Road rage strikes again

Never mind

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"

[This message has been edited by DC (edited July 15, 1999).]
So, let me see ... in the final analysis, in spite of sensational, anti-self defense headlines:

1. The armed citizen acted in clear self defense.
2. The deceased was a violent drunk, who nearly injured someone with his truck before he picked up his gun.
3. The armed citizen took a violent drunk out of the gene pool, and stopped him from driving any further that day, while his blood alcohol reading was .34.
4. The police agree the armed citizen acted appropriately.

In spite of all of this, I'm sure some bozo, somewhere, sometime, will include this incident in his stat's when he / HCI want to show how violent CO has become due to handguns.

The media is so desperate to distort this issue, it is incredibly obvious they simply try to shoehorn any such incident into their 'road rage' scenario. I'll bet a large sum the original incident was publicized much more widely than the subsequent facts.

I am really furious about such behavior on the part of the media, and I have zero respect for them and their lying allies at HCI, the VPC and others of their ilk.
The first two stories appeared on page A1, top half. The third appeared on B1, State/Local news. Read into that what you like. I'd say, based on my knowledge of the Gazette's determinedly conservative stance, that the final story was relegated to the Local section simply because no one was worried about the outcome.

FWIW, the Gazette refuses to sensationalize gun-related incidents. There was a shooting in a bar two weeks ago, in which someone just walked in, capped a guy sitting at the bar, and walked out. The Gazette mentioned it once, the day after it happened, then mentioned that the shooter had been apprehended a few days later. No ranting, no lecturing, just "This is what happened."

I don't know that the Rocky Mountain News or the Denver Post ever picked up on either case. If they had, they'd be screeching hysterically about the "gun culture" down here like they always do, despite the fact that Denver's violent crime rate is 4x higher than C-Springs, and Denver has the worst laws in the state.

Since I don't have a TV, I don't know what the talking heads are saying about it. Not much, apparently, as the old farts at the range wanted details that they weren't getting through the media.

Sometimes, the press is on our side.

You can't get something for nothing,
You can't have freedom for free.
--Neil Peart