Road Rage !!!


New member
There seems to be some road rage poping up now that summer is in full swing.
Anyone seen any or been on the receiving end?
Had a couple of guys get out of thier cars and duke it out right in the grass area of a highway. How do you deal with the road rage?
Me: I drive on just smile and wave.....have my faithful 9mm by my leg.

Tiro per divertimento, tiro per la sopravvivenza
Gosh Bushwacker, with a handle like that I'm not sure I'd screw with you either (grin)...

I take my ego and stick it in the glovebox when I drive. I'm in the south and I have to assume that the other guy has what I have and is a better shot to boot. If, God forbid, I have to cap someone it will be due to their meeting some pretty strict criteria. How they drive (as long as I can break contact) is not going to get them killed.

I have had some close encounters in Atlanta and one nasty one in Augusta. So far a simple turn off the road and brief pause in my trip has worked out OK.

Every incident is different, but the smiling and waving thing is getting added to my book of tricks..

Good post,


"Shoot low boys, they're riding Shetland ponies..." LG, RIP
I live in Chicago and see it all the time. They will pull over or sometimes just stop in the street and start boxing, smashing windows ect. It is nothing new to me.
I live in Dallas, and you KNOW just how FRIENDLY the drivers here are. We simply don't HAVE road rage here. Yeah, right, I'll buy that for a dollar!

I have never actually been on the receiving end of it, and don't dish it out, as I consider such moronic and juvenile outbursts to be beneath the dignity of a Jedi. Mostly I just have to deal with idiots riding my bumper (not smart when they're in a Lexus and I'm in a Ford Ranger [formerly F-150]) if they think I'm not going fast enough, and other such rudeness. If I ever did receive any "Road Rage", I would do the same to them as I do the aforementioned idiots- ignore them and keep driving. That makes 'em madder than responding. Heh, heh, heh... :D

"If it isn't Scottish, it's CRAP!"

[This message has been edited by Jedi Oomodo (edited June 29, 1999).]
Last month my mom encountered road rage. She was driving and a guy cut her off, she honked her horn at him and he got pissed off. He stopped in front of her at a red light and there was other cars around her trapping her in. The guy jumped outta his car and began beating on the driverside window while yelling obscenities and threats of bodily harm at her. Of course this just happened to be a day when she wasn't carrying. Luckily a driver beside her saw what was going on, jumped out of his car with a glock, and forced the attacker away. Just goes to show you that all that stuff about guns saving lives without a shot fired is true...but then again I'm preaching to the choir. BTW, mom doesn't go anywhere unarmed now.
From: Ivan 6-27-99 1135 PM EDT Guys, I will tell the classic road rage story that happened or rather started near Ft Royal, Va.on US 66 .It happened several years ago . Man was followed by some Redneck all the way to his place of business in Md. The story I got in the papers was that the Redneck got out of his truck with a shotgun, the chased man went to his property and brought out a submachine gun (He happened to be a classthree dealer). He warned the shotgun man,but redneck would not listen. Result was dead shot gun man . Class three dealer was found innocent by jury in Maryland. Morale of this story is dont bring a shotgun to a machinegun shoot!
Here, we've been told "officially" that road rage doesn't exist. It must be true, it was reported by a professor from the University of Western Australia. ;)

It's all just in our imagination.

I wish he'd tell that to the juvenile jerk in the carpark who screamed at me and threatened to "kick my f*****g car to pieces" 'cause I backed out of a parking bay when he wanted to be able to zap through without stopping ....

I can't carry any sort of weapon here, but the look on his face when I politely told him to "Piss off and grow up" was priceless.

My favorite was told by a well known knife maker. He had ventured out of the hills of Az into that metropolis of Phoenix. Some bozo cut him off merging off of one of the highways. Our friend had to pull up short and layed on the horn. AHIQ, jumped out of his vehicle and charged back towards our friend. The knife maker calmly reached behind the seat of his truck, retrieved his trusty 870 and racked it. AHIQ turned white and RAN back to his car and left tire marks for 60 some odd feet.

The funny part is the AHIQ had no idea how lucky he had been our friend decided to just show the 870. I would not have like to have seen the left overs if it had come down to hand to hand. ROFL...

