut up and wait for further news.
Footage looks choppy/poorly edited.

But it looks like the robbers were prepared for a gun fight, which might explain why one of them "escorted" the unsuspecting female into the backroom. Unless of course, he had something else in mind. It looks like he drew his gun after he heard shots fired.

If only they had footage of the robber who got shot...then the trial would end quickly and not waste tax dollars.

That being said, I don't think I want to wear hoodies anymore...especially when I go to convenience stores.