Robbery Went Bad


I just love how they call the guy a victim, the only victim there was the store clerk.... i mean these guys were trying to rob him, I say Kudos to the clerk for protecting himself and his store, if we had more like him, the crime rate would probally go down when the crooks realize they will get shot. I agree that this was a good article to post.
The author is also an "enlightened politicaly correct writer".

Which is another way of saying that as news - the article is worthless because it omits the most basic of important news items such as a description of the robbers.

I'm surprised they even give out full names. Instead of listing "Lamar Alan" it's a wonder they don't give the name as Mr. Alan.
When dealing with people like "Radiovision" in the comment field I just drop a little copy and paste.

There are people in this world to whom you’re not a human being. They don’t want to be respected by you. They don’t care about you–they’re not even really aware of you. They only care about the food you represent, the money that’s in your pocket. You’re not a person to them, but an obstacle. You’re just in the way of the reward, like a wrapper around a candy bar, and these people are willing to discard you just like that wrapper in order to get what they want. . .

Can you imagine your life ending tonight, with you taking your last breaths on the dingy linoleum floor of some convenience store, just because you had the bad luck of drawing third shift? Can you imagine what it would be like to have everything taken from you in a few moments–your history, your knowledge, your hopes, your dreams, your consciousness–all over a few pieces of paper? If you can, don’t you, too, feel white hot anger when you think of the person who would do such a thing to you without a second thought just so they can get a fix, pay the rent, and get a new game for the Playstation?
Marko Kloos

Unfortunately with out more details I don't know how we'll make this a T&T thread.
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The two adult male suspects were in the process of emptying the store's cash register when the clerk fatally shot one of them, said Toledo police Sgt. Joe Heffernan. The victim, who was struck multiple times, collapsed right in front of the counter.

Poor victim. My heart goes out to his family and the fellow victim who ran off with the money. It is so hard to knock over stores these days with everyone carrying guns. They should come up with laws making it illegal to shoot victims.
Don't worry about the "progressive's" responses...

they are just protecting their gene pool!

Easy to criticize when its not you the offended party.
If we accept the definition of the armed perpetrator as a "Victim".
Then any armed criminal who poses an immediate lethal threat to myself or my son will, God willing, become a "Victim" themselves.

That, friends and neighbors, is my good word.

Although I see NO reason to celebrate the loss of a life, my sympathy is with the clerk.
The dead guy is not only not a "victim," but to me is not even a "suspect." He is a robber, period. He is seen on tape sticking up a store, presumably by threatening the clerk with a weapon (although it is not explicitly stated), cleaning out a cash register, and is dead at the scene. There are no allegations anymore - but a whole pile of verifiable facts.

I live in the small Florida town where there was a jail escape a few weeks ago that made the national news. It really aggravated me that the news referred to the two men - one a convicted murderer, the other waiting to stand trial for murder - as "alleged escapees." They were in jail, and now they aren't anymore, so there is no allegation involved - they escaped.

Rant over.
Remember, the dead bad guy is a "victim" of society, he was "forced" into a life of crime.... :p

Thankfully the REAL victim "forced" several rounds into the bad guy and will be going home tonight instead of to the morgue.

Christians 1 , Lions 0 and glad to hear it too!
wait a couple of days and ....

the victim's mother will get on the news and tell everybody what a good boy he was and he was a victim of the system... the sign says "take out" and he took them out ;)
Not many details in the story though, i.e. were the BGs armed, was there threat of death/harm/etc. I do hope this guy doesn't get raked over the coals for this. Nothing said yet about charges being filed or not.

Also don't underestimate the power of an angry/upset mother. 300+ calls a day to a DAs office from their "constituency" has the possibility of making them at least put it in front of a grand jury and from there its anyone's guess.
I'm glad another scumbag is off the street. I'm sorry to seem cold, but this stuff isn't a game to me. More and more it is clear that people do need to carry to defend themselves(hopefully it never happens). I totally understand the TFL posts talking about how you never know when you're gonna need it.
I do not understand the mentality of, it's only property and property can be replaced, so don't resist robbers. Somehow we are thought of as cruel or inhuman if we are willing to fight for property. This is the store-owners lively-hood so it is easy to understand why she shot at the bad guys.

Does it sound bad for me to say I'll shoot them if they try to rob me? Perhaps.
Even if I wouldn't shoot over the specific property, I sure as heck wont go on the internet and declare it to the world! (That's bad).

It sets a bad precedent to say you will not resist if accosted. I am not in a hurry to shoot anyone but to say oh I will not resist is not going to happen. No need to encourage the animals. If everyone had a hardline attitude towards crime, radiovision would have nothing to say.
^^^^^^^^^^^ This for sure

Beyond the fact that a store, a car, a farm whatever is someones livelihood

Once someone has started a felony, be it a robbery, burglary, auto theft, assault etc if they are a hardened criminal and looking at hard time anyways what is the difference mentally between 10 years for the initial crime or 20-25 for murder? Not much...

It seems to me many murders during an armed or other type of robbery do not happen at the moment of contact, but rather just before the BG is about to run off. Waiting and hoping that the bad guy takes the money and leaves is playing with fire, even someone who looks unarmed may have a gun or other weapon in their coat or under their shirt. Many simple household items can be deadly and easily picked up.

If someone is trying to rob me with force, I'd rather they run than fight but if they fight they ain't winning and might not be breathing when its all over.
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They are muggers, robbers, burglars cause they are too dumb-stupid to figure out how to make money with an ink pen, computer, or other scams.

many seem to think it is completely acceptable behavior too, almost like a right of passage.