IDPA# A04739
It is long been a principal of ours that one is no more armed because he has possession of a firearm than he is a musician because he owns a piano. There is no point in having a gun if you are not capable of using it skillfully. - Jeff Cooper
About 4 years back, I had an encounter with some guy here in the free flowing roads of L.A. I was trying to exit an off ramp. I merged in, and had to slam on my brakes because the guy in front did just that. The guy behind me wasn't happy, so he cuts in front of me and stops. Runs up to my car and starts cursing. I just said, "Hey, I'm sorry. I was just trying to get off the freeway and the guy in front slammed on his brakes."

Anyway, long story short, the jerk just said a quick expletive and drove off. What that moron did not know was that I had a Glock 19 in a fanny pack and while I wouldn't pull it out if he tried to fist fight me. If he got really ugly, he probably could've got himself killed.

Basically, my rule is, try to use reason and an apology to de-escalate, no matter how much you are in the right. I may have been justified if I was forced to shoot that cretin, but would you take a chance on a jury seeing it that way?
my wife was driving our Jeep G cherokee down I 270 towards rockville MD last month. Someone attempted to cut in on top of her from a faster lane. She hit the horn to let him know he was about to commit a foul. This nimrod then swerved, got pissed and followed for a half mile honking and shaking his fist out the window.

excuse me?

is it time to mount the paintball rifle in the grill?

Hmmm... RR stories. A co-worker was coming back from sitting on a deer stand when he got involved with a jerk. The guy pulled along side him and flashed his gun. (looked like a .25 according to my buddy) Al pulled out his 7 1/2 inch Redhawk with a scope attached and showed the guy his.. Jerk left..

I totally do not understand this running up to a strange person in a car and getting stupid. There is not a car in my circle of friends that dosen't have a gun available to the driver.. (legal here in SC)

Years ago I had a guy trap me in a parking space. He was very impressed by my .45 and went about his business posthaste.

Right before we left Atlanta (7 years ago)there was a gunfight on the expressway. As I recall, one was hit, I think one was killed and the occupants of both cars were charged accordingly. Maybe one of our Atlanta folks can remember more?


"Shoot low boys, they're riding Shetland ponies..." LG, RIP
Here in New York we have incidents on a daily basis. Some time ago I posted a thread on an incident that happened almost in my backyard ( The infamous nail gun incident).
Last week in Brooklyn we had a shootout between two individuals involved in a Traffic Accident, both opened fire and hit a 2 year old kid in another car.

On my weekly trips into NYC I routinely see fights on the LI Expressway which usually causes a traffic backup because everybody wants to watch, (Causes auxilary accidents because people don't watch the guy in front stopping to watch the fight). The really good fights are between bus drivers and truck drivers. The biggest cowards are the taxi drivers who usually roll up the windows and lock the doors.

Fights are most prevalent during hot weather and during periods of heavy traffic. Most are shouting and pushing matches but occasionally you get two people swinging seriously, and ocasionally some type of club is brandished.

People here take out their aggression behind the wheel, the usual hand and arm gestures are quite common, more often than not from women. Add to the mix downright nasty construction workers who cuss you out because you drive by and life on the road here in NY is quite a show.

Naturally I am an angel on the road and always drive with courtesy ;). Especially since I obtained my Pistol Permit, one incident and bye bye permit.

Is it any wonder we have Schumer for a senator.
About a month ago, my girlfriend and I were on my Harley for a Sunday ride. After driving for about 2 hours it looked like rain was likely so we headed home. We decided to stop to rent a video in town so we headed that way. At a stop light, only 1/2 mile from home, we pulled up next to a minivan.

The road merges from two lanes at the light into one lane past the light. When the light turned green, I accellerated to get in front of the minivan as the road merged. The next thing we knew, the minivan was inches from my rear fender, speeding up and slamming on his breaks as if to intimidate us. Apparently, the driver of the minivan felt that he had the right to go ahead of some silly motorcycle. When I turned around to flip this guy the "bird", my hand was about two feet from his windshield...he was that close. There wasn't really a place for us to safely pull over, so I tried to stay in front of the minivan. Thinking that having him behind me was a better scenario then having him drive us into the curb.

He attempted two or three times to pass on my left on this now very winding narrow two lane street (speed limit 30 mph), but I would not yield to his dangerous actions. He finally got past me after nearly hitting us several times, coming within fractions of an inch of my rear fender and left leg while he attempted passing.

We took his license plate number and stopped to file a complaint at the local police department. They ran a check on this guy and found him to be 73 years old. He actually looked spooky from my standpoint, like the Joker from Batman. Nothing has ever happened.

