Right Handed, Left Eye Dominant

Dominant eye

I taught young kids to shoot for many years.I never was exposed to the problem prior to that , but soon found out that the problem is quite prevalent

once I started working with kids.It is difficult to teach someone who is right handed to shoot left handed,or visa versa . You will always shoot better with your dominant hand than you will with your weak hand.
An old man who had coached many years explained a very simple solution to the cross dominant eye problem. Being we all wear eye protection when we shoot just put a little piece of frosted scotch tape on the lens of the left eye for right hand left eye shooters. You don't need to cover the entire eye,just a little piece in the line of sight.When the dominant eye can't focus on the target the non dominant picks up the slack and will focus on the target.
Left eye dominant, right handed is even less common than simply being left handed, and we all know how few options are available in left handed bolt action rifles.

Learning to shoot a long gun left handed is not difficult for a young person with a dominant left eye.

Patches, even tiny patches, on eyeglasses are not even close to a solution unless one is shooting only at paper. I will not hunt whitetails or elk half blind.

I would not choose to handicap my use of a firearm for self-defense (or defense of family) with a patch blocking vision with my dominant eye. With all due respect, that simply makes no sense.
Crossed dominance

Left eye you are somewhat missing the point.If you are left handed and left eye dominant it is not a problem other than finding a left handed firearm.
I am right handed but I can't swing a baseball bat right handed or kick a football with my left leg.Naturally I shoot right handed.I would not make a right handed shooter shoot left handed or visa versa.
I small tape dot on the glasses only keeps the non shooting eye from focusing on the front sight it does not block your vision.
As far as hunting,for the 2 seconds it takes to pull the gun up and shoot a deer you can close your eye.
I am left eye dominant and shoot everything right handed right eye and have no problems. All you have to do is close your left eye.
Left eyed

I am left eye dominate as well....Gone through my whole life, 70+ years, just 3 inches off...hehe. I shoot my handguns left handed, and right handed....My friends at the range call me a show off. I score better with my left hand, however. I shoot my rifles right handed...I have a re-healed clavicle on my right side (from a motorcycle accident) where a rifle butt seems to fit perfectly. I can't get comfortable shooting the rifles left handed...Don't feel sorry for me, however, I put 4 rounds touching at 103 yards with my 91/59 this past summer. Gotta witnessed target to prove it...
I'm a lefty but I shoot all my handguns right handed and carry right handed.
All I do is tilt the gun just a little to the left and it lines up with my left eye.

I shoot left just as well left handed also.:D
"Left eye you are somewhat missing the point.If you are left handed and left eye dominant it is not a problem other than finding a left handed firearm."

I understood your point, i.e., it is easier to shoot right handed using your right eye to sight while blocking the vision of your dominant left eye.

My point was that I disagreed. I am right handed and my left eye is dominant. When I was first learning how to shoot a .22 rifle, I naturally shot right handed but I didn't shoot very well. My dad suggested trying to shoot the rifle left handed so I did and my accuracy improved dramatically and rapidly. So, although I am still right handed I shoot all long guns left handed and it felt natural to shoot a left handed bow when I started bow hunting about 20 years ago.

If a person has little or no experience shooting long guns, I think they should at least try to shoot from the same side as their dominant eye. I believe this is easier to learn and more comfortable than trying to close a dominant left eye to shoot right handed. I suspect it would be much more difficult for an older shooter to switch sides.

Finally, my point about the relative scarcity of left handed bolt action rifles was this: I suspect there are far more left handed persons than there are right handed persons with a dominant left eye, but gun makers don't offer a lot a choices for left handed shooters.