Road Rage-Golf Club Scenario

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sDot said:

In Tennessee, that is likely to get you in deep trouble, moreso even than if you were to shoot the perpetrator.

You are guilty of carrying an illegal weapon with intent to go armed. With a permit, you have a "handgun carry permit." This has been adjudged to not extend to knives, brass knucks, billy clubs, baseball bats and the like. Maximum knife blade length is, I believe 1 3/4" or so. And there is a distinction made between home and auto.

Bob Wright

It's always in my truck, not as a weapon, but as a tool. I actually do most of my weed whacking and tree trimming with my machete, but if I am being attacked anything on hand becomes a weapon. Even a golf club becomes a weapon when used as one.
I would be holding up my phone taking a video of the golfer both to have his actions recorded and also in some hope that him seeing that those action are being recorded might give him reason to re-think those actions.

I like the idea of gathering evidence, but it takes time to get the phone into record mode. Even my iphone that makes it real easy to get to the phone/video app will still take a couple seconds. In addition to taking one of my hands out of play, I'll also be wanting to call 911 too. I'd rather just dial 911, place it on speaker and put my phone on the seat or dash.

But it's scenarios like this that have been making me consider putting a GoPro on my dash and just keep it running in a loop mode. If anything like this happens, I'll have audio and video evidence. You're starting to see more and more motorcycle riders with GoPro's on their helmets or mounted to their bikes. Some would say the reason is for show off videos on youtube, but my buddy told me the main reason he does it is for evidence. Seems like something like this on the dash would be a fairly inexpensive investment that could be very valuable in court, if needed.

But to answer the original question. As soon as the guy exited his vehicle with a weapon, I'd be dialing 911 or having a passenger do it. As soon as he showed violent intent (breaking a headlight) I'd draw. I would not shoot unless I was in imminent danger, but I would certainly let him be aware of the presence of my firearm before he did something foolish.
This possible situation is the primary reason I will always try to leave at least 1/2 or more of a car length between my vehicle and the one in front. Room to maneuver gives an additional option when he gets out of his car. It may be possible to get inside his OODA loop by unexpected action on my part. Moving the vehicle will be quicker than trying to dial 911. Moving the vehicle may transfer some initiative from him to me.

In the OP scenario: Intent is expressed by his words and actions. The club gives him the Ability to inflict harm. The Opportunity exists because you are blocked, in with no retreat.

In my opinion that Opportunity starts when he gets out of his vehicle with a weapon, not necessarily when he reaches your vehicle. You are behind the curve if you’re waiting for him to reach your vehicle before taking action. He needs to see you doing something before he reaches your vehicle. When he reaches your vehicle, I think he should see “GUN!” When he comes within club distance, he should see GUN pointed at him. If he’s truly stupid…
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I once had a gentleman approach me in traffic and although he had no golf club he did make his dissatisfaction with me very clear. I basically sat in my car and ignored him until he approached my car and began to strike the window with his hands and elbow. At this point I simply showed him a small .38 and he reconsidered his previous course of action and returned to his car.

I never pointed the gun at him and was a long way from feeling the need to take any other action. However, I felt it best to let him know what awaited him if he did gain entry to my vehicle. I guess the point is sometimes simply letting the other person know you are prepared to defend yourself might be enough to defuse the situation.

It's hard to say what your reaction may be at the time and the particular situation and circumstances in general. Luckily he wasn't a crazed meth head and return with a .45 or worse. Glad it worked out.
Not Home Town Assassin,Sorry

I am actually from a Detroit suburb. I gladly moved out of that cesspool more then 40 years ago.I have been using that nickname on the internet since around 1993 and this is the first time assassin was mentioned,which I find funny.:cool:
I don't know where the Christmas story came from,leftfield I guess.:eek:This was just a scenario I thought of,no better or no worse then others on here:D
The bottom line is that there is no right "if this than that answer." If all depends on being able to articulate why a reasonable person would have concluded that lethal force is necessary to prevent otherwise unavoidable, immediate death or grave bodily to an innocent.

But I think this has gone about as far as it can go.
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