I can say that I had never felt so defenseless in my life, especially with my girl on the back. I thought about the "what-if's", and the "what should I have done's". But I think what I did was the right thing...keep him behind me, let him pass when it was safe to do so, take his license number. It wouldn't have been appropriate even if we had CCW here in Illinois to have drawn and pointed or even shot.

Eventhough a vehicle can become a deadly weapon, I doubt whether a judge would have believed a biker (stereotype only) with a handgun over a 73 year old man in a minivan. Next time I'll let the other cars go ahead when the light changes.
My dad was tired of being behind a guy in a car in front of him, so punches the accelerator to get around him. The other guy tries to speed up to cut my dad off, but that didn't work. My dad continues and pulls into the condo community where he lived. The other guy follows. The garages all have entries from an alley, so my dad pulls down his alley, the guy follows. Dad uses the garage door opener, he is a retired FBI agent and draws his pistol. He pulls into the garage and the other guy, now trespassing blocks the garage and bails out of his car only to come face to face with a 3" S&W mod 65. The guy even had his family with him, so dad settled down a little bit when he saw the wife and kids in the car. Then the classic, 'Why did you bring your family to a gunfight?' The guy turned white and decided he needed to be someplace else.
years ago a old guy had a small bird hanging from his rearview mirror I said hey Al whats that for he just grinned. Now days I have a Tweety Bird hanging from my mirror someone pisses me off or shows me the one finger salute I just point to Tweety and grin. keeps me from showen them something cold and shiny

Naturally, when one is intensely interested in a certain cause, the tendency is to associate particularly with those who take the same view. THEODORE ROOSEVELT “1899”
The best response I've come up with for tail-gaters is slow way the heck down and get to the right. I used to do the standard lock-up-the-brakes-for-2-seconds thing, but grew to have a bit more live and let-live attitude. A wife and kid sort of does that to me, I guess. When followed and unable to disengage, have TWICE pulled into my driveway and exited the car with an 1100 shotgun. Both times, the other car exiting my driveway at some speed. I fully believe that they were only trying to scare me, and I never pointed the shotgun in their direction. Still and all, it would seem that the presence of a firearm does occasionally bring home the seriousness of some people's stupid actions. Some people are so caught up with proving their machismo or expressing anger or eliciting an expression of fear from their targets, they may forget (or not care) that they are causing genuine fear or concern for a person's safety.
Got a darwin award for you to enjoy.

Wife and I were headed home. Guy behind us really wanted to pass but the road had an island in the middle so he could not pass. I was already over the limit by 10 mph. Well he decuded to pass on the right shoulder. He almost lost it doing that. When he got in front of us he hit the brakes and I almost took him out. We were in a van, he was in a small Honda. We did tap his bumper though by the time we stopped.

He gets out and comes up to my window which was down at the time. Right away I could tell he had been drinking a lot. Told him to back off, he did not. Thought about taking him out with the door of the van but instead backed up and drove around him. He jumps into his car to follow us. Then he starts ramming us from behind as we are driving down the road. Wife asked me not to hit the brakes, jump out and beat him to a pulp so I decided to hit the freeway and drive about 15 min's to the state police station. I really figured he would would get tired of following us but he did not.

The best part was that he followed us all the way to the state police station parking lot. Got out of his car and went in to the station. I got out, went in and they already had him under arrest :) I informed them of what happened, that their was no damage to the van (had a hitch on the back) and gave them a statement.

Never heard what happened to him but the look on his face when he realized that he was in a police station will always be with me :) :)

Tailgaters, AHHHH my favorite!!!

I've often thought:
A small container in the trunk, filled with drain oil from the last oil change. Winshield washer pump, short length of poly tube through the licence plate bolt hole. Just a little spritz, not enough to cause any major distraction, just enought to bring on the ineffective wiper and washer action. Too bad it's probobly the basis for a very nasty law suit and possible criminal charges. Still it's nice to dream, and it does take my mind off the a-hole in the mirror.

Hal: A little judiciously-applied mud on your license plate, and substitute sulfuric acid for the oil...Aim at grill-height. A week to a month later...
A double handfull of calatrops out the window really helps with tailgaters.

I had only one real experience with R/R. Snowing to beat hell, night time, the idiot got mad at me because I was driving at a speed that I felt best at under the conditions. Flashing lights, honking horn and all that, right on my bumper. He decided to pass on my right and met Mr. Bridge Abutment at about 60mph. I knew then there was a God.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"