Rimfire Finishing?


New member
I carry a rimfire whenever I go hunting with a long gun. I know others do so too. One reason mentioned is to finish off big game.

Our big game regulations forbid any rimfire use for deer, antelope, etc. I couldn't find anything in the regs whether using a 22lr to finish off a deer, for instance would be kosher.

Is there anyone here whose state's game regulations spell this out?
my regs do not spell it out but according to queries made, any finishing has to be done with weapons which would be legal for hunting. it's a pain in the butt because I normally pack handguns and it's a lot easier and cheaper for me to pop off a 9mm or 45 in a turkey's head(not to mention cleaner) to put it down than have to waste another shot gun shell on it. while deer hunting I often carry a 22lr for grouse and it's be cheaper to put a 22 in a deers head to finish it off than waste another of my hunting bullets but that's life.
You'll get a hefty fine if caught in Colorado if you use a rimfire to finish off game, if it's part of the legal method of take. Minimum handgun cartridge for big game in CO is around a .41 magnum as it must be larger than .243/6mm and have 500 Ft-Lb energy at 50 yards. It's illegal as well to hunt small game with any cartridge legal for big game during big game seasons without an unfilled big game tag, so no .243 Win for coyote.
That extra rifle round costs what, maybe a dollar, two dollars max. I would rather do that than carry around a handgun, or risk a ticket. To date I have finished a grand total of 1 deer I think with a rifle, and maybe 3 or so with a knife (not necessarily a good idea, but quite effective).
Finishing off a deer is still hunting/harvesting it. If using a firearm to do it, you need to use a firearm that is legal in the season/state/area you are hunting. Otherwise you are violating. Pretty simple and does not need a lawyer to explain why.
If it's not listed, it's not leagal

Is there anyone here whose state's game regulations spell this out?
It actually is but not in the detail you are looking for. This was a question that was asked of a group of Iowa DNR officers and they pointed to the area where it lists what legal firearms, you can use. In short, if it is not listed, it's not legal. ...... :eek:

Another question was asked about "dispatching" a wounded or road-hit deer, thrashing in the ditch. Again, two No-No's. Even if I can legally carry, I cannot dispatch the deer. I don't agree but makes no difference. ... :p

Be Safe !!!
Is there anyone here whose state's game regulations spell this out?
Our's say any type of handgun can be used to dispatch game wounded LEGALLY with another weapon other than bow and arrow.

If hunting "big game" with a handgun as the primary weapon, it has to be "at least as powerful" as a 357 in a straight wall cartridge, and at least a 24 cal in bottlenecks, and with a minimum 5.5 in barrel, or a 22 LR for small game or "non-game" animals
"...to finish off big game..." Hunting regs aside, you should never have to do that. If you do you need to work on your shooting skills. Even moreso if you need to shoot a turkey with any handgun to kill it.
And if you get close enough to a living deer to fix your poor shooting, chances are it'll kick you into next week(severe injuries will, not may, result. Bambi's feet are sharp.) or get up an run off.
it must sure be nice to never botch a shot and hunt animals that don't have adrenal glands. :rolleyes: stuff happens. I've never met a hunter outside of the internet that has never lost an animal at one point in his/her life and I've never seen a hunter that has never had to make a follow up shot at least once in their life.
Rimfires are not legal for use on big game, in any way, where I hunt.

Finishing shots, if needed, are done with a legal handgun* or rifle.

*What, exactly, constitutes a legal handgun can change substantially, depending upon the state in question. In one of the states where I hunt, a .25 ACP would be legal. In others, .41 Mag/.44 Mag are roughly the minimum allowable, and there may be minimum barrel length restrictions.
"...to finish off big game..." Hunting regs aside, you should never have to do that. If you do you need to work on your shooting skills. Even moreso if you need to shoot a turkey with any handgun to kill it.
And if you get close enough to a living deer to fix your poor shooting, chances are it'll kick you into next week(severe injuries will, not may, result. Bambi's feet are sharp.) or get up an run off.

I asked before, and you never answered, but do you really hunt or shoot at all?
I'd love to never have to finish off a deer, but ...every now and then I'll misplace a bullet. Not often, fortunately. T O'Heir must not really be a hunter.

For a while, when I was customer hunting in south Texas, I used a 357 when the customers did some poor shooting. That was too tough on my ears, so I went to a 22 LR revolver and used it for years. Now I don't even carry the 22 along.
I went on a quick quail hunt this morning. I was taking advantage of a break in storms.

One bird was not dead when I picked it up. I guess I need more time with clay shooting so that every bird dies before hitting the ground. I was using light 7 1/2 loads. Maybe I should switch to magnum 2 shot to make sure I never have to finish off a bird again.:)
Open mouth, insert hoof...

I blew the lower jaw off of a doe antelope a few years back. My jaw dropped also... She ran off but I was able to catch up with her. I squared her with a cross body shot at forty yards and thought that should have dropped her, instead she ran off again. My buddy accused me of missing her, but I argued I did not.

Adrenaline does do funny things. When I caught up to her again she was laying down, head up looking. I shot her again and she keeled over. I assume she was pumped up with adrenaline and that is what kept her going so long. I know I was pumped up, because if not I would have sat down and watched expire after the second shot, a solid hit. I unneccesarily inflicted more damage to that poor goat than needed.

Hunting is hunting. If the outcome were guaranteed, it would reduce the sport go mere killing. Besides that, if none ever got away, how could a guy lie about that twelve pointer he shot?

Regarding .22 rim fire, if it is legal to harvest big game in your state with it, it is ok to finish your animal with it (I know of no state that allows it). Otherwise finish it with the rifle or handgun you know is legal to hunt with, along with the approved projectile.
One of my much older cousins carried a 1911 45ACP and "finished off" every deer he shot. Really, he just wanted to shoot something with the 45. I have shot a couple of "wounded but not quite dead" deer with a handgun but mostly to investigate the performance of the bullets in still living tissue. Truthfully, if I can walk up to an animal close enough to make a precise handgun shot, I'll just take a few more quick steps and cut it's throat.
In the Spirit

I'll just take a few more quick steps and cut it's throat.
May not always be a good idea as there have been many folks who have gotten hurt, doing this. .... :eek:

The spirit of this thread is to limit the deer's suffering or for that matter, any animal. I will only say that I will take whatever steps I see fit for the time and place and to keep any animal from suffering. Before Ethanol and weather reduced our Pheasants to almost nothing, it bothered me when we wounded one and could not find it. ..... :mad:

Be Safe !!!