Road Rage

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Just so I understand your situation. The other driver pulled around you on your right (not a lane anymore) and stopped in front of you. How much traffic was behind you at this point?

And were the vehicles behind him, prior to your goosing the gas to get in front also not showing signs they would have let you into the lane? You say there was traffic behind you as well in this lane that was merging into the left hand lane. Were they also unable to merge?

I ask these questions because there seems to be a detail missing here in the story. Did you perhaps lay on your horn when the other driver wouldnt let you merge? Flip him off?
Just so I understand your situation. The other driver pulled around you on your right (not a lane anymore) and stopped in front of you. How much traffic was behind you at this point?

And were the vehicles behind him, prior to your goosing the gas to get in front also not showing signs they would have let you into the lane? You say there was traffic behind you as well in this lane that was merging into the left hand lane. Were they also unable to merge?

I ask these questions because there seems to be a detail missing here in the story. Did you perhaps lay on your horn when the other driver wouldnt let you merge? Flip him off?
The situation may be hypothetical but I have had similar happen to me several times in heavy Houston traffic. No fingers etc. given, just the stress of rush hour or traffic blocked up with an accident. Usually its nothing more than they zip around in front of you (because its a race apparently). I've not had it escalate.
Let's go back a step:

You can't stop so you put on your signal that you're coming in but the driver on your left decides not to be a nice driver and he goes faster than you so you can't get into the correct lane. Split second timing, you hit your gas & get into the only lane open to you.

If I'm reading it right, he cut you off from changing lanes, and you drove somewhat aggressively to get ahead of him anyway. My solution doesn't involve guns or phones. Get in behind him instead of in front. If he punched the gas as hard as you say, it opens space behind him.

I had a traffic situation a few months ago. Two roads converged and markings were clear that all the lanes were continuous, with no merging needed or expected. It was late at night in a small town, so there was one car on each road. I looked in the mirror and the other car had changed lanes and was right on my bumper. As we approached a light, he zoomed back beside me, where he should have been all along, and screamed with a red face, "Hey, @##$%, don't you know what a yield sign means?" Now I could have yelled back and asked if he knew what the lines on the road were for, and I would have been correct. Instead I said, "Sorry, my mistake." I lied, but he felt better. Did I avoid a shooting? Quite unlikely, but not impossible. No need to take a chance.
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