Rifles hunting shows use?

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I am comforted by the words of Col Cooper, when shown a new product and someone asked him what it was for? "Why, to sell, of course."

Gun companies and ammo manufacturers make new guns/calibers/bullets/etc to sell. There are lots of us who know that our old .30-06, or .30-30, or whatever cartridge will do the job that we need it to do. I don't believe I own a rifle where the cartridge was introduced after 1964. They kill with authority within their limits and I'm perfectly satisfied with their performance.
I have given up on most of the hunting shows because most are filmed in hunting locations that most of us can't afford. :mad:

When I did purchase some of the products (not firearms but other equipment) endorsed by the "great hunters" they turned out to be junk!
I don't know about huntin shows using a 30-06..but I do watch em....I try to stay clear of shows that are obviously high-fence canned hunts....I like 'Pigman the Series'....He recently hunted part of the ranch I hunt on and shot a couple management bucks....Plus he is from Groesbeck..one county over....I also like 'Meateater'....Also some of the bowhunting shows..I like Michael Waddell's style(Bonecollector) and 'The Crush' with Tiffany Lakosky..for obvious reasons.....


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Agreed............ Kinda. It doesn't bother me that they hunt on closed ranches or large tracks of high fence. I've hunted hogs on one such high fence area and they're big enough to be challenging and real. But I can't afford to deer hunt on em, can't afford a guide, can't afford the tags. And to tell the truth deer hunting shows get pretty dang boring. Same scenery, same big deer.

But I do watch predator hunting shows. They're not high fence, terrain varies, licenses are cheap or free. That's about the only out of state hunting I can afford. Some are very poorly done (almost on the verge of being fake with all the cut aways and obviously bogus camera angles), some are pretty good. Hog hunting shows are pretty fun too for the same reasons. Cheap enough to afford being the big one.
Well, high fence doesn't mean squat if the pasture is a couple of thousand acres or more--which is the most common. I could high-fence the 100 acres of my southeast pasture and the only way you'd see a deer would be if he stood on his hind legs and waved at you.

But, since the subject of the thread is rifles, I guess the consensus seems to be that they don't really discuss rifles and cartridges all that much.
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